Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 1 The Legendary Explainer On The Fifth Floor

"Everyone, please look at the ancient coffin on the left. It is a precious cultural relic excavated from Pit No. 9 in Sanxingdui in 2024."

"The length is 379 meters, the width is 0.89 meters, and the height is about 1 meter. The material of this coffin is mixed with a lot of gold. It is a gold coffin."

Dadong City Museum, Hall No. 2, the gold coffin covered with blue rust is protected in a fully airtight tempered glass room, with a two-meter isolation fence on the side.

As the treasure of the town hall, it attracts a large number of viewers to check in every year.

Zhong Yuan has long been familiar with this coffin. As a guide, he looks at it every day. Even if it feels new at first, he loses interest after a long time.

He is a sophomore at Shangdong University, and he works as a part-time lecturer in the museum during the winter and summer vacations.

Originally, I was only in charge of the relatively unpopular ancient coin exhibition hall, and I couldn't receive dozens of people in a day.

Somehow, within a few days of working, the number of visitors to the ancient coin exhibition hall increased by two or three times compared with the previous days.

It's mid-July, and the students are on summer vacation, so it's normal for there to be a lot of people.

Zhong Yuan thinks so.

What he didn't know was that some small videos about him gradually appeared on Internet software such as Douyin and Guagua Video.

"A real shot! The Shanghai Bo Numismatics Museum is super handsome and explains the little big brother!"

"Jimeis, the voice of the commentator on the fifth floor of Shanghai Expo is so nice!"

"Full record of Shanghai Expo, I ran into a little brother in a coffee shop, and I am more handsome than the video!"

The highest video has more than half a million likes, which is incomparable to the super popular first-line broadcasters, but its popularity is definitely not low.

You don't need to buy tickets for museum visits, but there are cake shops and cafes next to the exhibition hall on the fifth floor.

Now it's all right, just to meet my little brother by chance, the deserted restaurant's business exploded.

The curator grinned from ear to ear when he found out the situation, and waved his hand to give Zhong Yuan work overtime. In addition to the fifth floor, he is also in charge of the most popular building No. 2.

After all, next to Hall No. 2 is a cultural and creative souvenir shop that has been losing money for many years!

Zhong Yuan doesn't care about these twists and turns.

It is not too tiring to do two jobs and get two salaries. It is not too tiring to recite more information about the exhibits and explain them.

perfectly acceptable.

With a glance, Zhong Yuan approached a girl in a floral dress vigilantly.

With exquisite makeup on her face, she is exquisite and cute, and she is a Xiaojiabiyu-type beauty. She holds a mobile phone in her hand, and the camera is facing him.

What happened to the beauty?

Illegal shooting should still be stopped.

Zhong Yuan said to the girl seriously, "Videos and photos are not allowed in this exhibition hall. Please put your phone away."

At the same time, he pointed to the monitor set in the corner.

It means that there is monitoring here, so don't play tricks.

Luo Xiaoyuan's heart skipped a beat, and she couldn't help but clenched her phone tightly.

Unlucky, several people on Douyin have managed to secretly take pictures, but when it was her turn, she was discovered just by turning on the camera?

Luo Xiaoyuan is a professional Douyin broadcaster. With his sweet appearance and sharp store exploration skills, he has millions of fans.

She has long been interested in the legendary Little Big Brother of the Numismatic Hall.

I really look better than the video, not only handsome, but also with a nice voice.

Luo Xiaoyuan swiped with one hand, skillfully cut away the camera lens, and defended herself, "I didn't take a video... I just want to record your explanation and listen to it a few more times when I go back."

After finishing speaking, Dafangfang turned on the phone screen for Zhong Yuan to see.

Sure enough, there was only one recording software recording something.

Zhong Yuan pursed his lips and said nothing.

They were photographing at the coin shop, but he couldn't stop them. When we got to the golden coffin, many people put away their mobile phones after secretly taking pictures, and he did the same.

This girl must have wanted to take a sneak shot just now.

In this regard, Zhong Yuan had no choice but to point to the QR code not far away and said, "If you scan this code, you can see the information and voice introduction of all exhibits on your mobile phone."

Luo Xiaoyuan asked, "Did you explain it?"

Zhong Yuan shook his head, "It's not me, it's artificial voice synthesis."

Luo Xiaoyuan already knew it was artificially synthesized.

When she was in middle school and high school, she didn't know how many times she came to the museum. She knew that the purpose of asking was just to have a few more words with the little big brother.

His attitude was very kind, so Luo Xiaoyuan asked boldly, "Then can I ask you a few questions?"


Zhong Yuan thought he was going to ask questions about the exhibits, so he patiently stood beside her in line with the professionalism of the guide.

However, Luo Xiaoyuan didn't think about asking anything. She looked up and saw Zhong Yuan's soft, short black hair, and she opened her mouth as soon as she rolled her eyes.

"Your hair is fine, what shampoo do you usually use?"

ah? ? ?

Zhong Yuan's eyes twitched, and he answered honestly, "Just...ordinary soap."

Luo Xiaoyuan was stunned.

no? Soap? So plain?

This is not surprising.

If the family's financial conditions were good, Zhong Yuan would not have gone to the museum to work part-time.

He also has a younger sister who is a sophomore at a private boarding school, which costs a lot.

Parents are away on business trips for a long time, and the remittance of living expenses once every six months is only enough for the basic life of the brothers and sisters. If you want to live a better life, you have to rely on yourself.

Zhong Yuan is usually very frugal, saving as much as he can. But he was very generous to his younger sister, giving her almost all the living expenses.

Girls need to be well-off, otherwise they will be looked down upon in school.

"Do you still have any questions?"

Zhong Yuan looked at the exhibition hall, and the group of visitors was basically gone.

Strangely, there was no next batch of people lining up at the door.

The showroom was empty.

Luo Xiaoyuan noticed that there were a lot fewer people, and felt that a great opportunity had come, and said with a smile, "You smell so good, what brand of cologne do you use?"

This girl's question is very strange, and she is a bit suspicious.

Zhong Yuan's expression became serious, and he said, "Color dew. It's inconvenient to tell you about my private affairs. Don't ask me any more."

Luo Xiaoyuan pouted, and muttered softly, "If you don't ask, don't ask."

She rolled her eyes, pointed to the golden coffin and said, "Then, tell me what's in the coffin."

Zhong Yuan has a good memory, and it took him two seconds to carefully recall the information, saying, "The golden coffin has never been opened. The coffin lid and the coffin are welded together, and there is no gap at all. Not even the most advanced detectors There is no way to detect the scene inside. The state you see is the state when it was unearthed."

"It's so mysterious," Luo Xiaoyuan walked around the coffin, seemingly visiting it, but she wasn't interested at all.

Unexpectedly, she quickly asked, "What kind of shower gel do you use to take a bath?"


Zhong Yuan was caught off guard by the question, and after answering subconsciously, he frowned and asked, "Are you finished?"

Luo Xiaoyuan sensed his displeasure, but she was very confident in her appearance, and she put on a nice makeup today, so she couldn't believe that the little big brother could really ignore her.

The skirt turned into a cute trumpet shape, Luo Xiaoyuan turned around suddenly, blinked Kazilan's big eyes at Zhong Yuan, and said with a smile, "Okay, one last question... little big brother, do you have a girlfriend? "

Zhong Yuan was stunned.

Are all girls this bold?

I use my spare time to work part-time, so where do I find the time to fall in love?

He decided to keep silent.

At this moment, the museum's radio suddenly rang.

"Due to a temporary fire drill, the museum will be closed in ten minutes! All guests please leave the museum as soon as possible!"

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