Don't call me evil god

Chapter 243 Petwin Tustin

Chapter 243 Petwain Tostin

Ceylon City.

Tender Mermaid Tavern, a private room on the second floor.

Several boys and girls were gathering inside, ready to plan some dangerous things.

Oh, don't get me wrong.

Dangerous things mean that they are discussing the upcoming hunting month.

These boys and girls are generally 15 or 6 years old, and they have a common identity:

Descendants of nobles.

Either the second son of a baron in a certain town, or the daughter of a certain baron.

Among them, he is vaguely respected as the "leader", and the one with the highest status should be Petwain Tostin, the 13th son of the veteran Viscount Tostin in Ceylon.

Yes, Petwain is the 13th son of Viscount Tostin!

In fact, he is not the youngest child in the Viscount's family!

There are two younger sisters below him!

Don't look at it. There is only one title difference between viscount and baron.

In fact, the gap in the middle is almost equivalent to the gap between ordinary people and barons.

Level 3 professionals who make good contributions during the Hunting Month will have the opportunity to be canonized as a kingdom baron, like a manor noble.

But if you want to obtain the title of Viscount, you must either be promoted to level 4, or you must be a powerful mage professional who is quite rare in level 3 to have a chance.

Correspondingly, the treatment that a viscount can receive will be much higher than that of a baron.

In addition to the private estates belonging to the nobles, the viscount can enjoy a share of the profits from local taxes. Although there is no way to directly set up a name to collect taxes, the viscount can also get a share of the taxes the king receives from civilians.

Therefore, Viscount Tostin's economic conditions are much better than those of the baron families.

If the family has money, they can naturally have children. No matter how many children they have, they can afford to support them, and they can even provide them with professional training and entry.

The "bloodline" of the stallion-like Viscount Tostin is indeed very powerful. Among the first 12 children he gave birth to, 5 of them have become decent professionals. One of them has broken through to the level 3 warrior, and three have reached the 2nd level. Warrior, and a level 1 warrior.

The eldest son is very talented and has become a powerful level 3 warrior just after he turned 30. He is expected to be promoted to level 4 within 10 years and inherit the title and estate of Viscount Tostin.

The next few children also attracted a lot of attention, especially the three brothers and sisters who have reached level 2. Some of them have already competed with monsters in the hunting month, using "real battles" to hone their anger. He made further progress in his career and won awards from some kings.


It is impossible for these descendants of nobles to be like ordinary adventurers like Sam Doug and really step into the dark forest alone to fight monsters.

The so-called "real battle" by the nobles refers to hiring some adventurers or mercenaries to capture suitable level 0 and level 1 monsters and bring them to the border of [Past Glory], and then let them fight under the protection of others. Finally, take the loot back to show your bravery and strength.

Petwain Tostin, who has slightly messy short brown hair, has a somewhat embarrassing "status" in the family.

Counting up, his brothers and sisters have already made many achievements.

He was born too late.

His young age is his biggest disadvantage.

He is only 16 years old this year, and he still has many new freckles on his face, and his childish look can be seen in his eyebrows.

He has only become a level 1 warrior for less than half a year.

It would be considered good to be promoted to level 2 warrior before the age of 20.

The problem is... Viscount Tostin is old!

There are a total of 15 children in this generation of the Tostin family. It's not because Viscount Tostin doesn't want to have any more children, but because he can no longer work hard!

His Viscount father will be celebrating his 72nd birthday this year, and as he grows older, Viscount Tostin's body is not as strong as before.

According to the current situation.

A Viscount level 4 warrior's body would be considered a success if he could live beyond 90 years old.

At that time, Petwain Tostin was only 34 years old. No matter how optimistic he was, he was still at the level of a third-level warrior at most.

He can't compete with his brothers and sisters in terms of title inheritance!

Not to mention the title, I don't know how much he can get when he inherits the family property.

This made Pet Twain very unhappy.

He thought that the blood of the Tostin family was also reflected in himself, but in the end he suffered a huge loss due to his age.

If he practices, trains and grows up step by step, then all the achievements he will make in the future will have been done by his brothers and sisters.

No highlights.

Nothing to brag about.

If he mentioned these things in the family manor.

Brothers and sisters might even comment and say:

"Oh, I was about the same as you back then, but I did a little better than you. At that time, I was... like this, like that."

Pet Twain also had his own thoughts.

He wanted to do something different, to prove that he was different, to prove that he was more talented and better than his brothers and sisters.

With the arrival of the Hunting Month, Pet Twain had an idea ready to take action.

He once heard his brother who participated in the hunt for Yue boast that level 0 and level 1 monsters were actually not that dangerous at all.

As long as the weapon is sharp enough and easy to use, level 0 monsters can be killed with just one [Heroic Strike].

Level 1 monsters only require a little more effort. As long as the armor they wear is strong enough, their attacks can hardly cause any damage, and they can be eliminated with a few more hits.

Now he is also a level 1 warrior, and has mastered several combat skills.

In this case...

"Are you interested in this year's hunting month?"

Petty Twain Tostin asked mysteriously to other noble descendants of the same age in the room.

"Think about it, we are only 15 or 16 years old this year, and the oldest is no more than 17 years old."

"Entering the Dark Forest at this age and experiencing a real battle with monsters, isn't this something that our brothers and sisters can't do?"

These boys and girls summoned by Petty Twain are all the second or youngest sons in the family. In short, they are at a disadvantage in age like him, and can even be said to often live in the "shadow" of their brothers and sisters.

Petwin released another piece of news he learned through his brothers:

"I have accurate news!"

"Nicole, the 14-year-old daughter of Countess Ceylon, has confirmed that she will participate in the Hunting Month this year."

"She is the same age as us!"

"Maybe we can meet her in the Dark Forest? Then we may be able to show our talents and noble style."

"Countess Ceylon has never mentioned the issue of Nicole's marriage. Even if she chooses a spouse, according to the custom of the Kingdom of Reyak, she should look for people of the same age. This is our advantage!"

"Not only can we win the merits commended by the king, but we also have the opportunity to capture Miss Nicole's heart."

"Aren't you interested?"


The last two chapters of the second volume will be updated later, and there will be a summary at the end of the volume today, which may be posted after 0 o'clock.

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