Don't call me evil god

Chapter 284 Information update?

Got it.

Pat understood what Throp was describing.

Rather than saying that they are creating illusions, it is better to say that they are "confused and controlling" the target.

It is different from those magic related to charm.

Magic is used to charm a designated target, such as making the other person have a temporary favorable impression of you;

[Illusion Magic] is an indiscriminate charm!

Any mortal who can observe the effects of this divine spell will be affected by it.

But in the final analysis, illusions are still illusions and cannot be turned into reality.

The goblin Hugo Seavey has a flexible mind, a relatively broad mind, and many dirty tricks. He thought of another possibility:

"Hey, although the illusion itself is fake, it can't be used in another way!"

"for example!"

"Your enemy is trying to attack you, using illusions to deceive him into thinking that he has hit you, but in fact you have dodged it!"

"Even, make the enemy think that it is you who is attacking, but he is actually beating up his teammates?"

Hearing this, Sepu waved his hand helplessly.

"Theoretically, what you said can indeed be done, but... it is too difficult to implement in practice."

Hugo blinked in question.

"Because all of these illusions that influence cognition are based on what we imagine," Serpe explains.

"It's easy to imagine another version of yourself because everyone knows enough about themselves."

"Can you imagine that in a tense and fierce battle, you can create an illusion that is fake and real?"

"I don't have enough imagination. Temporary illusions will have obvious imperfections and be easily seen through."

While talking, Sepp took out a piece of [Illusion Crumb] from the wooden box and demonstrated it to Hugo and others.

"For example, now I want to imagine and create the illusion of being hit by magic."

Another Sepp soon appeared out of thin air in the room, as well as a roaring [Arcane Missile] projectile flying towards him.

Before the missile hit "Sep"'s head, he tried to dodge, but his dodging action turned out to be very strange:

Only the upper body twists;

The lower body doesn't seem to belong to him, it doesn't even move at all!

Just like putting the upper part of the body back after being cut in half, the waist position was twisted 90 degrees.

The illusion dissipates.

Sepu said helplessly: "That's what you see."

"If you give me enough time to gradually perfect the details of my imagination, I can finally achieve the level of authenticity."

"But it needs to be temporarily generated during the battle?"

“There are so many details to consider that there’s no time to frame them.”

Pete said oh.

He understands this.

This is like the god of knowledge giving his followers knowledge related to magic.

He needs to quickly construct the model required for spellcasting based on knowledge, interact with the magic network, and infuse arcane energy to complete the spellcasting.

Although the great God of Knowledge has given believers the opportunity for anyone to become a spellcaster, if you want to be promoted to a high-level spellcaster, even if you don't consider other thresholds, the model of high-level magic is so complicated that even a crappy mage can't do it. He didn't understand that even if he held it in for several hours, he might not be able to complete it.

Serpe's situation sounds similar.

You must have a brain that is good enough to calculate various details accurately, so that you can create an illusion that is convincing enough to be real.

"So, Sepp, what are you going to do when you find this place on behalf of the Church of Illusion?"

After confirming Sepp's identity, he also figured out the magical effects of the Goddess of Illusion.

Only then did Peter bring the topic onto the right track.

A church organization that was also labeled as a heresy by the Glow God Religion and had disappeared for more than ten years suddenly appeared in Xiwei Territory and came directly to the door. They must have their goals.

Sepp took a deep breath, stood up very solemnly, and made a standard bow.

"The Church of Illusion currently has 31 members, including 25 men and 6 women."

"Please accept us and allow us to live here!"

Hugo Seavey was stunned.

"Accept you? Just because of this, you have to come to me by name?"


When Novin issued an oracle to the believers and elected the first three lords, apart from the stipulation that the official lords must be members of the Seeking Church, there were no requirements for other matters of faith at all.

This provision is to facilitate the implementation of the identity authentication system.

After all, only Noven's believers can receive magical information such as [The Secret of All Things].

But this does not mean that the territory of Seeking Knowledge Church cannot accept people from other churches to live here for a long time!

There are still many vacant houses that have just been built in Xiwei territory. These houses are intended to be sold or rented to outsiders by Goblin Hugo.

As for whether the outsiders were ordinary people, professionals, or members of a certain church, Novin didn't care at all, he welcomed them all.

Even if the outsider is a believer of the evil god, Novin welcomes his arrival.

He even wished that the cultists would come quickly.

The reason is simple.

Those monsters that were contaminated by the evil god's breath actually had very little divine power that he could plunder. After all, the evil god did not specifically infuse them with power, so they were contaminated by accident.

It’s different with cultists!

They are serious dangerous elements who have been specially fed by evil gods.

Look at those guys from the Blood Fang Gang back then. Each one of them had more magical power than the last one Noven could grab!

The cultists' gifts are all "divine red envelopes" of excellent quality.

As long as they dare to deliver them to the door, the faithful believers of the God of Knowledge will definitely be more active than one another.

They will dig deep into the ground to find these guys and squeeze their bones and marrow.

The Church of Illusion where Sepp is now is just a heresy, so what's the big deal!

The Church of Knowledge is also a heresy.

Don't worry, everyone is not a good person.

Moreover, Norwen also hopes to find out what the Goddess of Illusion is like from these people in the Church of Illusion.

The Goddess of Illusion had not answered his "call" before.

The so-called [Illusion Fragments] surprised Norwen:

In the relevant knowledge of the Illusion Divine Art he had learned before, [Illusion Fragments] were not needed to complete the casting of the Divine Art.

Norwen tried to pinch some with his own divine power.

Pure divine power was used to complete the creation, in order to ensure that there was no problem with the nature of the material.

When he used [Illusion Fragments] as the material to cast the spell again... this time the spell was successfully cast!

Just like a phone call was connected, the power controlled by the Goddess of Illusion entered the spell framework constructed by Norwin unimpeded, and then achieved the effect of the spell.


Norwin looked back at the knowledge about the illusion spell.

At the moment he successfully released the spell, the knowledge about the spell was also quietly updated!

In the new knowledge content, there were requirements for the materials for casting the spell!

Norwin was shocked.

"What's going on? Can this knowledge be updated temporarily?"


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