Don't call me evil god

Chapter 283 Phantom Fragments

From the perspective of the gods, there are no more reasons.

From the perspective of mortals, there is new progress.

Because Sepp in the Xiwei mansion took the initiative to explain the effect of the illusion magic to the important members of the Church of Knowledge.

"As you can see, what you see is actually the appearance of an illusion that I "imagined" and showed it to you, and you believed it under the influence of the magic."

"I am still the same, but your cognition has been affected and synchronized to the appearance I want to show you."

"Cognitive influence, with sufficient imagination, you can see all kinds of illusions that are difficult to distinguish between true and false."

Sep said, and waved the slender wooden stick in his hand again.

This time his figure disappeared directly, and he turned into a "centaur shape" with a human upper body and a horse lower body.

This kind of centaur race does not exist on the continent of Prantis.

Then, the body shape changed again.

It turned into a terrifying evil dog that was nearly one person tall, emitting a foul smell, half of its body was rotting and festering, its eyes were bloodshot, and its claws were sharp.

The prototype of this thing can be found on the continent of Prentis.

A level 3 monster, a canine animal that was polluted and corrupted.

The believers in the room subconsciously tensed their bodies and became alert.

Good guy, this time it’s not just a transformation, but even the appearance of a monster can be transformed!

Pete took a breath with a little uncertainty.

“Hiss… Sep, can you, uh… still speak? Are you still rational?”

Although Sep had told him that this was just an “illusion” and not real, the other party now looked like a level 3 monster!

“Uluuuu… huuuu——”

The evil dog crouched down and made a creepy low sound.

Fortunately, the next moment, Sep’s figure reappeared in front of Pete and the others.

However, this time there were two Seps.

One was a middle-aged down-and-out uncle, and the other was a handsome guy.

They both explained at the same time:

"Actually, I can speak when I maintain the [Illusion Magic], and of course I am rational. After all, what you see and hear is just my imagination."

"But in my cognition, the level 3 evil dog monster can only roar, so what you can hear is the same sound as a real evil dog."

They spoke in unison, one on the left and one on the right, like a double channel.

Pete was shocked.

When the Illusion Church was expelled as a heretic, Pete was only 6 or 7 years old. At that time, his impression of the Illusion Church was a group of guys who would use magic to create "fake people" and provide some indescribable services.

But now that he really listened to Sepp's introduction to the effect of the Illusion Magic, Pete's thinking was very flexible, and he suddenly had a bold idea.

"Hey, Mr. Sepp, according to you, the effect of the illusion depends on the result of your imagination."

"Have you ever tried to imagine yourself as a 6th-level wizard, or a 6th-level Radiant Priest?"

"Then wouldn't you become the top existence on the continent?"

"Or, you can imagine two of yourself."

"Use the illusion magic to create 10,000 clones of you, each with the strength of a top 6th-level professional."

"Then wouldn't you be able to walk sideways across the continent!"


Destitute Sepp and handsome guy Sepp both smiled bitterly and shook their heads.

He waved the stick in his hand again.

The two Sepps merged into one, and handsome guy Sepp disappeared.

Moreover, this time there was a new change.

A cloth bag appeared on Sepp's back.

Pete and the others were stunned again when they saw this scene.

Good guy, Sepp has hidden something for them.

When he first entered the door, there was only one person coming in, and there was nothing else on him.

So, it turned out that the other party had used [Illusion Magic] on him before arriving, creating an image of Threp who didn't carry anything!

The bag was unloaded, and a simple square open box cut from wood was taken out from it. A thin wooden board was covered at the opening, and several hemp ropes were tightly wrapped to ensure that the things in the wooden box would not spill out.

Untie the hemp rope and take away the wooden board.

In the wooden box, a dozen or so black gems with irregular shapes and exquisite appearances, the size of rice grains, were quietly reflecting light.

Pete raised his eyebrows in surprise.

He felt the faint breath of arcane energy fluctuations from these exquisite black gems.

This is something that can be called magic material, and it is usually also a material that must be consumed when casting some magic and magic.

Sep explained directly and frankly:

"We call this gem a Phantom Fragment."

"Any Phantom Magic, even if it's just to change your face or hair color, will consume it, and it can only last for a period of time."

"If you want the magic to be effective for a long time, you need to consume more Phantom Fragments regularly to maintain the effect of the magic."

"The greater the impact of the illusion on cognition, the more Phantom Fragments will be consumed."

"The more targets affected, the greater the consumption of Phantom Fragments to maintain the same effect and duration of the illusion."

"For example, if I just change my appearance, it will only take one Phantom Fragment to last for about a month."

"But if you want to transform into a level 3 evil dog monster in your cognition, consuming 3 pieces, the maintenance time can only be a few seconds."

"I didn't cancel the recovery from the appearance of that monster, but all the illusion fragments I activated were consumed."

"So, in the situation you mentioned, such as imagining 10,000 clones, the [illusion fragments] it consumes will be an extremely large number."

"We don't have that many illusion fragments at all."


Pate suddenly realized.

Then he asked curiously: "But in fact, my idea is feasible, right? As long as there are enough uh-illusion fragments, you can temporarily turn yourself into a high-level professional, and even use illusions to cast magic and divine arts?"

Sep once again gave a negative answer to Pate's question.

"Sorry, no."

"What you said is something that the illusion magic can't do."

"Illusions can only affect other people's cognition, such as the appearance of a magical attack."

"But this attack is fake."

"You can see it, you can hear it, when it falls on you, you will feel pain, and it may even create things like 'injuries' on your body."

"But it is still an illusion."

"Even if it is realistic and reasonable in your cognition, it is still a false thing."

"The only lethality of the illusion magic may be... to scare people to death with these false things."


There are 3 more chapters tonight, and they will all be posted before midnight.

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