Don't call me evil god

Chapter 4 A Completely Different Approach

[Believers have been detected asking for help, and the task target has been updated! ]

In Bacon's mind, the original task information for learning the spell [Hada's Hunger] was quietly reorganized, and more detailed content appeared:

[Task 1: Mobilize the Magic Net]

[Description: Establish a connection with the Magic Net by sensing the magic energy escaping from the Magic Net in the surrounding environment]

[Current progress: 0%]

[Task 2: Construct a spell model]

[Description: Based on the spell feature information, call the energy in the Magic Net to complete the construction of the spell model]

[Current progress: 0%]

[Task 3: Maintain stability]

[Description: Form a stable field through the resonance between magic energies and end the spell casting]

[Current progress: 0%]

With the appearance of three new tasks, more importantly, the so-called "task information" this time also comes with a detailed completion method. As long as Pete concentrates on the corresponding task description, he can see the relevant knowledge with detailed specific steps.

Just by quickly going through the step-by-step tutorial of [Mobilizing the Magic Net] in his mind, Pete felt that the magic worldview he had established in the past few years had been greatly impacted.

"What? Can the magic net be mobilized this way?"

It's no wonder that Pete was surprised. It's because the methods taught in these step-by-step tutorials are very different from the methods he learned to practice magic before!

In the teaching of the orthodox spellcaster about the magic net, it can be said that most of the content is related to the affinity of the magic goddess. Before casting a spell, you must pray to the magic goddess, and only after receiving a response can you resonate with the magic net.

The temperament of the magic net is not docile, and resonance alone is far from enough. The spellcaster must try to communicate with the magic net and find the magic energy willing to cooperate from it, and then have the opportunity to proceed to the next step, that is, to let the energy build a model according to a specific law.

But the information that appeared in Pete's mind provided a completely different method:

"First, you need to sense the magic energy dissipated in the environment, carefully distinguish it, and find a unique characteristic code from its fluctuations?"

"Decode the characteristic code in a specific format, and then translate the decoded information into a key according to the table?"

"Concentrate your mind, use the key to call the magic network, wait for the magic network to respond and establish a temporary connection with the magic network?!"

Pet mustered up the courage to look at the slowly approaching deformed monster, and tried not to care about the few unfortunate people left in the cave who were scared and cried for their parents and completely lost the idea of ​​resistance, and took a deep breath.

"Okay, okay, no matter whether this method is true or false, and whether it works or not, I have no other way now. It's better to try it than to do nothing and wait to die!"

At this critical moment when he could lose his life at any time, Pete's survival instinct finally came into play. He entered the state of meditation and perception at almost the fastest speed, and successfully found those scattered magic energies that were free in the surrounding environment without any autonomous consciousness.

Pate remembered that in the textbooks he had studied, a legendary wizard had defined these scattered energies as "energy that was separated due to some coincidences during the fluctuation of the magic network. It cannot be actively used, but will be attracted by the spellcaster's spell and passively return to the magic network."

In the normal casting process, when establishing a connection with the magic network, believers with higher affinity are more likely to get a response after praying, and only in that state can the magic network be used to complete magic.

Although those scattered magic energies can also establish a connection, the fluctuations they respond to can only allow the caster to perceive a series of disordered information.

Pate followed the steps in his mind, decoded the disordered information he collected one by one, and then converted it into a new string of information, and then tried to call the magic network carefully.

The door to the new world was opened!

The world he felt became extremely clear in an instant!

"The goddess of magic... No, this great god whose name is still unknown! This method is actually useful!"

It was as if a myopic person suddenly put on glasses with the right degree. Pate had never perceived the shape of the magic network so clearly!

"So clear! So... incredible!!"

If he had begged the magic net master with all his might before, and the other party ignored him like a cold goddess, then the magic net now was responding to Pete's request with great enthusiasm!

In the range that Pete could perceive, every vein and every wave of the magic net was within reach!

It took only a few seconds to establish a connection with the magic net, which was something Pete had never dared to think about before. The success of the first attempt gave Pete a great boost of confidence.

The progress of [Task 1: Mobilize the Magic Net] in his mind became 100%. The methods of the next two tasks were also completely different from the spellcasting knowledge Pete had learned in the past. However, with the encouragement of the success of the first step, Pete chose to continue to follow the steps described without hesitation!

A few minutes later

[Task 2: Construct a spell model]

[Current progress: 100%]

[Task 3: Maintain stability]

[Current progress: 100%]

The three tasks were completed in sequence. Every time the progress of a step gradually increased to 100%, Pete felt greatly encouraged. Although it was only his first attempt, Pete had a hunch that he was not far from successfully completing the third-level spell!

A ball of energy filled with black and cold breath stumbled into shape in his hands, and Pete had to consume a lot of energy to barely maintain the stability of the violent energy in it.

With the mental strength of a second-level spellcaster, the third-level spell was forcibly released. The magic took only a few seconds to form, and Pete felt uncomfortable, with a dizzy feeling as if his body was hollowed out and shaky.

Finally, he saw the words [Task: Learn the spell [Hada's Hunger], Current Progress: 100%] in his mind. He didn't dare to delay any longer. Pete suddenly threw the spell he had constructed in his hand at the aberration approaching him!

"Monster! Don't get close to me!"

A cold and dark spherical area that completely enveloped the aberration suddenly opened!


All the mouthparts on the monster screamed miserably at this moment, and the tentacles waved wildly and lashed around. It was obvious that it was suffering great torture! The rotten flesh on its body, which originally emitted a foul smell, quickly turned blue and black, and then traces of frostbite and acid corrosion began to spread on its body.

One by one, its tentacles were completely inactivated by the cold, and its tumors and eyeballs burst one after another under the effect of magic, spewing disgusting yellow-brown pus. The aberration tried to wriggle out of this area, but it seemed to be restrained by something, and its movements were extremely slow, and it was completely unable to stop the pervasive damage!

"Huff... Huff..."

The aberration's movements became slower and slower. Petchinal gasped and stared at the other party's dying struggle until he heard a "ding" sound in his mind again.

[The progress of the task has been changed.]

[Eliminate the evil aberration, (1/1)]

The tense nerves suddenly relaxed, and Pete's mind was severely exhausted. Pete's eyes went black and he fainted on the spot.

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