Don't call me evil god

Chapter 23 Strange Rules

A few days later, in the middle of the night.

Money Brothers Tavern, underground wine cellar.

The basement, which was originally filled with wooden wine barrels, was temporarily cleaned up by Rena, freeing up enough space for the ceremony, but the air was still filled with an intoxicating aroma of wine.

Peter, who walked in from the back door carrying a suitcase, was a little dizzy from the smoke and tried hard to shake his head to wake himself up a little.

"The God of Knowledge is really generous. If any other god dared to practice magic on such an occasion, it would be considered blasphemy."

Looking at the surrounding environment, Peter couldn't help but uttered something.

Reina was also a little worried: "Is this really no problem in this environment?"

"It should be no problem. I just tried meditating to ask the God of Knowledge, and He didn't express any problem."

Reina has seen deacons of various churches use divine magic in the past, but all of them were formal occasions. The whole process must be serious and every step must be meticulous.

But what about their current configuration?

The site was temporarily vacated by the wine cellar, and the wine barrels were not even moved out, but were just piled against the wall;

There is almost no lighting. There is a small skylight in the southeast corner of the basement, but it is close to midnight. The moonlight cannot illuminate much of the space through the skylight. Most of it depends on the few lights Lena brought from upstairs. A candle serves as temporary lighting.

The faint firelight was swaying, and the magic circle temporarily painted with blue magic paint was emitting a mysterious light under the refraction of the light. Coupled with the quiet atmosphere around it, and the two people who met mysteriously...

A magical ritual that doesn’t know what specific effects it will have…

Trying to find the unknown powerful power...

Pat always felt that this scene was strangely familiar.

Recall carefully.

Isn't this exactly the same as those crazy men in black robes in the cave!

With the psychological shadow of his previous experience, Peter always felt inexplicably a little resistant to similar scenes.

"Don't panic, don't panic. The God of Knowledge is not an evil god. Evil gods are all crazy gods without reason. The God of Knowledge is rational. The conditions are limited right now, so the ceremony site looks a bit weird!"

"For such a powerful god as the God of Knowledge, as long as it takes more time, many people will definitely be willing to believe in it. Once there are more believers, we should be on the right track!"

Encouraging himself, Peter took out the things he brought and placed them in the corresponding positions according to the information provided by the God of Knowledge.

"Get ready, the ceremony will begin later!"

"As long as you can succeed, it means that there is no problem with this hand-rubbing ritual system, and we can make a lot of money in the underground black market in Greenport!"

"When the time comes, it doesn't matter whether Dursley is polite or not, it won't be a problem at all!"

While waiting for the ritual materials to be gathered for a few days, Peter and Lena were not idle. They made several attempts and discovered some rules that the God of Knowledge did not explicitly tell them, but did exist:

Peter tried to share the related spellcasting methods of the [Arcane Missile] spell that Norwin taught him through writing, dictation, etc. at Caron College, but all these attempts failed.

When Pat tries to share relevant knowledge, he seems to disappear from the world, and people around him automatically ignore his existence;

The knowledge recorded on the carrier will also become a mess of chaotic graffiti as it is written.

The method is clearly in his mind, and Pate even memorized all the knowledge about [Arcane Missile] from mobilizing the magic network to calculating the specific spell model;

Peter even suspected that even if he abandoned his faith in the God of Knowledge at this time, he should still be able to complete the spell casting with the memories in his mind, but he just couldn't share it with others.

Including the knowledge about professional talent detection rituals, Reina also tried to share it with Peter, but the result was the same failure.

This forced Petr to use the 5 knowledge points he obtained from completing the mission "My Lord's Truth Enlightens the Earth" in exchange for the same knowledge from the God of Knowledge.

As for whether the memory is still there after abandoning the letter, and whether it can be shared, because the price of abandoning the letter is too high, Peter did not dare to try.

Reina, on the other hand, has discovered some ways to steadily obtain knowledge points.

By praying seriously every day, she can get 1 knowledge point. This was discovered first. After all, she also has to pray to the God of Radiance every day. Now there is just another god.

The intelligent races on the continent of Prentice are generally believers in polytheism. It is very common to worship one god and then another.

In addition, Lena also discovered a special way to obtain knowledge points:

When she carefully cleaned the house in her tavern as usual, a prompt was triggered:

[Complete the task: Labor (daily) (repeatable)]

[You have gained 1 knowledge point]

Reina told Pete about this, and after trying it, Pete further confirmed this method.

When Peter performed a serious meditation and prayed to the goddess of magic to strengthen his connection with the magic network, he also triggered a similar prompt:

[Complete the task: Meditation (daily) (repeatable)]

[You have gained 1 knowledge point]

However, when Peter cleaned up like Lena, he did not trigger the corresponding prompt.

Peter initially guessed that this might have something to do with their different identities.

Rena is still just an ordinary person, while Peter is already a mage professional.

They have to complete things that match their identities to gain knowledge points.

These rules explored by the two believers are also of great interest to Nowen in the Kingdom of God.

When he crossed over, apart from realizing his identity as a god, he seemed to have lost his memory. He knew nothing about his functions and authority, or the way to gain faith. He had to rely on the believers to cross the river, and needed to observe, analyze and summarize little by little.

For example, when Rena was cleaning, Nowen felt that the power of faith was coming from Rena, which was transformed into his divine power little by little.

Although he had not yet figured out the causal relationship between the two, since the believers' actions could bring Nowen more divine power, Nowen was not stingy in giving feedback.

Giving knowledge points can encourage believers to do more things that can allow Nowen to gain more divine power.

In addition, Nowen was originally a little worried that if he directly taught the spellcasting knowledge, there might be a possibility that the believers would get stuck with bugs.

As long as one believer obtains knowledge by praying to him, in theory, he can share it with others. After all, these spell-related knowledge does not involve his divine power in the entire casting process, and Norman does not seem to be a necessary option.

As a result, from the situation encountered by the believer Pete, Norman found that things did not seem that simple.

Although there was no divine power involved to help the believers complete the spellcasting, the knowledge that Norman obtained through the authority of the priesthood seemed to have a deeper binding relationship when it was passed on to mortals.

It was as if... there was an identification code that could retrieve the believers' situation anytime and anywhere, and only the believers who Norman gave permission could possess and remember and understand this knowledge!

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