Don't call me evil god

Chapter 282 Phone number leaked

This was the first time that Norwen encountered a divine art that he could not copy.

Let’s use cooking as an analogy.

He has now mastered the recipe proficiently, knowing every step and every detail.

However, there are no ingredients.

Although the effect of [Illusion Divine Art] tampering with cognitive information is achieved by relying on the magic network, there is an indispensable element, that is, the divine power of the goddess of illusion.

In a sense, Norwen has also experienced the taste that mortals in this world have experienced.

No matter how proficient mortals are in prayers, rituals, etc., as long as they do not receive the blessing of the gods, the result is that the divine art is invalid and the use fails.

This is where Norwen was surprised.

Because when he dissected and observed the operation process of this divine art from the level of the gods.

He completed all the casting parts until the step of "asking the goddess of illusion for permission to use her divine power".



When Norwen tried to use the divine art, the entire "framework" of [Illusion Divine Art] had been built, and the magic network was connected through the key information corresponding to the arcane energy, waiting to respond to Norwen's mobilization at any time.

Everything is ready, only the divine power is missing.

Norwen is very sure that he has not been rejected by the goddess of illusion.

The step of "requesting permission".

If it is approved, that is, the way Norwen copied the divine arts of other gods in the past, the next step is to receive the divine power of other gods, the framework divine power is filled, and then the spell is successfully cast.

If it is rejected, although such a situation has not occurred before, Norwen can make an inference based on the mechanism of divine art casting that he should receive a message that the request was rejected.

When trying [Illusion Divine Art], Norwen encountered the third situation.

No divine power was sent;

There was no rejection message;

His "request for permission to use divine power" was continuously sent to the goddess of illusion, and as a result, all requests were stuck with the goddess of illusion!

Neither agreed nor rejected, but stuck!

Nowen could find the most vivid metaphor. He felt that this was a bit like... dialing the other party's phone number!

In the past, when he dialed the number of other gods, the other party answered the phone and agreed, and immediately sent divine power.

If he failed to get permission, the other party would just hang up his call.

This time, the situation was - the number was dialed, but "Hello, the number you dialed is temporarily unanswered"!

Nowen could continue to maintain the framework of this [Illusion Divine Art] without dissipating. In this state, the request for permission was constantly sent to the Goddess of Illusion, but the other party still did not move.

"No, is the Goddess of Illusion asleep? Has she turned on the Do Not Disturb mode for her own kingdom of God?"

Nowen was a little confused.

He was also a god, and he also used his authority to create some "divine arts".

So Nowen knew what it would feel like when others tried to use these divine arts and sent him a "request for permission".

It really felt like dialing a phone number.

The believers chant the prayers and follow the corresponding ritual actions, and Norwen will immediately receive a reminder.

This "reminder" is like muscle memory, conditioned reflex, and physical instinct. Norwen can't ignore it even if he wants to.

Either agree to give permission or refuse to give permission

In fact, in theory.

Even if a mortal has not joined the Church of Knowledge and is not a believer of Norwen, if he can complete the divine ritual according to the corresponding requirements, Norwen can still receive a reminder!

Norwen is not sure whether this is because he is an evil god or all gods are like this.

Of course, at this stage, even if Norwen wants to allow those mortals who have not offered their faith to him to use their divine arts, Norwen can't do it.

Norwen has observed and analyzed many details.

The process of transmitting information or divine power between gods and gods, and between gods and mortals is different.

The gray fog in the kingdom of God will assimilate and destroy the information transmitted to mortals by Norwen's divine arts.

Only those mortals who have truly established a relationship of faith can receive the oracle information sent by Norwen in full, which is the so-called "divine magic taking effect".

For those believers who truly believe in the God of Knowledge, when Norwen transmits information to them, the information goes through the divine power channel, and the divine power protects the channel so that the information will not be assimilated and destroyed by the gray fog.

For other mortals, although Norwen can lock them through the other party's ritual actions, the information transmitted at this time has no protection and will naturally be affected by the gray fog.

The key point is:

"Why is the goddess of illusion ignoring people! Doesn't she feel noisy when I keep sending her messages requesting permission?"

This is the most incomprehensible thing for Norwen.

After several territories belonging to the Church of Knowledge were opened to the public, there were some clever adventurers and mercenaries who came into contact with the Church of Knowledge. They tried to steal the [Divine Art of Knowledge] and then tried to chant the prayers themselves, intending to try their luck and see if they could get a response from "Norwen, the God of Knowledge".

After all, there is a way in this world that does not involve participating in the conversion ceremony in the church of the corresponding god, but can establish a faith connection with the god through one's own prayer.

For example, the magic goddess is in this situation.

The ritual steps, requirements and prayer format of offering faith to the Goddess of Magic are all public, and all mortals on the continent know them.

The only problem is that after you offer your faith, the Goddess of Magic may not respond to you and bless you, and she may not even accept your faith and offerings at all.

These clever ghosts try to perform the ritual of offering faith to the God of Knowledge in private, which is similar to the operation of offering faith to the Goddess of Magic, with a gamble mentality, what if it works?

But for Nowen, it's like his phone number is leaked and he is harassed by someone!

Every time a clever ghost appears, Nowen will be harassed.

If he accepts the other party's request to offer faith, he will have to use up the number of believers he obtained through the perfect license.

If he refuses, his "rejection" message cannot be passed on to that mortal, and the other party may come to harass him every few days.

That's why Nowen entrusted all the [Divine Art of Seeking Knowledge] related to him to the Divine Power Creation for custody.

Except for the mortals he paid special attention to, all others had to go through the test mechanism of contribution ranking.

If they met the conditions, they would be automatically accepted, and if they did not, they would be automatically rejected.

It would save him from being harassed all the time.

But the goddess of illusion seemed to be letting you harass her, not afraid at all.

No matter how many messages Norman sent to request permission, she did not respond.

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