Don't call me evil god

Chapter 24 Shadow God's Choice

This strange pattern reminded Norman of some games he had played in his previous life.

He once wondered why the characters of players in the game had to find skill trainers to learn the corresponding skills.

Logically speaking, if skills are a kind of knowledge that can be mastered, then everyone can become a "skill trainer" as long as they pass on the knowledge.

The more Norman explored, the more he felt that the operation mode of this world was strange.

These patterns explored by his two current believers were not restrictions on Norman's joining, but Norman felt that there seemed to be a set of mechanisms in this kingdom of God space that were operating by itself. He could even vaguely perceive that the source of this feeling was in the general direction of the kingdom of God.

But when he wanted to explore in the corresponding direction, the boundless gray fog filled with the power of the kingdom of God hindered his actions.

Whenever he stepped into the gray fog, he would lose his sense of direction. No matter how he walked, he would eventually return to the small area where he woke up.

Only this small area was not covered by the gray fog.

Nowen tried to expel the gray fog that blocked his perception, and he actually got feedback:

Divine power is needed.

This gray fog can be dispelled by his divine power.

After checking the divine power that was consumed to help Pete escape from danger, Nowen sighed.

The faith that Pete and Reina can generate in one day can only dispel a palm-sized area, which is a drop in the bucket.

"Let's continue to think of ways to expand the number of believers!"


"The great god of justice, Phil!"

"Your scales hang high, measuring the good and evil in the world!"

"Your long sword is tightly in your hand, judging injustice!"

"Please sprinkle the divine power of witness and judge the talent this person has!"

"Please witness!"

Reina knelt in the middle of the circular magic circle, and the magic-infused paint drew a standard equilateral triangle inside the magic circle, and also drew a lot of strange runes that Pete couldn't understand.

The prepared statue of Phil, the god of justice, was placed at the apex of the triangle in front of Lena, and the silver scales and sword were at the other two apexes.

As Pete chanted the divine prayer according to the format, the atmosphere in the underground wine cellar became solemn, a pressure gradually permeated the air, and a feeling of being watched descended here.

This feeling of being watched was exactly the same as the professional talent test that Pete had personally experienced!

In the divine ritual, this means that Phil, the god of justice, has received the call of his believers, and he is casting his eyes on the person being tested in the magic circle, and through the power of the gods, he will fairly judge the affinity of the person being tested with different gods!

When Phil, the god of justice, has finished his judgment, different colors or characteristics will be displayed on his statue as a mark according to the affinity of different gods.

Pete's feeling at this time was shock, the kind of extreme shock that was unbelievable.

"It actually works!"

Even though he had been mentally prepared, when he saw this scene actually happening, Pete still felt quite unreal.

Although when he was tested for his talent, it showed that his affinity with the God of Justice was not low. If he persisted in his efforts for many years, he would have a great chance to be promoted to a true believer of Phil;

But the precepts of the Church of Justice were really difficult for Pete to accept. He couldn't stand the lifestyle that constrained him all the time;

What's more, only professionals with combat capabilities could have ratings and meet the requirements of the third-level professionals in the Reyak Kingdom's Noble Inheritance Law, so Pete finally did not choose to take the God of Justice as his main belief route. He believed in the Goddess of Magic and became a mage.

Now he is not even a shallow believer of the God of Justice, but he can successfully perform the magic that only true believers can release with the method given by Norwen, and he has really won the attention of Phil, the God of Justice!

What is this?

So many shallow believers of the God of Justice usually strictly abide by the doctrine, work hard day after day or even year after year, just to be recognized by Phil, become his true believers, get blessings, and have the opportunity to perform magic.

What about Pete here?

He had no ascetic process, nor did he do anything to restrain his behavior. He had nothing to do with the teachings of the God of Justice, and he had even done some things that violated the teachings of justice before!

Logically speaking, the God of Justice should not care about the ceremony he held!

As a result, the other party was like a prostitute in the red-light district of Green Harbor Downtown, who came and went at will. As soon as Pete finished reading the corresponding prayer, Phil came over and cast his eyes!

This contrast made Pete feel outrageous.

"How did the God of Knowledge do it? This is too untheological!"

Pete felt that since he believed in the God of Knowledge, Nowen, his worldview had been shattered several times.

If non-believers do not need to abide by various doctrines, do not need to obtain the approval of the corresponding gods, as long as they believe in the God of Knowledge, Nowen, they can use the divine arts that were originally exclusive to the true believers of the church, then what is the meaning of the existence of other churches?

Everyone might as well convert to the God of Knowledge!

Anyway, believing in Nowen is equivalent to believing in everything!

While Pete was daydreaming, the statue of Phil, the god of justice, began to slowly begin to glow.

First, there was the purple mist light that symbolized the affinity of the goddess of magic. As Reina said, her affinity with the goddess of magic was very low. If you didn't look carefully, you could hardly see the extremely thin mist light.

This level of talent was obviously not suitable for the path of a mage. Even if you forced yourself to learn, you might not be able to break through the magic apprentice for your whole life, and you might not even be able to release a 1st-level spell.

Then, the golden-red light symbolizing the God of Radiance, the dark green light of the God of Hunting, and so on flashed one after another. They were also quite unnoticeable, and most of the upper limits were at the level of 1 to 2.

On the contrary, those gods who were not on the path of professionals and whose blessings from the gods were not very aggressive, such as the God of Wine and the God of Art, generally had good affinity with Reina in the test.

In other words, if you don't consider fighting, and become a winemaker, painter, or something like that, Reina's talent would be very good, and it would be easier to get the favor of the corresponding gods.

One after another, the light flashed, until a certain moment, the statue of Phil, the god of justice, suddenly lit up with a dark black-gray light!

The intensity of this dark grey light far exceeded any of the previous ones. The entire underground wine cellar was shrouded in darkness at this moment. No matter the bright moonlight from the skylight or the yellowish flames from the candles, they all suddenly lost their color under the oppression of the dark grey light!

All light sources seemed to be covered with a veil!

Pete's eyes suddenly widened:

"God of Knowledge!"

"Her affinity with the God of Shadows is too exaggerated!"

"This guy, at least he must be a chosen one of the Gods of Shadows?!"


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