Don't call me evil god

Chapter 131 Face Changing Artist

Although the people around him were still shouting in fear that he was doomed, Pete was relieved.

The success rate has increased, which means that his approach is correct!

Just as he was about to insert the next bolt, Ronald, who was beaten black and blue by Brandon, limped over and saw Pete directing the magician's hand to fiddle with something on the tail of the airship. He hurriedly shouted:

"Hey, hey, hey! You are not a professional. Can you really repair the airship!"

"If the tail is out of control or the airbag explodes due to operational errors, we will all die here!"

"According to Article 6 of the 3rd Article of the Carron Commercial Aviation Alliance, if a passenger privately modifies or adjusts the airship parts and causes an accident, the passenger must compensate for all commercial losses caused by the accident!"

"Also, you beat the captain without reason, which violated Article 11 of Article 7. I want to ask you for 5 gold coins as compensation for mental damage!"

Pet didn't even turn his head and replied unhappily: "Okay, I'll stop now and you can fix it?"

Ronald immediately wilted.

He can't do it even more!

Under normal circumstances, a goblin airship should be equipped with at least two flight crews, the captain is responsible for steering, and the engineer is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the mechanical part of the airship.

If one less engineer is on board, can't one more passenger ticket be sold?

With this mentality, Ronald fired the engineer of the Golden Tide Windbreaker some time ago!

Safe sailing?

As long as we can reach the destination!

The previous dozen voyages were lucky and there were no problems, but this time the accumulated big thunder was finally detonated.

Pete and his friends were lucky and won the prize on the spot.

Fortunately, Nowen provided task guidance.

According to the information, he learned and mastered the corresponding methods, even if he was just getting started, it was enough for Pete to find the position that needed to be repaired in the complex mechanical structure of the airship.

The repair method is very simple.

After operating the wizard's hand to firmly twist the bolt into it, check the task success rate.

If the success rate increases, it means that there is no problem with this operation.

If the success rate remains the same, it means that this location is not the cause of the airship failure, and we should look for other places;

If the success rate decreases...

Pete looked at the bolts he pulled out and saw the unclear letters "B.R" on them.

"Brandon! You did a good job!"

Brandon was also dizzy: "This can't be blamed on me! It's all the fault of that old scoundrel Gungun. The raw materials he bought are inferior products. No matter how finely polished they are, it's useless."

After learning that this box of spare bolt parts came from Gungun Bolt Workshop, Pete wondered if there would be inferior products of unqualified quality, after all, this is a product of the goblins.

Sure enough.

There are indeed inferior products in it, and they are produced by acquaintances!

Pete's face turned black.

If there was no reminder from the task guide, he would not know which bolt was of qualified quality. Maybe after a long time of repair, the success rate would not increase but decrease.

If this airship can successfully escape danger and finally land in Ceylon, Pete thinks that everyone on the airship should kowtow to the great God of Knowledge!

As the bolts of decent quality were inserted into the mechanical structure of the tail wing by the wizard, the airship finally slowly restored its normal power supply, and the previous shaking that seemed to tear the hull apart gradually subsided.

The goblins are all excellent face-changing performance artists, and Ronald is naturally one of the best.

"God of Wealth bless! It's really fixed?!"

Pete curled his lips and muttered softly.

"It's the God of Wealth, thank the God of Knowledge!"

Ronald was half relieved and half regretful.

Fortunately, the emergency repair of the airship was completed, and this voyage could reach the destination smoothly;

The regret is that in order to repair the tail wing, Pete and his team decisively threw a lot of cargo boxes down, and the goods in them would definitely not be found, and I'm afraid they will have to pay a lot of money.

Ronald had already started rolling his eyes, thinking about what terms and reasons he could find to avoid paying the compensation.

Of course, he did not forget to thank the few people who actually repaired the airship.

Previously, he was still shouting that he would have to pay compensation for the damage, mental damages, etc., but now he was smiling brightly in front of Pete and others, and his wrinkled face was smiling like a blooming chrysanthemum:

"Thank you for your timely help. Since you didn't damage the airship, compensation... I won't do it again next time!"

"In addition, as a token of my gratitude, I am willing to personally grant you the honorary passenger status of the Jinchao Pofeng. In the future, as long as you choose to take the Jinchao Pofeng, I can give you a 30% discount... um... forget it... or 50% off!"

"I can give you a 50% discount on the boat ticket!"

"Please make sure to give priority to the Jinchao Pofeng when traveling!"

Brandon wanted to nod stupidly: "Okay, okay! Thank you, Captain!"

Pet's eyes twitched when he heard it, but he didn't know what to say.

When the goblin captain Ronald returned to the deck to steer, Pete reluctantly reminded Brandon:

"You don't really want to ride this airship again. Do you really think that guy is so kind?"

"Ronald obviously saw that we can repair airships. Isn't it the same as bringing a group of airship engineers who have to buy tickets?"

"Given the situation of the Golden Tide Windbreaker, I bet it will have problems sooner or later!"

"Besides, it was this guy who caused the accident by overloading the cargo and not bringing an engineer with him as required. How come we have to thank him?"

Brandon exclaimed, and after listening to Pete's explanation, he realized where the problem was:

"Then should we... ask him for compensation?"

Gail shrugged: "You think too much, this is the business of the goblins!"

"If you go to the captain, he will definitely tell you that you can ask for compensation. Please bring relevant evidence and documents to Greenport City Hall, find the Transportation Business Department, complain to the Carron Commercial Aviation Alliance, and then wait for the service window to give a reply within a maximum of 30 natural days. After receiving the acceptance receipt, go to the local Go to the General Union of Precision Engineering, report the illegal operation of the Jinchao Pofeng, wait for them to investigate the specific illegal situation, and then..."

"In short, they will try their best to delay your time or confuse you with complicated procedures until you run out of patience."

"Do you know how much the Greenport City Hall's annual complaint compensation budget is?"


"Carron Lagan never allocated funds to this department, and the goblins didn't plan to compensate."

Brandon didn't understand the twists and turns in it. He almost fainted just by listening to Gale's description, and couldn't help complaining: "With such a deceptive rule, why didn't anyone imitate a batch of airships and steal the goblins' business?"


Thanks to Kosmo for the 100 starting coins, Qian'an Yuebei for the 500 starting coins, and Renxing for the 100 starting coins. Hi, thank you three big guys, I wish you rich every day and immortality!

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