Don't call me evil god

Chapter 5: Teach a man to fish

At the same time, Nuowen, who was far away in the Kingdom of God, also breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Sure enough, my judgment was correct."

The information that appeared out of thin air in Peter Chinner's mind was naturally written and provided by Novin himself, and the purpose was to verify one of Novin's conjectures.

As for why it was made to look like a line of task instructions, and even a decent "ding", it was a preventive measure that Noven thought of at the last moment.

After all, his painting style is obviously an evil god. If he plans to preach seriously and collect believers, it is best to wrap it with a layer of normal-looking skin to make himself look like a serious god in the eyes of mortals.

Otherwise, people would think that they were being targeted by some evil god, and if there was any operation like preferring death to surrender, then Noven would have no place to cry.

Well, although in a sense, the mortals chosen by Norwin are indeed targeted by evil gods;

But Noven felt that he should not be considered an evil god, at least he was trying his best to make himself less like an evil god.

The test conducted on Pat finally achieved results that made Novin quite satisfied.

"Confirmed! Even the so-called power of gods must follow certain laws, or rules, in this world!"

"At first, I thought that the so-called divine power would directly give believers the ability to cast spells. They don't need to understand how the spell is constructed or how it works. They can successfully release it by consuming the blessed divine power, which is equivalent to the conceptual level of the law of cause and effect. ”

"But judging from testing, it's just the opposite. The world is actually quite rigorous."

"The process of casting a spell does not disappear. Instead, after the god responds to the believer's request, he completes the spell on behalf of the believer at the expense of consuming his own divine power."

"From my perspective, the process of casting a spell is actually completely transparent. The specific actions and spells required for each step, and even the details of the shape of the spell model, how to arrange the magic energy according to the corresponding rules, and even the various All kinds of advanced knowledge.”

"These things have nothing to do with divine power. They are the most basic knowledge that is common to the entire world!"

"If a mortal can learn this knowledge, then he can completely bypass the steps of offering faith to gods and receiving divine power, and cast spells with his own efforts."

"Pate's successful release of [Hunger of Hada] can prove this!"

"But - precisely because of the simple and convenient method of praying to the gods, mortals don't need to put in much effort at all!"

"After all, when they encounter difficulties, they only need to call the gods they believe in, and then they can wait for the gods to appear and help them solve the difficulties."

Novin realized the key to the huge difference in the development of this world from his previous life.

The development of mortal civilization would have encountered many difficulties. The earliest tribal era faced various natural disasters, ferocious beasts, viruses and plagues, and even lack of food and clothing. These were all serious problems that could lead to catastrophe for weak mortals. One mistake could lead to the demise of the entire tribe.

In Noven's original world, countless predecessors paid a huge price, worked hard to use their mortal ingenuity, summarized the rules and manufactured tools bit by bit, and finally established a lush technological tree, allowing civilization to survive and develop.

But when Noven traveled to this world, the development path of mortals went astray from the beginning!

Because if you encounter any difficulties, you can directly ask God for help.

And it’s true that God is up to something!

So if mortal civilization wants to develop and grow, the most worthy of study is undoubtedly how to obtain the response from the gods more efficiently and stably.

As for researching knowledge and understanding the world?

Why waste time and effort doing "thankless" things when there are obvious shortcuts?

"Tsk... It's hard to evaluate which of the two civilizations' development models is superior. But now that I have come to this world, and there is such a big problem with my divine power, the power obtained by mortals praying to me will only cause them to be polluted and become deformed. Strange, then there is only one option left for me.”

Novin confirmed his train of thought.

“I can’t teach a man to fish, but I can teach him to fish!”

"As long as believers pray to me, I can obtain the relevant knowledge and information about the things they need, and then I can guide mortals through oracles and other forms, so that they can complete it step by step with their own efforts."

"Besides, I have a unique advantage."

"Divine power!"

"Even gods cannot respond to the demands of every His believer without any price or conditions. After all, miracles require payment of divine power to be displayed, and divine power is transformed from the faith of mortals."

"The faith that mortals can provide when praying is often much less than what is consumed when God gives it."

"So in order to maintain a certain 'balance of income and expenditure', other gods cannot respond to every request. They must divide their believers into three, six or nine levels. Only in this way can the stability of divine power and faith transformation be maintained."

"And I'm different!"

"All I have to do is package the relevant knowledge in the form of an oracle and pass it on, and then pay attention to the status of the believers, and update the oracle's information at any time based on their progress."

"This process requires much less divine power than a divine gift!"

Novin can clearly perceive the difference between the two.

If the divine power transformed from the power of faith provided by the black-robed people in the cave when they prayed to him collectively at the beginning is counted as 10 units.

So the first time the blessing was given and the black-robed man was deformed, at least 30 units of divine power were consumed!

In other words, this gift was a pure negative benefit to Novan. The divine power earned by believers' prayers was not enough, so he had to add a lot of it himself, and only one mortal gained "power".

But when he later provided Peter Chinar with the oracle about the [Hunger of Hada] magical knowledge, the whole process only consumed about 1 point of divine power. Theoretically speaking, Norwin even made a net profit!

"Although my followers cannot gain power as quickly as followers of other gods, I also have my own unique advantages." Noven nodded with satisfaction, "I am different from other pie-painting gods. As long as the believers are willing to follow the instructions If you work hard with the methods I provide, they will definitely pay off in the end!”

"Other gods rely on a lot of prayers to gain faith, but in the end they can only cultivate a few high-quality believers, because their divine power is limited and cannot support the consumption of cultivating more believers. Most of the believers can only pick up You can’t enjoy God’s special care by eating scraps.”

“I can definitely open up a new, different track!”

“The main focus is to win by quantity!”

"As long as they are willing to provide me with faith, they will get the rewards they deserve from me!"

"Although the initial effect is not as immediate as that of other gods, the advantage is that it is large enough and long-lasting!"

"As for how to find more believers..."

Novin slowly turned his attention to his only current light believer - Peter Chinar.

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