Don't call me evil god

Chapter 149 Border Rat

After determining the direction of progress based on the main mission and the map, Old Bill and the others were even more eager than Peter and others, actively exploring the road ahead.

Full of motivation and no intention of slacking off.

On the one hand, they feel that they have been favored by the God of Knowledge, and they should naturally serve this God who bestows blessings on them!

On the other hand, after Pate's introduction, they already understood the value of knowledge points!

As long as you have enough points, you can redeem all kinds of knowledge, including the magic of the God of Glow and the God of Harvest.

They can also use their own power to cast magical spells with their own hands!

The illnesses suffered by these refugees are not actually incurable terminal illnesses.

Quite the opposite.

Received several treatments from level 3 glow magic [Cure Disease];

Or take a potion corresponding to the disease several times.

Almost restored to health.

The biggest reason why they were desperate in the past was that they couldn't do either of these two methods.

There are not many professionals who master this magical technique in Ceylon, and it would cost a lot of money to hire them. When the monks of the Glow God Religion come to give alms, it is true that they will use the magical technique for free on the refugees, but Each time they have no chance of being chosen as the lucky ones to receive treatment;

Potions also cost money.

If you can't afford it, it's useless to say anything.

But now the situation is completely different.

The hope for the future was almost clearly laid out in front of them, almost to the point of being burned in their faces!

As long as they work hard and earn enough points, they can cure themselves whether they learn the glow magic or the alchemy magic!

In the past, they had no choice but to see no hope of survival, so they were willing to risk their lives to give their families a future.

If you can live well now, no one will think about dying anymore!

The bright fire of hope was rekindled in their hearts!

The terrain outside the dark forest is also very complicated. Dense woods are mixed with shrubs and vines as tall as a person. The dead branches and fallen leaves on the ground are even more difficult to move forward.

The progress of Peter and his party was very slow.

Most of the plants have been deformed after being contaminated by the evil god's aura. The vines have become tougher, and dense barbs have grown on the surface. If you are not careful, you may get entangled and scratched.

And you have to always be on guard against attacks from monsters hiding in the dark.

Not long after entering the outskirts of the forest, Brandon was attacked by a sneak attack.

A huge "rat" suddenly jumped out of the shadows and almost jumped on Brandon on the spot.

The mouse's fur turned a strange purple-brown color, and its huge bulging eyeballs almost occupied the entire eye socket. The pupils shrank and expanded from time to time, flashing a crazy blood-red light, and the claws at the end of its limbs became extremely sharp.

The most bizarre thing is the pale white bone spurs growing out everywhere on its body.

The distorted bone structure directly penetrates the skin, and the sharp bone spurs at the end are shining coldly, enough to easily pierce the flesh and blood of ordinary people.

The distortion direction of this monster is towards "ossification", and those extra weird bones are the most obvious feature.

When it pounced on Brandon from the darkness, Brandon was startled and almost didn't have time to react. At the last moment, he had time to make a sideways movement and barely escaped the sneak attack.

"Fake! Bone the monster!"

"Do all the rats outside the border look like this?"

Brandon drew his weapon without hesitation, and before the big rat launched another attack, he aroused his anger and struck hard with his sword!

Although it is not suitable for the use of a two-handed sword in a small combat environment like a dense forest, and there is very little space for chopping, but with the attack power of anger and the weight of the weapon, Brandon can kill it with one sword. Knocked to the ground, leaving a deep wound on the monster's body!

The monster mouse let out a hoarse and sharp cry, and the injury also aroused its madness. It curled up, revealing the deformed bone spurs on its back, and tried to hit Brandon.

"Fire Blast!"

(Fire blast!)

The sound of Gale chanting a magic spell came.

A small flame flew towards the monster, burning its fur. The monster's movements were immediately interrupted, and it rolled on the ground in pain.

It is an unchanging truth that fire is weaker than fire. The impact of [Arcane Missile] at this time is definitely not as good as the burning effect of the same level 1 magic [Fire Blast].

Brandon cooperated decisively with another heavy chop!

This time the attack was finally fatal.

The long-lost reminder came:

[Destroy level 0 boned monsters, knowledge points +0.375, legendary experience +2.5]

[Rewards have been revised based on the level of contribution and the number of combatants]

"Tsk, God, I didn't expect that one day I would miss the Blood Fang Gang!"

Brandon smacked his lips and sighed.

He finally realized how big the difference was between "limited activities" and "ordinary hunting".

When wiping out the Blood Fang Gang, if you kill an enemy, you can usually get about 7 or 8 knowledge points and dozens of legendary experience points.

Now to eliminate the monsters in the dark forest, the battle pressure and difficulty are indeed much lower than those of the Blood Fang Gang, but the rewards have also shrunk!

Brandon is now at level 1 and level 18, and has accumulated more than half of the legendary experience required for upgrading.

If he wants to reach level 20, he still needs to save nearly 1,500 experience points.

"If you count..."

Brandon tried to calculate using his poor math skills.

"You still have to kill about 700 border rats." Gale couldn't bear it anymore and gave the answer directly.

"So many!"

Brandon was numb.

Seven hundred, I'm afraid he would be beaten, and he dreamed of border rats.

"Don't forget, the oracle said that this thing is only a 0-level monster."

"I guess ordinary people with stronger bodies can also kill it if they muster up courage and work hard."

"The enemies of the Blood Fang Gang are at least 1-level strong, so it's normal to have more rewards."

After Gale finished speaking, he muttered to himself thoughtfully.

"In fact, what I'm more curious about is that the Lord's oracle specifically reminded us that the battle rewards are adjusted according to the degree of contribution and the number of combatants."

"What does He want to guide us?"

While Gale was thinking, another rat with bone deformity jumped out from the gap in the vines and pounced on Brandon!

With the experience of the previous battle, Brandon's movements were much more skilled this time, and he swung his sword without hesitation!

Knocked the border rat to the ground, and then added two more swords to take it away smoothly.


Brandon suddenly said in surprise.

Because the oracle prompt he received this time was different from the previous one.

[Kill the 0-level skeletal monster, knowledge points +0.6, legendary experience +4]

"Why did this rat reward more points?"


There will be another update later, expected to be released before 8 o'clock.

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