Don't call me evil god

Chapter 6 Interrogation

The oil lamp swayed with dim yellow light, barely able to provide some illumination for the small interrogation room.

When Peter Chinner woke up from the coma, he still felt a little headache, but what he saw was finally no longer the nightmarish underground cave, but a small, cramped room with little ventilation.

There was an oil lamp that provided light on the table in front of him, and someone was sitting opposite him. However, due to the backlight, it was difficult for Peter to see the other person's specific appearance, and he could only make out the outline of a somewhat muscular body.

The cold touch on his skin made Peter realize that he was sitting on a metal chair with armrests and backrest.

To be more precise, he should be handcuffed to a chair.

Because when Peter tried to move his body, the restraining feeling from his wrists made him realize that his mobility was restricted.

Peter turned his head and glanced. Two pairs of handcuffs made of unknown materials were connected to his wrists on one side and connected to the armrest of the chair on the other. They were fixed quite firmly.

The person across the table saw that Peter had made some movement:

"woke up?"

It was a deep male voice.

The posture as if he was interrogating a prisoner made Peter a little panicked.

"First, sir, please listen to my explanation. I am innocent. I was taken to their gathering by those men in black robes without my knowledge. I had no idea in advance what they planned to do or their specific identities. I’m really not on the same side as them!”

Peter couldn't help but not panic. When he faced the aberrant body, he was only thinking about how to survive and had no extra thoughts to think about anything else.

Although he has escaped death and survived, looking at the current situation, what if he is regarded as an accomplice of those men in black robes?

Belief in evil gods is a major crime recognized by all civilizations. It is a crime that involves killing first and asking questions later. It is better to kill by mistake than to let go of the level!

"Really, I saw someone posting on the bulletin board before..."

Before Peter could finish his words, he was interrupted by the man opposite who couldn't see his specific appearance clearly:

"It's not time for you to explain yet, now I ask and you answer."

"Hey, okay sir, you can ask, you can ask whatever you want, I promise I will tell you everything."

Pet's main focus is to follow one's heart.


"Pate, Pete Chinar."


Peter hesitated for a moment and replied: "I am a believer in the goddess of magic. I also believe in Navarre, the god of radiance, and Proust, the god of wealth."

"Goddess of Magic? Are you a spellcaster?" The man opposite lowered his head and quickly recorded something before confirming.

"Yes, I am a third-year student of the Arcane School of Caron College. Really, I am from the Kingdom of Reyak and came here to study. I have a second-level spellcaster certificate and badge issued by the college to prove it. My identity! I am also a victim!”

The man raised his head: "Other victims who survived from that cave told me that you released a very powerful magic they had never seen before to eliminate the monster, otherwise you would all die there. ”

"I've seen the corpse of the monster. I don't think ordinary third-level spells can destroy that kind of thing in one blow, but you only used one spell. Moreover, you said that you are still just a Caron. A second-level spellcaster from the academy?”

"Seriously, I'm a little curious, how did you do it? Huh?"

When the man talked about Caron College, there was obviously a hint of ridicule in his tone.

Peter knew why the other party reacted like this.

Caron College is located in Greenport, a neutral and free city in Green Bay. It was funded and founded by the famous goblin tycoon Caron Lever.

This college is one of the best in the entire Prentice continent, both in terms of scale and reputation.

Unfortunately, this so-called fame is not a good one.

Because at Caron College, no matter how poor the students are, they can buy an admission spot as long as they pay enough money; and the various professional assessments of this college are also notoriously easy. Use various methods to cheat during the assessment process to reduce the difficulty of passing.

Caron College is full of parallel importers and gangsters, and the professional level of graduates is often one or two levels lower than the default rating. This has almost become a consensus in mainland China.

It is inherently difficult for a second-level spellcaster to complete a third-level spell;

What's more, Pet is still a parallel second-level spellcaster from Caron College;

But he did something that was obviously not something he should be able to do under his "normal level".

"So, Peter, how did you do it? I mean release that spell?"

Seeing that Peter didn't respond, the man repeated the question.

Peter's throat rolled up and down, and he felt a slight sweat start to form on his back.

He wanted to tell the truth. When he was almost desperate, he suddenly received an oracle from an unknown god in his mind, and that god generously gave him a spell-casting method that was completely different from praying to the goddess of magic;

At that time, in order to survive, he did it without thinking too much, and successfully released the powerful third-level spell, which really destroyed the monster.

But now that he was out of danger, Pett carefully recalled his previous experiences and suddenly realized a very serious problem.

Because Pate remembered the three characteristics of evil gods that he had learned:

First, the evil god does not need specific prayers. As long as you call sincerely, you may attract the attention of the evil god;

Second, the power of the evil god has a dangerous influence. Once accepted, there may be no obvious changes at the beginning, and you may even be paralyzed by the powerful power that is easily obtained. However, as time goes by, the evil god's believers will gradually change in both mind and appearance, and eventually completely lose their rationality and become fanatical servants or sacrifices of the evil god;

Third, and the most terrifying point, it is easy to establish a connection with the evil god, but it is very difficult to get rid of it. Even if you don't pray to the evil god, as long as you become his believer, the evil god can pay attention to his believers for a long time, and whether the believers are willing or not, they can directly send down oracles or powers containing evil breath to them.

Although Pete wanted to convince himself that the one who responded to him might not be the evil god, he was innocent, and he didn't want to have anything to do with the evil god at all.

But from the previous experience, the first two characteristics...seemed to be right!

He did not pray to the corresponding gods in a specific format, but some gods received his request and paid attention to him;

He did quickly gain powerful strength. He could successfully release the 3rd-level spell that he could hardly master with his affinity with the magic goddess in just a few minutes.

As for the third feature?

Pet "looked" at the bright information that just appeared in his mind and fell into silence.

[Believers' demands detected. ]

[Task updated. ]

[Task: Gain the trust of Bahamut Conquedonts Grazchardon]

[Current trust level: 17%]

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