"Repeat! Due to impromptu fire drills..."

Zhong Yuan was puzzled.

I haven't heard of any fire drills going on today. It's too sudden and something is wrong.

Since the notice said so, pack up your things and leave work early.

He spread his hands, ignoring the cheeky girl's last question, "You heard it too, we are going to close the museum soon. You should leave now."

Luo Xiaoyuan's eyes lit up, "Are you leaving get off work?"

Under normal circumstances, the museum closes at 4:30, and it is only after 3:00 in the afternoon.

That is to say, the little big brother has at least one hour of free time, and he can invite him to a cafe for afternoon tea or something.

Zhong Yuan could tell from the girl's expression that she wanted to make trouble.

The stalker refused to leave, and he was the one who was unlucky in the end.

Zhong Yuan didn't want to lose this easy and profitable part-time job, so he had to put on a straight face and said coldly, "The library is going to be closed. Please leave as soon as possible."

As he spoke, he decisively grabbed Luo Xiaoyuan's arm and guided her to walk outside.

"Oh! Don't pull me, I can walk by myself!"

While the two were dragging their feet, a black explosion-proof transport vehicle quickly approached the museum.

The car with the military plate on it drove all the way, unimpeded, and finally stopped at the north gate of the museum.

Several people in black tactical uniforms jumped out of the car.

One of the young men said to the older man in the team, "Captain Lin, the anchor point has been released. The museum just contacted and said that all personnel will be evacuated within five minutes!"

Team Lin looked at the time on his watch with a solemn expression, "Let the people in the museum hurry up, and make sure everyone retreats as soon as possible."

The first market cave appeared decades ago, and terrifying alien races that had never been seen poured out of the cave.

They can't communicate, possess terrifying and powerful power, and have a cruel personality, killing anyone they see.

Left alone, humanity will suffer a devastating blow.

Fortunately, the level of the first ruins cave that appeared was not high, and the aliens who came out of the ruins cave could be killed by hot weapons.

After the death of the alien race, the power crystal will be left behind. Those who successfully absorb the crystals will have the ability of alien races.

Such a person is called a marketer.

Half an hour ago, a signal that a yellow-level ruin cave was about to appear was detected, and the location was around the museum.

Once the ruins cave appears, the aliens who come out of the cave must be killed as soon as possible. The hole will be closed automatically until there are no aliens coming out.

The few people who came out of the explosion-proof vehicle were the Ruin Warrior Squad responsible for maintaining the safety of Shangdong City, code-named "Nighthawk".

Yu Ziqiu is a rookie who has just joined the Nighthawk team and is in charge of the support position.

It was the first time to participate in the market cave suppression operation, and with all the members present, she finally saw the main attacking trump card of the team.

You are so young...you should still be in high school!

Yu Ziqiu looked at the girl not far away, and his eyes were attracted by the half-human long knife in his hand.

Ruins can belong to the military, and will issue weapons uniformly after joining. But if you want a weapon with better performance, you have to spend your own money to buy it from the Supervision Bureau.

Ziqiu had just seen this knife in the product brochure distributed internally a few days ago, and it was a newly developed top-level weapon.

She couldn't help but said, "Zhong Lan, is the knife in your hand the extreme weapon series of the Supervisory Bureau? I remember it cost 800,000!"

Zhong Lan is seventeen years old this year, with a childlike face and a pair of ponytails, and a cute doll hanging on the tactical backpack.

Those who are not familiar with the situation of the team will not believe that she is the ace of the Nighthawk team.

Before acting, Zhong Lan used to check all the weapons.

She is cleaning her love knife (for the third time),

Hearing that Yu Ziqiu seemed to have something in his words, his blurred eyes suddenly became sharp.

"What's none of your business? I can spend the pocket money my brother gave me as I like!"

In fact, not only the knife in his hand, but also the body vest and the laser gun on his waist are all valuable self-purchases. A piece of equipment is at least a million dollars, and the price on the black market is even higher, which is indeed not something ordinary marketers can afford.

Yu Ziqiu was a little embarrassed, and said, "I'll just ask, it doesn't mean anything else."

At this time, Team Lin smoothed things over and said, "The weapons of the Supervision Bureau can be exchanged for merit points. The Jidao series is not expensive. If you exchange for merit points, you can buy them for only 30,000 yuan."

"So much cheaper? No wonder Zhong Lan can afford it."

Yu Ziqiu was overjoyed, and asked again, "How many merit points do I need to redeem?"

Team Lin tactfully said, "You will know when you turn on the exchange authority."

Zhong Lan remained expressionless and replied directly, "One hundred thousand points."


Yu Ziqiu exclaimed.

Every day the base training is not absent, and 100 merit points are given every month. 1000 points to open the exchange authority, at this rate, 100,000 will have to be saved until the year of the monkey?

The way Yu Ziqiu looked at Zhong Lan changed immediately.

Did she start training from the womb? !

No, he must have made meritorious service in the action of suppressing the ruins cave, so he accumulated so many meritorious deeds.

A female high school student can do it, and Yu Ziqiu feels that she can do it too.

At this time, Team Lin said to Zhong Lan, "Lan Lan, if you have spare energy, take care of Yu. It's her first time participating in an operation, so don't let her go too deep into the cave."

It is already recognized by market experts from all over the world that you must die if you enter. It is easy for newcomers to make various mistakes, and they need to be guided by seniors at the beginning.

Zhong Lan was reluctant and muttered, "Taking care of the newcomers will only affect my speed of killing monsters."

However, looking at Team Lin's expectant eyes, he had no choice but to change his words, "Forget it, it's just a yellow-level cave anyway, just don't hold me back as a rookie."

This little girl is so attractive!

Yu Ziqiu was so angry that he couldn't speak.

Team Lin smiled, and said to Ziqiu, "Don't worry, Lan Lan is a good boy with a straight temper, and she has no malicious intentions."

While speaking, Captain Lin's face suddenly changed drastically, and he suddenly raised his head to look at the sky.

The sky above the museum is full of changes.

The floating white clouds seemed to be stirred by a hand, the air flow swirled, and the clouds broke.

A pitch-black crack suddenly appeared in midair.

At first it was only a few meters, and then it cracked like a spider web and became bigger and bigger.


Ruins appeared.

There was a huge black hole in the sky, the size of a basketball court.

Bursts of muffled noises came from the hole, as if something was about to come out.

what happened?

There are still ten minutes before the predicted time!

Moreover, such a big ruins hole? Is it really just the yellow level with the lowest degree of harm?

Team Lin reacted quickly and shouted loudly, "Chen Jun, open the anchor!"

"However, there may still be people inside who have not evacuated..."

"It's too late! Hurry up!"


At one command, an invisible wall rose from the ground.

The three anchor points arranged in advance form a blockade area with a range of several kilometers, which just surrounds the museum in the middle.

The blockade is then perfectly replicated. It is equivalent to copying a small world on the basis of the original world.

Fighting inside, it doesn't matter if the damage is serious, it won't affect reality.

"The anchor point is activated!"

"The square is open!"

"Successfully pulled into the cave!"

The sky returned to calm. The Nighthawk team also disappeared in place.

There are only fragments of broken clouds, proving that something has just come.

The world was spinning, and the feeling of weightlessness hit, Yu Ziqiu lost her mind for a while, bit the tip of her tongue hastily, and within two seconds, she regained her composure.

"Here is the square made by the anchor point? It's amazing!"

She looked at the surrounding situation, except for the gray sky, it was no different from the real world.

"Newbie, don't be in a daze! It's coming!"

Zhong Lan was holding a long knife, and his eyes shone with a belligerence that didn't match his age.



All kinds of chaotic sounds came from the cave in the sky.


It's getting closer!

Something is coming out!

Yu Ziqiu was so nervous that his vest was drenched in cold sweat.


An astonishing yell broke out from Zhong Lan's mouth, which almost scared Yu Ziqiu out of his wits.

next moment,

A huge black claw covered with ferocious barbs protruded from the ruins hole!

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