Don't call me evil god

Chapter 53 The True Meaning of the Teachings of the God of Knowledge

"Although attacking those lone Bloodfang members can dampen their arrogance, we haven't touched the essence of the problem!"

Pate analyzed: "Ordinary members are actually as many as the Bloodfang needs."

"Eliminating these guys is just scratching the surface."

"The key is that the Bloodfang can still rely on the evil god they rely on to continue to create new subordinates in batches."

"They are just following the orders of the boss above."

"If we want to truly solve the threat of the evil god, it is far from enough to just beat these lone guys."

"We must have enough power to really break into the territory controlled by the Bloodfang Gang and eliminate the key figures related to the evil god!"

"For example - several leaders of the Bloodfang Gang, and their leader Dursley!"

Gail, who was practicing the rapid construction of [Arcane Missile] next to him, was a little worried.

"Since ordinary members can have the strength of level 1, the small leaders are probably at least level 2, not to mention the leader."

"Can we really fight them head-on at our current level?"

Pet shook his head first: "Not likely."

The followers of the Seeking Knowledge Sect have to rely on group fighting tactics to attack ordinary members, picking up the weak persimmons that are alone and squeezing them hard. They can't take the initiative to attack when facing level 2 and level 3 enemies head-on, so their chances of winning are almost zero.

"But..." Pet changed the subject, "I have an idea."

"Or rather, I seem to have guessed the will of the great God of Seeking Knowledge."

"Do you remember that there is such a sentence in the oracle."

[During the event, justice points can be exchanged for corresponding knowledge points. Different exchange ratios are provided according to the progress of the event. 】

Last time, Pet didn't read the complete event introduction carefully, and he was despised by Reina like everyone else.

He read it again carefully afterwards, so he noticed this sentence.

"Until now, the exchange ratio is still at the stage of 10:1."

"The great God of Knowledge has actually reminded us a long time ago!"

"This war cannot be ended by eliminating a few gangsters, but a staged and step-by-step struggle!"

"What we did before can only be regarded as the first stage of the war."

"Now, we should move on to the next stage."

Rena said thoughtfully: "So, Mr. Pete, what you mean is that the action against the lone Blood Fang Gang gangsters can be ended, and we should adopt other strategies next?"

Pet nodded and said, "That's right."

"I suggest that in the next three days, everyone will exchange all the remaining justice points in hand for the knowledge they need and improve themselves as much as possible."

"If we want to deal with more dangerous enemies, we need to have stronger strength."

Hearing this, someone in the tavern couldn't help but questioned: "Mr. Pete, how can you guarantee that you understand the God of Justice? Ming's will is correct? "

"All you said is based on your speculation."

"Why don't you pray directly to our Lord Nowen and ask him to help us solve the problem of not being strong enough to fight the Blood Fang Gang?"

Pate explained calmly: "It's very simple."

"Haven't you noticed?"

"The great God of Knowledge, unlike other gods, has never directly intervened to solve the problems we encounter."

"He only provides suggested methods or necessary information at most."

"Even the combat skills, magic, and divine arts we have learned are mastered through our own efforts and practice based on relevant knowledge. It is not that as long as we pray to our Lord, he will directly grant us power."

"As the prayer says."

"His existence is to lead us to explore unknown areas and guide our direction."

"And tell us at any time how far we are from reaching our destination."

"What does this mean?" Pete asked meaningfully.

Everyone fell into contemplation.

Brandon reacted the fastest.

"I understand!"

"The great God of Knowledge wants us to make our own efforts to learn and explore!"

"Instead of expecting Him to solve everything!"

"Can't He directly use divine magic to destroy the evil god?"

"Can't He directly give us power?"

"Definitely not!"

"It must be because the God of Knowledge is guiding us. He hopes that we can overcome difficulties and eliminate evil through our own efforts!"

"Moreover, the God of Knowledge is actually paying attention to us all the time. He will tell us whether our actions are effective and whether our efforts have been rewarded!"

Pate nodded in agreement: "Yes, I think this is the true meaning of the doctrine that the God of Knowledge wants to spread!"


In the Kingdom of God, Nowen, who was always paying attention to the situation of the believers, almost couldn't hold back after hearing it.

For a moment, he really wanted to send an oracle and tell these believers not to over-interpret. He really didn't think so much!

It's not that he didn't want to directly give power to help the believers solve the problem.

But he really didn't have the ability!

If he really had a way to directly expose the evil god behind the Bloodfang Gang, Norman would have held a grand miracle ceremony in the lower city with great fanfare.

By then, wouldn't believers come in droves?

The key is that he can't do it this way.

Giving power to believers can indeed kill the evil god, because he, Norwen, is another more ruthless evil god.

What is this?

The way to eliminate a threat is to create a bigger threat, so that the former seems insignificant, right?

Good news, I eliminated the evil god threatening the lower city.

Bad news, I am more dangerous than that guy.

The idea of ​​imparting knowledge and information was a helpless choice of Norwen at the beginning.

But now it is interpreted by believers as a special guidance made by the great god of knowledge, in order to let them understand how to rely on their own efforts to solve problems.

As for the so-called change of exchange ratio according to the progress of the activity.

It is because Norwen considered that he did not have much divine power at the beginning, and was afraid of being squeezed out and draining his divine power, so he added such a rule.

At that time, he just planned to find a black and evil force in the lower city to clean up, and use it as an experience pack to build reputation for his sect vest.

He did not consider the fact that the Blood Fang Gang had already surrendered to the evil god and its overall strength had greatly increased.

When he found out that the Blood Fang Gang was connected with the evil god, Norman was a little worried that the believers would be afraid or even give up because of the widening gap in strength.

As a result, when his oracle was interpreted as a so-called hint to tell the believers to adopt different coping strategies according to different situations;

The believers not only did not give up!

Instead, they became more motivated!

While Norman was relieved, because the enthusiasm of the believers had been aroused, he decided to go with the flow and give them a helping hand!

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