Don't call me evil god

Chapter 132 Current coordinates: Eastern border, Ceylon Territory

After hearing Brandon's question, Gale had some understanding of it and explained:

"Because only the goblin's airship can fly long distances in the wild without being attacked by flying monsters."

"Someone once tried to imitate a similar airship. It was fine to take off and sail, but at most it could fly back and forth in a few nearby cities. Once it entered the wild, it would most likely be attacked by monsters."

"If you calculate the cost, it would be more cost-effective to send a few more carriages."

Under the threat of evil god pollution, a large number of animals and plants in the wild were transformed into monsters by the chaotic aura, becoming crazy and aggressive.

Monsters naturally include those that can fly.

It is relatively safe near cities where civilized races gather. Most monsters usually only occupy their own territories, but routes like airships that cross cities and cross several regions will inevitably fly over the wilderness.

The airship itself is actually very fragile, and it relies on the huge airbags on it to stay aloft;

Once the airbags are attacked and damaged, it will be forced to land at the least, or crash at the worst.

"Ah? Why is this happening? Only the goblin airships are not attacked by monsters?"

Gail shook his head: "I don't know."

"This is a trade secret of the Green Harbor goblins. Carron Lagan started his business by providing air transport services. No one knows how he did it."

"Okay." Brandon sighed regretfully, took out a notebook from his jacket pocket, and began to write and draw on the swaying airship:

"On July 1, 997 of the New Huili, Sir Robert stepped forward at the critical moment, fearless in the face of danger, and saved the goblin airship named Jinchao Pofeng! I have received sincere thanks from the captain and all the passengers!"

"Mr. Brandon waved to everyone generously, saying that everything was within his expectations. As long as he was there, this airship would become a miracle that would never fall!"

"This is an insignificant experience in the adventure career of the legendary hero Brandon. I will leave a memorial in words to commemorate it for future generations!"


As the first golden light of dawn lit up from the end of the dark forest, Miranda finished her daily practice of praying to the God of Light. At this time, looking down from the airship to the ground, the scenery was very different from Green Port.

Green Port is located in the coastal area at the southernmost end of the Prantis continent. It is hot and rainy all year round. The plants growing on the hills, low mountains and plains also have distinct regional characteristics.

The most iconic is the rows of coconut trees and mangroves with thick leaves and stems near the port.

As the airship approached the Ceylon Territory in the east of the Kingdom of Reyak, the environment began to change to the plains in the interior of the continent far away from the ocean.

The terrain is relatively flat and the climate is relatively mild. Several rivers originate from the Dark Forest and flow westward to the capital. The fertile soil irrigated along the way is suitable for farming, and a large number of villages and towns are built along the rivers.

Looking from the air, you can see large tracts of neat golden wheat fields and traces of human buildings scattered on the land.

Unfortunately, further east, after crossing the border, the environment does not look so good.

Even if the sun rises and brings light to this continent, the Dark Forest still looks dead.

No matter how bright the sunlight is, it cannot illuminate the primeval forest with dense trees. The sky above the entire forest is filled with a faint and oppressive atmosphere, which makes people feel afraid just by looking at it from a distance.

Miranda frowned and looked in the direction of the Dark Forest.

When she was receiving training from the Crusaders, she went to the border once. Of course, she was only responsible for the treatment and logistics behind the front line.

At that time, she heard from her companions in the Crusaders.

The situation in the Dark Forest has been getting worse in recent years, the atmosphere of chaos has become more serious, and the number of monsters has also increased.

The Crusaders, adventurers, and mercenaries have been clearing out the monsters that have escaped from the forest for a long time, but the situation has not improved at all. Monsters are still pouring out from the depths of the forest.

Ceylon Territory is the closest noble fiefdom to the Dark Forest on the eastern border. It was granted to the Countess of Ceylon, who is loyal to the royal family. Her other identity is a powerful wizard who is said to be proficient in illusion and enchantment magic.

Countess Ceylon is a strong-willed iron-blooded noble. Although the location of the territory is not very safe, after she took control of the governance of the territory, she took the lead in organizing adventurers to clear the monster threats on the border several times, and even made the extermination of monsters into a business.

Yes, business.

After being contaminated by the evil aura and transformed into a monster, the original body structure of animals and plants will be distorted.

But the results of this distortion are not necessarily all bad. Sometimes, good weapons and armor materials can be found from the corpses of monsters, or materials for certain potions can be extracted, or even some unique raw materials can be extracted.

Countess Ceylon was once a famous adventurer before she was canonized.

She had a close relationship with a dwarf friend, and left many stories about them on the continent.

The various materials obtained from killing monsters were directly supplied to the dwarf city of Stone Castle adjacent to the north of the Kingdom of Reyak through the channels of her dwarf friend.

A stable industrial chain was formed, which revitalized the economy of Ceylon.

"Dear distinguished passengers and friends, we are about to arrive in Ceylon smoothly! If you need to return, please be sure to consider the Golden Tide Windbreaker, which has maintained an excellent record of zero mortality after sailing for many years. Captain Ronald will be your best choice for traveling and doing business!"

Accompanied by Ronald's shrill and piercing voice, the goblin airship wobbled and landed in an open space outside Ceylon City, making a loud bang when it landed.

When getting off the airship, Pete noticed that the tail wing had dropped some unknown parts due to the impact of landing.

"If I ride this cheating Jinchao Fengpo again in my life, I will be a dog!"

Pete swore secretly in his heart.

Unlike Pete and Gale, two locals born and raised in the Ceylon Territory, Brandon and Reina came to the border of the kingdom for the first time, and it was a border with monsters as neighbors.

The first impression of Ceylon City is that the people are tough!

Adventurers and mercenaries of all kinds from all over the Kingdom of Reyak gathered here.

The dark forest is a symbol of danger, but danger is accompanied by opportunities.

Fighting monsters for a long time may be polluted by the breath of evil gods and corrupted.

But short-term hunting is not a big problem, so adventurers and mercenaries who make a living by destroying monsters and looking for valuable distortion materials are born.

As for the second impression.

Reina looked at the temporary shacks outside the city and exclaimed:

"So many refugees!"


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