Don't call me evil god

Chapter 244: None of them are quiet

Upon hearing Petwain Tostin's proposal, these aristocratic young masters and ladies had different reactions.

"Sounds so exciting! At the age of 15, you dare to enter the dark forest to kill monsters!"

"But can we really go to the Dark Forest? I heard from my father that it is full of pollution from the evil god, and just stepping into it will be affected."

"My brother told me not to stay in the Dark Forest for too long! Otherwise, our noble noble blood will be tarnished!"

"What if the elders don't agree with us to go..."

"Why don't you just sneak away! Just say that we are going to Ceylon City to play with Pet Twain for a few days!"

"If I am discovered, my mother said that if I dare to go to the dark forest and be discovered by her, she will break my legs and lock me at home for a year without giving me any pocket money."


Some are eager to try, some are hesitant, and some are at a loss as to how to respond.

The main reason is that they have been educated by their elders.

About the dangers of dark forests.

Those who have not reached level 2 are not allowed to approach the border.

When the monster red tide breaks out, just stay in the manor or simply go to Ceylon City to stay for a few days.

The dark forest is very dangerous. Level 1 professionals will die if they enter it.

If you dare to go, your legs will be broken!

Although breaking their legs is not a big deterrent to them.

With the existence of glow magic, for the young masters and ladies of noble families, if they really want to be treated, the best option is to spend more money and ask the priests of the Glow God Cult to perform magic.

The leg that was broken one hour will be healed the next hour.

What really scares the descendants of these nobles are the restrictions placed on their pocket money and activities by their family elders.

In other words, these two restrictions are actually the same thing.

After all, if they want to go out and have fun, they have to spend money.

If you really annoy your elders, it would be wise to cut off your pocket money for half a year or a year.

When Pei Twain saw this, he struck while the iron was hot:

"Actually, you don't have to worry about that at all!"

"I have investigated it in advance! During the hunting month, every other week, the countess will issue awards to everyone on behalf of His Majesty the King based on their proven achievements in the hunting!"

"If you can get enough awards, it might be more than the pocket money you can get from home!"

"I also asked my sister about the dangers of the dark forest. She said that the outer areas are not that scary for professionals like us. It is not a problem to stay for a few days."

"I secretly took a bag of gold coins from the vault of my father's manor. It should be enough for all of us to pay for hiring adventurers and mercenaries. Then we can all compete with monsters on the outside and then bring the loot back to the border camp for registration. "

"When the hunting month is over, our achievements and awards will be real. By then, I can guarantee that your parents will not only not blame you, but they will definitely praise you and even reward you extra!"

"Because we have accomplished something that none of our brothers and sisters have been able to accomplish!"

That was the end of what Pet Twain had said.

If the previous content only made most of the noble boys and girls in the room hesitate, then the last sentence hit the point a little bit.

"Things that none of my brothers and sisters can do."

This sentence is really tempting to them.

Finally someone couldn't help it anymore.

"What Pet Twain said makes sense, I plan to try it with him!"

"I have a little more than 2 gold coins left as pocket money. I will go back and beg my mother, saying that I plan to come to Ceylon City with my friends for a while, and I should be able to get another gold coin!"

The speaker was the youngest son of a baron from a town in Ceylon. He was the third eldest son in the family, with the eldest sister and second brother above him.

"I want to try it too. I heard that fighting monsters can help arouse anger and make it easier to get promoted."

"My brother was stuck at level 2 for a long time. He participated in a hunting moon the year before last and learned a new combat skill when he came back. Maybe it was due to fighting monsters!"

The situation of the young man talking this time is similar. He has two sisters and one brother at home.

"Then I will try it with you. With so many level 1 professionals among us, is it possible that we can still be killed by level 0 monsters?"

"It makes sense! At the worst, we can just stay next to [Past Glory]. If things go wrong, we should just run back to the kingdom as soon as possible!"

With the first and second people taking the lead, there will naturally be the third and fourth people who follow suit.

In particular, these young masters and ladies are all young and energetic, and can even be described as ungrateful.

At this time, under the influence of their parents and brothers and sisters, they knew that the so-called "social relationship" between nobles was very important, but they didn't know how to maintain it. They only knew how to imitate their elders and do everything together as much as possible.

Anyone who breaks away from the majority seems to be showing cowardice and seems to be weaker than others.

In short, they are not peaceful guys.

Except for Pet Twain, the seven descendants of noble families in the room successively expressed their agreement with Pet Twain's suggestion.

Only the last guy hesitated.

"Bacon, what are you still worried about?" Petty Twain was a little dissatisfied.

When everyone began to look forward to their heroic destruction of monsters in the Dark Forest, receiving the Countess's praise and favor, winning the heart of Miss Nicole, and being treated differently and praised by the elders, there was still such a hesitant guy left in the group, which undoubtedly destroyed the atmosphere.

Bacon Chinal, the second son of the Baron of Chim Town and the younger brother of Pete Chinal, is the troublemaker in the current team.

Bacon is not afraid of the dangers of the Dark Forest, nor is he greedy for stability.

Quite the contrary.

His ideas are even more radical than those of the others present!

There are no quiet guys in the Chinal family.

The eldest son Pete has been able to make the family restless and fire-filled since he was a child, and he would raise Baron Chinal's blood pressure at any time.

Baron Chinal... was not a stable person when he was young.

Otherwise, he would not have chosen to become a ranger, and even became a mercenary who earned money with his life, and went deep into the Dark Forest several times.

What Bacon Qinar was struggling with was that he remembered that his brother had gone into the Dark Forest with his friends more than a month ago, claiming that he was going to expand some territory, but he hadn't come back home since then.

Even if Petwin didn't plan to call a party today, Bacon himself wanted to hire some adventurers or mercenaries during the hunting month to take him into the Dark Forest.

He didn't want to look for his brother's traces or news, but because... Bacon seemed to have heard a rumor among the adventurers in Ceylon Territory recently:

A new territory called "Qinar Territory" seemed to have appeared in the Dark Forest?


There will be another update later, which will be the last chapter of the second volume! Ah, the pits buried in the previous part are gradually being filled back. As I said before, it's not that I forgot what I didn't fill, but that it will be useful later, so I will fill it back later.

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