Don't call me evil god

Chapter 133 Refugees

A large number of refugees collected materials such as wood and gravel outside Ceylon City and built temporary sheds that were neither windproof nor rainproof, cool in winter and warm in summer, with good lighting on all sides and full ventilation.

The situation of these people is much worse than that of the homeless people in Green Port!

At least there is a church in Green Port to provide relief food. In addition, some big businessmen in the upper city will regularly hold charity in the lower city.

Because Carloen Lagan has a policy of setting up a city hall, the cost of charity can offset the commercial transaction tax collected by the city hall!

Many of the homeless people in Green Port have lost all their property or even carried high debts due to extortion by gangs or fraud by profiteers. They have no hope of turning over, so they simply beg on the streets. Anyway, they can get free food and at least they won't starve to death.

There is no similar situation in Ceylon City.

The refugees here are real refugees.

It is difficult to guarantee even basic food and clothing.

Pale and thin is not enough to describe their condition. Just from what Reina saw, many people were half-lying in the shade, avoiding the sun's scorching sun, with dull eyes, as if their souls had left their bodies.

"No one is helping these refugees?" Miranda was also a little unbelievable.

What she saw and heard in the lower city of Green Harbor was a bit shocking, not to mention this time, Miranda was shocked to see groups of refugees struggling to make ends meet in the shacks gathered outside the city.

Gale, who knew more about the Ceylon Territory, shook his head helplessly:

"I helped, but it was useless."

"The refugee problem has been like this in Ceylon Territory for so many years."

"If nothing unexpected happens, it should be that a nearby village was attacked by monsters, causing the farmland to be destroyed."

Where monsters stay for a long time, the land will be polluted, and the crops grown will become deformed.

To remove this pollution, either wait for the monsters to retreat and the chaotic atmosphere to slowly dissipate, or ask the deacons of the Harvest Church to use divine arts to ask the gods to bless the land.

The effect of the harvest magic is very powerful. In addition to dispersing the polluted land, there are also options such as increasing crop yields or shortening the growth time.

But the number of deacons who can cast divine arts is limited.

There are too many people on the land, and it is impossible to take care of all the arable land.

"Once the fields are destroyed, they continue to stay at home. They have no income and no food source. They are really waiting to die. They go to the surrounding towns to become refugees, begging and scavenging, and survive for half a year or a year. When the pollution on their own land dissipates, they have a chance to go back and resume farming."

Gail thought about it and added:

Miranda was speechless.

She didn't ask why these refugees were not allowed to enter the city, but why they were stopped outside the city. Such a stupid question.

The monster attack is accompanied by the pollution of the evil god's breath. Not only is the land polluted, but these refugees are also potential "sources of pollution."

Putting them in the city means that the whole town may be contaminated by the evil god.

Allowing them to build huts not far from the city is already a tolerance.


Pet suddenly said faintly:

"Actually... maybe there is a way to help these refugees now."

Gail was stunned.

He and Pet both grew up in Ceylon Territory. For so many years, the refugee problem has never improved.

It's not that they don't want to help, but they can't help them at all, and they can't help them.

The refugees are almost all pure farmers. They can't do anything except farming and simple physical and manual work.

The number of odd jobs such as hard labor or odd jobs in Ceylon Territory is also limited, and it is impossible to meet the job needs of so many refugees.

It is unrealistic to expect to cultivate their skills.

According to the church's propaganda, the threat of evil gods is almost everywhere in the continent of Prantis.

Almost all jobs with a little technical content require faith in the corresponding gods and their approval.

For example, if you want to be a blacksmith apprentice, you must at least establish faith in Gunnir, the god of casting, and receive his blessing. Otherwise, without the protection of the gods during the forging process, the quality of the product will be extremely poor.

Mr. Moni, who runs a tavern in Green Harbor, also has faith in Diuyiso, the god of fine wine, and the blessing from the gods, so that he can brew beer with a unique flavor instead of a bunch of sour and unpleasant products.

The reason why these refugees are pure farmers is that they have tried the faith of most gods, and only the god of harvest and food, who almost accepts everyone, is willing to bless them.

Wanting to help them is equivalent to supporting a group of farmers who have lost their farmland.

The cost required is a bottomless pit that cannot be filled. Hundreds or even thousands of mouths are waiting for food every day, and no one can save them.

Pete continued:

"The God of Knowledge is different from the gods of the New Huili era. He will guide his believers equally."

"If their prayers to the God of Knowledge are answered, perhaps the Lord will tell them the direction to save themselves?"

Pet's thoughts reminded everyone.

"Yes!" Brandon also reacted, "Even if it makes it easier for them to scavenge!"

"Mr. Pete is worthy of it," Lena asked eagerly with sparkling eyes: "What should we do, preach to them directly?"

Pet and Gale shook their heads almost at the same time.

"No! No!"


Pete pointed in the direction of the Dark Forest in the east and explained to Reina: "This place is different from Greenport."

"Greenport is actually a very free city. As long as you are not an evil god, no one will care who you preach to or which god's faith you preach."

"It's different from Ceylon Territory. It's too close to the Dark Forest. The followers and monsters that the evil god has contaminated and transformed are entrenched in the east."

"Once a cultist spreads dangerous doctrines here and attracts the attention of the evil god, the destruction of the town is the least of it."

"Therefore, only the church of God recognized by the Glorious God can set up a church in the town, spread the doctrine, and develop believers."

"If a personal private preaching is found to have problems, it will be treated as a believer of the evil god!"

"As for the situation of the God of Knowledge..."

Reina hummed uncomfortably.

She also remembered what the mysterious Mr. Bahamut said in Greenport.

The old gods may not be detected by the magic of the new Huili gods.

It is almost impossible to obtain the recognition of the Glorious God Church from the procedure. It is good enough that they are not labeled as a sect that believes in evil gods.

"However, it is not completely impossible."

Pete hesitated for a few seconds, as if he had made up his mind, and said slowly:

"In fact, there is another way to get the recognition of the Kingdom and the Glorious God Church."

Reina was stunned: "What is the way?"

Pete uttered six words seriously:

"The Act of Developing Nobility!"


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