Don't call me evil god

Chapter 52 Evan: Where are my men?

The ordinary members of the Bloodtooth Gang who were left alone were dealt with one by one.

Either they were beaten to death, or they were simply destroyed physically.

Ordinary people had not yet realized what was happening in the lower city, but Evan, one of the five leaders of the Bloodtooth Gang, quickly sensed something was wrong.

Evan is responsible for sending his men to various merchants to collect so-called "protection fees."

His property is the "Money to Spend Pawn Shop" in Xiacheng District, and he usually does dirty things like lending money and collecting debts.

He has sent out several groups of people in succession in the past two days.

As a result, they all just left and never came back.

At first, Evan thought it was because his subordinates had made mistakes again. After collecting the protection money, they went to the casino and played again and lost track of time.

But when no one came back for two consecutive days, Evan felt something was wrong!

According to his understanding of his subordinates, usually those guys who only have money and gambling in their minds will lose everything in less than one night.

It's obviously not normal to not report back for so long.

Evan subconsciously thought that other gangsters in the downtown area might be causing trouble, and the gangsters were taking advantage of the gangsters.

On second thought he reacted again.

"Oh, no, there are other gangs somewhere in the lower city!"

After receiving the so-called "secret technique" mentioned by Dursley from the Bloody Roulette, ordinary members of the Bloodfang Gang can reach level 1 strength, not to mention small bosses like Evan, who have been successfully promoted to level 2. Warriors also possess those two abilities, and their actual combat effectiveness is much higher than that of ordinary level 2 warriors.

After the gang's overall strength increased significantly, Dursley had asked several other small leaders to lead people to integrate all other gangs in the lower city.

As for the leaders of other gangs.

Either they were tied hand and foot, stuffed into sacks, filled with stones and thrown into the bottom of the sea;

Either he was taken away by Dursley to those two weird people who said "ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

The original members of the gang were all dispersed and absorbed into the Blood Fang Gang, and they were also strengthened by secret techniques.

Because of this, the strength of Evan's men has also expanded.

Originally there were only more than 20 ordinary gangsters, but now there are more than 50 powerful thugs with level 1 strength!

The problem is, his combat power is obviously greatly increased, let alone walking sideways, he can go out and be carried away if he wants!

How did it develop into what it is now?

Evan counted the dozen or so people left in the pawn shop hall and was puzzled!

Didn't he originally have more than 50 powerful thugs?

Where have everyone gone? !

Especially the five guys he sent to make trouble at Moni Brothers Tavern, they were all his former capable men, and they were also the first to accept the "secret technique" and adapted best.

Logically speaking, they should have returned from their work long ago.

How come one goes missing and the other goes missing? What if a group of people went out and disappeared?

Evan was puzzled.

"Boss Evan..." A famous subordinate raised his hand cautiously and reminded: "There seems to be a rumor recently that there is a devil in Xiacheng District who is specifically targeting the Luosang Blood Fang Gang. Those missing brothers were all murdered. Those devils were taken to hell."

Evan's face twisted: "What a mess!"

"If there really is a devil, why doesn't he come here to catch us?"

"Why didn't you see him going to capture Lord Dursley?"

He said it very harshly, but Evan was still a little scared in his heart.

After all, these missing men are not the ordinary people before, but actually have level 1 strength!

The level 1 strength is still similar to the level 1 warrior with higher physical strength. It is not a problem to deal with ordinary people with one against ten. Why did he disappear from the world like this?

"Come here, more people, go out with me and find out where those guys have gone!"

"As for everyone else, please stay here and don't go out alone!"

The followers of the Seeking Knowledge Sect also quickly realized that the situation had changed.

Nothing else.

The number of lone Blood Tooth Gang outside is getting smaller and smaller!

A few days before the event, the domineering Bloodfang Gang gave away justice points for free.

Whether it's a passionate head-on confrontation, setting up sacks and then magic bombing, or leading into alleys to greet them with traps and sneak attacks, everyone has their own method, and justice points are collected in a flurry.

After the second special skill [Guilty Sense] is unlocked, the efficiency is doubled, and you can directly know where the Blood Fang Gang people are doing evil.

Novin's followers were like rushing to the scene. After finishing their work here, they immediately rushed to another place according to the reminder to fight against crime with high intensity.

The problem is that the members of the Blood Tooth Gang are not like leeks in the field. Once they are cut, another one will grow.

The quantity is getting smaller and smaller.

In addition, after realizing something was wrong, Evan issued an order not to allow his men to act alone again, making it even more difficult to find the "prey" who was alone.

Everyone from the Knowledge Seeking Sect gathered again at the Money Brothers Tavern.

Brandon had a linen bandage on his arm and was being treated by a professional priest, he said with a sad face.

"Today's harvest was even less. We wandered around outside for half the night, and we met a group of Bloodfang Gang, a total of seven people. The leader seems to be Evan from the Bloodfang Gang."

"And looking at them, they look like they are looking for something in the streets."

Peter frowned and analyzed: "The Blood Fang Gang must have discovered that someone disappeared and is looking for clues."

Brandon suddenly became anxious.

"Ah? Mr. Pett, what should we do?"

Although they cleaned up the scene afterwards, threw the dying thugs to a corner where they were hard to be found, and let them die on their own, or like Rena, simply set fire to destroy the bodies directly.

Those thugs of the Blood Fang Gang who were eliminated would definitely not be able to speak, but the victims who were rescued by the believers of the Seeking Knowledge Sect were different.

What if Evan led people to interrogate those victims.

As long as a little violence is used, ordinary people may not be able to bear it, and then reveal relevant information about the believers of the Seeking Knowledge Sect.

Not to mention, Rena's tavern was constantly harassed by the Blood Fang Gang.

Because the Seeking Knowledge Sect first spread here, everyone also tacitly regarded it as a base for meeting and exchanging information, and it has been very popular these days.

Once Evan brings people to check, he will definitely find that there is a big problem!

At this stage, the members of the Seeking Knowledge Sect who believe in Norwen can generally only master 1 usable skill.

Even if I have accumulated enough knowledge points, I have been busy looking for lone Blood Fang Gang members these days, and I don’t have much time to learn new things.

Let them use various tactics to fight more people against fewer, fishing enforcement, sneak attacks, and they will basically win.

But if we directly collide with the complete Blood Fang Gang at this time, there will be no chance of winning!

Whether it is the number of people or the strength, it is a serious disadvantage.

Pete pondered for a while, and checked the progress reminder sent by Norman again.

[Progress of the outbreak of the evil god threat in the lower city of Green Port: 42%]

After attacking the lone Blood Fang Gang for several days in a row, the progress of the warning on the oracle has not decreased, but is still slowly increasing.

The words "evil god threat" have great pressure.

Pete has some guesses.

"In the past two days, everyone has eliminated many members of the Blood Fang Gang, but failed to reduce the progress of the threat outbreak."

"I suspect that if we want to really solve these troubles, we have to grasp the key!"


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