Mu Chu Qing smell speech, eyebrows wrinkled, chewing action also gradually slow down, lift eyes to see Sheng Yuchen from afar.

But Sheng Yuchen nods to Chang Chu at the moment, and says to Chang Chu: "en, give me."

Chang Chu a face is surprised to put that plum juice abalone in Sheng Yuchen's dish.

Mu Chu Qing's line of sight actually forgot to take back, the eye opens to see Sheng Yu Chen ate a mouthful.

Look at his almost expressionless elegant chewing, but the eyebrows can not be observed, mu Chuqing is really observed in the eyes.

She clenched her chopsticks tightly and felt a sharp pain in her heart. The spicy chicken in her mouth began to be sour and astringent.


Mingming is allergic to sour taste

Mu Chuqing had a moment of weakness in her heart. She swallowed the chicken in her mouth and stretched out her chopsticks.

Sheng Yuchen saw mu Chuqing and put a piece of chicken in his dish. Finally, he was less fierce in his black eyes.

He stretched out his hand to pinch abalone in front of him, but the turntable suddenly turned.

He frowned and looked up, but saw mu Chuqing frown and glared at him. He pressed the rotating table and turned the abalone in plum sauce to his eyes.

Then she picked up one of them and put them on the side of Xu Jun and the dish, which had been silent all the time.

Xu Jun and frowned at her, but she was able to smile and said: "still angry, just in a joke!"

Xu Jun and his face still did not improve, but mu Chuqing patted him on the shoulder to comfort him.

Then, mu Chuqing put on plastic gloves and peeled an emperor crab with pliers and put it in front of Xu Jun and Xu Jun.

"Don't be angry!"

Mu Chuqing is obviously flattering, which makes Xu Jun and his face smile.

"Another one!"


Mu Chuqing picked up a "carba" and "carba" for a few times, and put the crab into Xu JUNHE's dish.

"Very fast, old hand?"

Xu Jun and aimed at her one eye, casually said.

Mu Chuqing's face was stiff, pursed his lips and took the gloves off and put them aside.

"What do you do to take it off? Peel the shrimp for me

Mu Chuqing's face suddenly floated a layer of crimson, subconsciously raised his eyes to see Sheng Yuchen, but saw Sheng Yuchen was also looking at her.

Dark eyes in a dark, deep lock eyebrows, with a deep pupil with a bully and warning.

Just at the right time, Chang Chu raised his hand and handed Sheng Yuchen a piece of salmon in the seafood sashimi plate. Sheng Yuchen took back his eyes, looked at Chang Chu gently, and bowed his head and ate the fish.

Mu Chuqing is full of sneer, so far, what is she still thinking about?!

The restlessness in her heart made her upset. She picked up the wine at hand and drank all the wine in the glass without considering other people.

One of the waiters came forward and poured it again for her, and then she finished drinking again

Several times in a row, a bottle of wine was drunk by mu Chuqing alone!

"You're crazy! What's a good man to drink there

Xu JUNHE finally couldn't look down. He frowned and took her arm. A pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes were soaked with a touch of hostility. He looked at mu Chuqing with a faint smile.

Mu Chuqing is because drink too fast, at the beginning did not feel, but in Xu Jun and pull her hard, the head jerked toward him, she felt dizzy.

"Slow down, you make me dizzy!"


Xu Jun and the words front suddenly stop, he fixed to see Mu Chu Qing for a few seconds, see her beautiful face because of the wine has become more enchanting.

Beautiful eyes slightly narrowed, beautiful face floating on the thick evil and ambiguous. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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