Don't call me evil god

Chapter 134: The Noble Development Act

The Act of the Exploration of Nobility.

A new act promulgated by the king of the Kingdom of Reyak a few years ago.

The reason for the emergence of this act is that with the continuous enfeoffment of successive kings, in fact, most of the land in the Kingdom of Reyak has been awarded to nobles who swore allegiance to the king.

In recent years, the kingdom has been in a situation where there is nothing left to enfeoff.

Not enough land and too many nobles.

The previous alternative was to promulgate the "Manor Nobility" and "Noble Inheritance Act".

This is the case with the fathers of Pete and Gale. Although they were ennobled as nobles, they had no fiefs and could only get manors awarded by the king, and their descendants must meet the conditions of the "Noble Inheritance Act" to inherit their father's titles.

In comparison, the Exploration of Nobility is the third type of nobility after the "Fiefdom Nobility" and "Manor Nobility".

The Act stipulates that if the territory is demarcated outside the existing borders of the kingdom to complete the development, the number of subjects meets the standard and the territory has existed for more than one year, they can become hereditary nobles recognized and ennobled by the king, and enjoy autonomy within the territory!

The larger the territory, the more people there are, and the higher the noble title you can be conferred.

Starting from Viscount, it is possible to be Grand Duke!

The rewards of the bill are extremely tempting.

The reality is also very touching.

The actual situation is that after the introduction of this bill, to this day, not to mention Duke, even few people have successfully been conferred Viscount.

This is to go outside the border to open up wasteland, and face the invasion of monsters at all times.

How to ensure the safety of the territory?

How to ensure that the needs of the people are met?

Every year, there are "brave people" who try to challenge the pioneering, but their final end is miserable.

It is good to escape back to the kingdom in disgrace;

The more unlucky ones are directly attacked by monsters and break through the territory, and die directly outside.


If Pete had not received the attention of Norwen and believed in the God of Knowledge, he would not have considered the matter of pioneering nobles.

He should honestly wait until graduation to return to his hometown, Chim Town, and then find a good girl to marry, and prepare to start training little Qinar.

With the belief in the God of Knowledge and the guidance of the blessing, when Pete was in Green Harbor, the flame of ambition was slowly growing in his heart.

What is the most difficult thing about pioneering outside the border?

The answer is undoubtedly to fight against the invasion of monsters!

The adventurers took the initiative to attack, picking up the lone monsters and beating them up.

The main attack is to bully the weak with the strong, bully the small with the big, and fight the few with the many.

To pioneer outside the border means to guard a fixed area.

At this time, the competition is hard power!

The number of professionals gathered under the command is not enough, and a group of farmers and ordinary craftsmen alone cannot defend the territory!

This is why few people could become pioneer nobles before.

Those who can recruit enough professionals are often great nobles of the kingdom and do not need to take the path of pioneer nobles.

Those who want to become pioneer nobles are not strong enough and do not have that ability.

After Pete realized that the guidance of the God of Knowledge could greatly reduce the threshold for believers to become professionals, he thought about pioneer nobles.

He does not need to recruit ready-made professionals.

Because believers of the God of Knowledge can become professionals through their own efforts!

In extreme cases, everyone can become a soldier! At least a 1st-level professional!

After the activity of eliminating the Blood Fang Gang in Green Harbor came to an end, Pete was looking for the most cost-effective place to choose as the expected territory if he wanted to go beyond the border to open up after returning to the Kingdom of Reyak.

With the oracle of Norwen, Pete no longer had to worry about it.

The location of the "Creation Altar" in the main task was just outside the border of the Kingdom of Reyak.

Isn't this a ready-made territory site?

You can complete the task assigned by the God of Knowledge and open up the territory!

Moreover, with the name of the Creation Altar and the words in the task description, Pete had a vague premonition.

He felt that the God of Knowledge seemed to be guiding the believers, and deliberately wanted them to go beyond the border and carry out activities around the "Creation Altar"!

Pete, who always had a perfect score in reading and understanding the oracle of the God of Knowledge, expressed great confidence!

This time he definitely predicted the will of God. There is no doubt that he is on the right path!

Pet explained the development of the noble law and his own plan to Brandon, Rena and Miranda, who did not know much about the Kingdom's noble law.

"I think that the Lord is guiding us to find the Creation Altar, and it must not be as simple as just finding it."

"It is also said at the end of the main quest that the subsequent tasks and rewards will be unlocked after completing the task."

"Whether it is Green Port or Ceylon Territory, the power of other God churches is deeply rooted. The God of Knowledge is an old god and may not be able to coexist peacefully with them."

Pet is not stupid. He also realized that the Seeking Knowledge Sect would snatch away the believers and even the faith of other churches.

"If we can build a territory that truly belongs to the Seeking Knowledge Sect around the Creation Altar, we don't have to worry about these problems!"

"This must be the will that the Lord really wants to guide us."

Rena was the first to respond eagerly to Pete's proposal: "I am willing to go with you! I want to help those in need!"

"If the territory is successfully built, there will be many places that need to be built, and a good tavern will definitely be needed! At that time, we can use the instant messenger to send the message and let them come here too!"

Brandon adjusted the position of the greatsword on his back and smiled confidently: "My requirements are not high. If we succeed, I will personally carve a statue of me and stand it in the territory, leaving behind deeds for people to sing!"

Miranda hesitated.

She is a believer of the God of Radiance and also believes in the God of Knowledge.

From her standpoint, she hopes that the churches of the two gods can recognize each other.

Because she relied on offering faith to the God of Knowledge, she also gained a lot. In just a few days, she mastered two of the five blessing spells of the 2nd-level priest.

This was something that could never be done when she simply believed in the God of Radiance.

But when she was in Green Harbor, she and her companions tacitly did not report the matter of the God of Knowledge and the Seeking Knowledge Sect to the new bishop Lei Yanke Eugene.

Because after the incident with Bishop Sket, Miranda was a little reluctant to admit that she found that the God of Radiance and the Church of Radiance... didn't seem to be completely equal.

This was different from her previous understanding of the Church of Radiance.

What the church did in the name of Radiance might actually violate the teachings of Radiance.

She chose to temporarily leave the Crusaders for this reason.

Miranda hoped to see the outside world with her own eyes.

To see what the real Church of Radiance was like, and what the teachings of Radiance she should follow were.

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