Lighthouse Country, Miyoshi City

Deafening music resounded throughout the bar.

On the dance floor, a large number of men and women dressed in cool clothes, swaying non-stop with the music.

Many seemingly mature women, in fact, have not grown up for a long time.

Among them, a girl with bright red lips and short pink hair was particularly conspicuous.

She has a slender figure, wearing a fiery red skirt, and her dancing posture is full of wild charm.

Many boys came to her and wanted to dance with her, but unfortunately they were all rejected.

Her name is Joanna, and she is a frequent visitor here, and everyone who often comes here knows her.

Pink hair is her trademark.

Suddenly, a tall black security guard squeezed into the crowd and came to Joanna's side.

He patted her shoulder with his palm and said in a deep voice, "Joanna, I have your phone number!"


Joanna turned around, her Barbie doll-like eyelashes trembling twice.

She said aloud, "I can't hear you! What are you talking about?"

"Telephone! Telephone!"

The security guard yelled and made another gesture.

Only then did Joanna agree, and left the dance floor with him.

In front of the counter, the phone has been on hold for five minutes.

Joanna picked up the receiver and said bluntly, "Hey, who are you? What can I do for you!"

"Is it Miss Joanna?"

A deep male voice came from the receiver.

Joanna wondered, "I am."

The man said in an unusually heavy voice, "I have a very sad news to tell you. Your father, Mr. Robbs, died in the line of duty a few days ago."

Joanna was stunned, with no trace of sadness on her face. Instead, she said nonchalantly, "So what? He never cares about me. He doesn't come home for Christmas, and he doesn't help me celebrate my birthday. I'll let him die! "

The person on the receiver was silent for a few seconds, and then said, "As his only relative, you can get a pension of 500,000 yuan a year."

Joanna's heart skipped a beat.

half a million?

Per year?

That's a lot!

Enough for her to live a comfortable life.

Unexpectedly, the father who never fulfilled his obligations could leave her such good benefits after his death.

At this time, the man said, "Your father also left a special inheritance. You are the only legal heir and have the right to inherit. If you give up, you can get a one-time subsidy from the government. The amount is five million yuan! "

Joanna's eyes widened, and the hand holding the receiver began to tremble.

five million? so much? !

She lowered her voice and hesitated, "I'm sorry sir, I, can I ask, what kind of inheritance is it?"

The man said calmly, "It's some experimental products and data. It's not important to you, but it's very valuable to us. If you're willing to give up..."

"I would, I would, I would!!!"

I thought the girl thought the price was low, and the man was planning to double the amount, but she agreed without hesitation.

The man fell silent again.

After a few seconds, he said, "You stay where you are. In ten minutes, someone will send you an agreement. Sign it and you'll get your money right away."

"it is good!"

Joanna was terribly excited.

Knowing that her father worked for a secret department, she did not doubt the authenticity of the call at all.

Moments later, a man pretending to be a pizza delivery guy came to the bar.

He came to Joanna and opened the pizza box, which was empty except for a newly printed document.

Joanna signed her name without even looking at it.

Then, the delivery man left with this document.

A few minutes later, her mobile bank sent a reminder that she had received five million transfers.

"Oye! I love you Daddy! RIP!!!"

Joanna kissed the phone screen that displayed the transfer prompt.

Then, she stormed onto the bar stage and grabbed the dj's microphone, her face glowing with excitement.

"Miss Ben treats guests today! Everyone cheer me up!"

The bar fell into a brief silence, and then burst into violent cheers.

"Long live Joanna!"

"I love you Joanna!"

This group of young people continued to live and dream, not knowing that the crisis of alien invasion could break out anytime and anywhere.

And Joanna didn't know how precious a legacy she had given up.

Robbs led a team to Huaguo to perform a mission, and has been completely lost for several weeks.

If he is captured by mistake, Hua Guo will definitely make secret representations.

There was no negotiation, and the Pentagon judged that the entire team was killed.

Joanna is Robus's own daughter, absorbing the heterogeneous crystals condensed by her father, the success rate is 100%!

However, she gave up...

Fortunately, she gave up!

The Lighthouse Country does not need such a weak-willed warrior who only knows pleasure!

If she didn't sign that document, the Beacon Country would not take the initiative to recover the alien market crystal left in Hua Country for her.

Once they agree to give up their inheritance rights, Xu Jing belongs to the country and must send someone to take it back!

Operation Code: Nirvana

Action goal: Find the alien crystal in Robus's body, and bring it back to the Lighthouse Country at all costs. As a last resort, it is allowed to absorb first.

Just as An Guanfeng expected, the Beacon Country planned to recapture the Ruin Crystal on Robus.

Huaguo is always on guard against all incoming enemies, but unfortunately, sometimes, the enemies are often already lurking inside.

Two weeks after the Nine Ruins assessment, the National Day is here.

There are no classes during the seven-day long holiday, and October 3rd is the school anniversary of Chengying College.

The study and training are busy on weekdays, and it is hard to wait for a long vacation. The students enter the carnival state every minute. The college also knows the importance of combining work and rest. Not only will it hold various lively activities, but the surrounding shops will also issue consumption coupons and reduce prices for big rewards.

However, what I like the most is the school flower election of Chengying College!

Those who are selected as the school belle will be awarded the honorary title of admissions ambassador, and their photos will be published in the next year's admissions brochure, as a signboard girl, attracting students!

Su Wanying has been crowned the school belle for three consecutive years. Thanks to her, the number of foreign students has increased by 3 year-on-year!

However, to be honest, it's not that her face is not good-looking, it's just that people are getting tired of looking at her face.

"It's also Su Wanying this year, right? No girl in the academy can compare with her."

"I choose Jianrou this year."

"Is the photo wall posted yet?"

"It's posted! Huh? Brothers, take a look!"

Underneath a bunch of old faces, a new face who had never seen before was on the list of candidates for the school belle.

"I'll go! This is too pure!"

"Freshman? Why have you never seen it before!"

"Me, me, me! I will choose her this year!"

"If you don't write your name, you don't know what class you are in!"

"Brothers, I have fallen, so this is the feeling of heartbeat!"

The mysterious black long straight little beauty appeared again.

This photo is definitely Jiang Siyuan's proud work.

And it's still a refined version without glasses, it's completely natural, with Gu Pan shining, I feel pity for it, and I can't tell it's made by P at all.

After making this photo, Jiang Siyuan laughed wildly for half an hour in the dormitory. Then, he casually threw the photo on the photo wall where the school beauty was selected.

She is simply the root of all evil!

Zhong Yuan knew nothing about this.

Who the school belle is has nothing to do with him, nor does it have anything to do with my sister.

A piece of news caught his attention.

"During the National Day Golden Week, this precious golden coffin will be exhibited at the Shangdong Museum for a period of seven days. The general public is welcome to make an appointment to view the exhibition!"

The familiar coffin appeared in the news footage.

It is related to the secret of rebirth and return, Zhong Yuan felt that it was necessary to take a look.

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