Don't call me evil god

Chapter 150 Numerical system to encourage team formation

"How much more?" Gale asked with a sudden thought.

"It has become 0.6 and 4, which is a lot more."

Brandon answered honestly.

Gale immediately calculated: "If based on 0.3 knowledge points and 2 legendary experience points, the first time is equivalent to a 125% bonus coefficient, and the second time is a 200% coefficient gain."

Brandon opened his mouth and concluded as if he had suddenly realized something: "Oh! I understand!"

"The first time you used [Flame Shock] to help me, so there were actually two people participating in the battle!"

"This time I solved it by myself."

"I can get more rewards if I solve the battle alone.

"The Lord must be encouraging us to challenge more powerful enemies alone, rather than relying on the help of our companions!"

Gale raised his hand to his forehead with a snap: "You... you really don't know how to count."

"The brain is for calculation, not for filling it with muscles and recklessness!"

"When two people work together, although the rewards that each person can get are reduced, it's different when you calculate the total amount! ”

“The total amount is equivalent to 2.5 times the basic value, which is higher than the 2 times reward you get when fighting alone!

Brandon was a little confused: "Ah? Right...right?"

“But, isn't 4 legendary experience more than 2.5 legendary experience?"

“If I go to eliminate the border rats alone, I shouldn't have to kill hundreds of them, right?”

Gail persuaded: "You are right, but the Lord's guidance will never encourage us to act alone."

“Think about it."

“If you want to encourage everyone to fight alone, when two people work together, the rewards that should be obtained by one person should be shared according to their contributions."

“In that case, we should each get 0.3 knowledge points and 2 legendary experience in the first time."

“But we each got more than this."

“What does this mean?”

“It means that the Lord gave us extra rewards!”

“My Lord clearly means to encourage us to form teams, help each other, and act together!”

Brandon still seemed to understand.

"Why not try a few more times to verify? The next time the border rat appears, let's try to see what reward we can get if three people work together." Pete suggested.

There is no shortage of monsters in a dangerous place like the Dark Forest.

Besides, Pete's team has 30 members, which makes it easier for them to attract monsters' attacks than other teams.

The third wave of monsters that attacked them was no longer a single one, but three!

Brandon killed one alone;

Pete, Gale and Lena intentionally showed mercy and killed the second one after taking turns to attack;

As for the last one, when it appeared, its sneak attack target was new believers such as Old Bill.

Although Old Bill and his team were just ordinary people, and they were old, weak and sick.

But after learning that they could get knowledge points and legendary experience by killing monsters, the fear was thrown behind their heads!

Holding the sticks and saw axes used to clear the way, they hit the border rats fiercely!

Whether they hit it or not, at least they have a lot of people!

After a random fight, they finally succeeded in killing one!

Of course, the price they paid was a little high.

Two people were unable to dodge in the battle and were unfortunately injured by bone spurs, bleeding profusely.

Fortunately, there was a priest in the team. Miranda opened the canon and threw two [Secondary Treatment] over.

Because the wound was not serious, the wound stopped bleeding and healed quickly as the magic took effect!

The rewards received by everyone were naturally different.

Brandon completed the battle alone, still with 0.6 knowledge points and 4 legendary experience.

Pete, Gale and Lena, each of the three people finally got 0.3 knowledge points and 2 legendary experience.

Miranda and the six new believers gained less after the battle;

Most people only got less than 0.2 knowledge points and 1 legendary experience, Miranda got a little more, of course, not as much as Pete and the others.

After collecting the data on everyone's rewards, Gale confirmed his guess.

"My understanding is correct."

"The Lord is indeed encouraging us to work in teams."

"If a single person completes the battle, he can get 2 times the basic reward;"

"For two people, although each person can only get 125% of the basic reward, the total amount is increased to 2.5 times;"

"For three people, each person can get 100%, and the total amount is 3 times."

"Miranda and the others' cumulative total is exactly 4 times the basic value!"

"This should be an encouragement for teamwork!"

"Individual rewards will be shared, but as compensation, the team as a whole can get more rewards."

"I will definitely not misunderstand the Lord's guidance this time!"


Nowen, who was paying attention to the believers in the Kingdom of God, nodded with great relief.

"Good, good!"

"Absolutely correct!"

"As expected of Gale, your reading comprehension level is much better than Pete!"

During the time when Pete and others came to Ceylon to the Creation Altar, Nowen was not idle in the Kingdom of God.

He was busy designing and adjusting various functions that were about to be "launched".

Nowen is very sure that as long as the believers can find the Creation Altar and activate it, and have a territory where they can preach freely and without interference, the Seeking Knowledge Sect will definitely enter a real period of rapid development, and a large number of new people will be recruited to join.

Before that, Nowen must prepare in advance to welcome new believers.

When in Green Harbor, in order to quickly pull up the strength of a group of believers, Nowen gave generous rewards and the model was very simple.

He gave out as much legendary experience as the believers could snatch "pure divine power" for him. Those who contributed more took more, and those who contributed less took less.

Nowen didn't keep any for himself.

But now Nowen doesn't plan to continue doing this.

The reason is very simple.

The individual strength of the Blood Fang Gang members is strong, and the believers have to act in groups and share the rewards.

What if the enemy becomes a bone monster, which can be killed by a level 1 professional almost without injury?

The stronger believers can go hunting alone.

Bringing companions who are weaker than you will divide the rewards that originally belonged to you, which is not worth the loss.

To put it bluntly.

The road to "backward compatibility" is blocked.

The strong are only willing to cooperate with teammates of the same level, and are unwilling to help newcomers.

In the long run, this is definitely not suitable for the healthy development of the sect.

The believers will be divided because of the difference in strength.

Rather than sending down oracles and using vague things such as morality and mission to constrain believers, Nowen prefers to do what he did before:

Build a complete and healthy numerical system.

Let it run on its own, and use intuitive and controllable numerical values ​​to encourage and guide believers!

The reward for destroying monsters is one of the numerical systems built by Nowen.

20% of the plundered divine power and pure divine power was directly left by Nowen for emergency use.

There is also 80%.

If it is completed by a single person, only half of it can be taken away, that is, 40%, and the rest will also be taken away by Nowen.

For two people, the two will take 50% together, and the distribution will be based on contribution.

For three people, 60%, and for four people, 70%.

Only five or more people can take away 80% of the rewards.

As long as believers understand how to use the mechanism of this numerical system, Nowen believes that the problem of backward compatibility can be solved naturally!

The fifth update is here! Thank you for your monthly tickets and recommendation tickets. Thank you very much!

Thank you Kosmo and Qian'an Yuebei for the 100 starting coins. I wish the two big guys rich every day and immortality!

PS: Author's note, here is an explanation of the mechanism of the numerical system, which does not occupy the paid word count.

This mechanism has two functions:

One is that a single person can take 40% alone, and a five-person team will be allocated 80% instead of 40% based on contribution. Considering that the team is more efficient, the actual benefits may be more than single action.

The second is to encourage the strong to lead the weak instead of playing alone, and the actual benefits may also be higher than playing alone (80% is allocated based on contribution, not divided equally. The strong who can play alone can get more than half of the 80%, which is higher than the upper limit of playing alone).

To use a concept from online games, this is the so-called "team bonus" or "big account leading small account bonus".

PPS: Activate the altar tomorrow, start farming, and blast troops!

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