Xu Jun and the corner of his lips twitched twice, and his brown eyes turned twice in his eyes. Then he said with a smile:

"of course, I remember it, and the taste is particularly enchanting!"

Mu Chuqing was stupefied. After knowing later, she seemed to turn the topic to an embarrassing direction. She raised her eyes and glared at Xu Jun with one eye, and pushed Xu Jun away with a strong hand.

Although the two people's voices were not big enough, they could make the other two people in the box hear clearly.

Sheng Yuchen just picked up his chopsticks and put it on the edge of the table. He was tight. His dark eyes suddenly showed cold light, like the sharpest ice skate. Looking at the interaction between the two people, Sheng Yuchen wanted to strip the bones and cramp them.

But, he is low collect this eyelid, often Chu gave him clip dish to put in his dish, homeopathy looked at Sheng Yu Chen's expression, did not notice what unusual.

Most of the dishes on the table are seafood. There is no doubt that Chang Chu likes to eat seafood.

In the middle of the table are two kinds of hot. Mu Chuqing has always been used to drinking soup before meals. She refused the service of the waiter on one side. She stood up and filled herself with a bowl of mushroom soup. She put it before and after her noodles. She looked back at Xu JUNHE.

"Would you like some soup?"

Xu Jun and nature are hard to get. He handed over the bowl, and mu Chuqing took it over and gave him another kind of hot, two-color almond pig's foot soup.

"Here you are

Xu Jun and took over, looking at mu Chuqing, looking at him with some embarrassment in his eyes, he slightly moved his eyebrows and asked, "what are you laughing at?"

"No, I suggest you have another bowl of soup later."


Mu Chuqing looked at him for a while and chuckled.

Xu JUNHE's eyes are straight again. It's the first time that she smiles so happily. The beautiful person is also painted with exquisite makeup. Ever since meeting her, she has been a cold and cold attitude that refuses to be seen from thousands of miles away. The light and bright smile like now really makes Xu JUNHE amazing again.

BR, , pointing to the milk bowl, she said with a shaking smile? If you want to be enchanted at night, you can be self-sufficient Poof

Mu Chuqing's face was flushed with laughter, but she was betrayed by her trembling shoulders.

Several waiters standing by the wall of the box looked at each other, tightly pursed their lips and forced to smile.

Chang Chu looks at mu Chuqing almost out of control and grins.

Sheng Yuchen's dark eyes flashed a little surprise at first. Then, he saw Xu Jun and a black face. He looked at mu Chuqing with embarrassment. The corners of his mouth even gently pulled.

After drinking a bowl of soup, mu Chuqing also had 30% satiety. He picked some non seafood dishes and ate two.

Although the style is exquisite, mu Chuqing is a little interested.

The turntable turned for a while and then stopped.

Mu Chuqing did not pay attention, and then looked up to see the dishes in front of him.

Spicy water chicken, spicy chicken pieces.

It's all she likes!

For example, if the chicken is not spicy, it is better for her.

Obviously, these two dishes are the two dishes that she is most satisfied with tonight.

she stretched out her chopsticks and took a piece of spicy chicken with saliva. She just took a bite, but Chang Chu whispered:

"Chen, are you going to eat this Abalone with plum juice? Don't you like acid? "

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