Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 117 Insidious! Even Let The Little Sister Name

On the big TV screen in the cafeteria, the news is being broadcast.

After the news about the golden coffin, Zhong Yuan looked back with a lack of interest.

There is a pile of breakfast on the dining table.

For Zhong Lan, a snack foodie, eating every day is a paradise of happiness.

I like to eat every kind of dim sum, but unfortunately I have a small appetite. If I order too much, I am afraid that my big brother will be overwhelmed. If I order too little, I can only look at the other dim sum and drool.

Now it's good, four people have a meal, each takes three dishes, the categories are not repeated, and the whole table is covered.

That's right, there was one more person eating together in the cafeteria, which happened to be a table.

Feng Qing is a fake friend of spicy chicken, but Shangguan Yi is a real person who can eat spicy food.

After discovering that Zhong Lan likes spicy food, he eats one dish every day, and as time goes by, Zhong Yuan tacitly allows this guy to sit by the side and eat together.

Just before the long vacation, there was a preliminary test, and at the dinner table, it was inevitable to show the score or something.

Zhong Lan proudly posted the report card, "Brother! I scored 100 in mathematics, 92 in Chinese, and 88 in English!"

The grades are quite good, and you can see that you have worked hard.

Not only that, but Zhong Yuan also knew that his sister had secret special training three times a week.

The special training videos were numbered by him, and all of them were treasured.

In other words, Zhong Lan practiced and studied correctly.


Zhong Yuan smiled happily and said, "Lan Lan is really amazing!"

While cooking, Shangguan Yi said proudly, "I am sixty-six in mathematics, seventy-nine in Chinese, and forty-eight in English! How about it, am I very good?"

Walking on the verge of death every day, the test scores broke through a record high, which is an unprecedented good result.

Principal Chen broke down in tears when he saw it, and the Dean of Academic Affairs found it unbelievable. If you try harder, you can really pass the final exam with 85 points! (however high school test paper)

Shangguan Yi thought he could get a few words of encouragement, but who knows...

Zhong Yuan put a smile on his face, and said coldly, "Trash! Are you willing to report this kind of share?"

Zhong Lan laughed happily, "Shangguanyi big brother, your grades are so bad! You have to make up lessons!"

Shangguan Yi boasted, "Compared to your brothers and sisters, I am far behind. Zhong Yuan got full marks in all subjects. I admit that he is a genius and I am trash!"

The implication is that compared with others, he does not admit that he is rubbish.

In order to prove this point, Shangguanyi deliberately asked Feng Qing, "What score do you get in the test?"

Feng Qing spread his hands and showed his grades, "85."

"Which 85 is yours?"


Shangguan Yi was suddenly aggrieved and speechless.


The full score in the test is awesome, but it is even more difficult to deliberately get the score stuck at 85.

There is no need to compare with this kind of person!

So, he changed the subject in a timely manner, "After the Golden Week, the school team will start training. Su Wanying has come to see me, and hopes that I can join her team."

"Feng Qing, what do you say? How about me, you, Zhong Yuan, and Su Wanying forming a team."

Feng Qing shook his head, "She didn't come to me, which means she has no plans to form a team with me. Do you know what this means?"

Shangguanyi was very concerned about the incident of framing the glasses, and said solemnly, "You have done a lot of evil, and you are finally hated by her!"

Feng Qing snorted coldly, "It's not been a day or two since she hated me! Back then, I robbed her of the student council president, and she was so angry that she refused to join the student council, even disdain to be a cadre."

Shangguanyi sighed and said, "Su Wanying is the kind of person who strives to be the first in everything. As the eldest lady of the Beichen Group, the pressure should be quite heavy."

"I care so much about her." Feng Qing sneered, "Anyway, she must have absorbed the ability of the medical department, and she doesn't think I'm needed anymore."

"Hey, but I don't need her either. This year, I will form a team with Yuan Yuan, and just add two smarter teammates!"

Zhong Yuan sat aside without saying a word, acquiescing to join Feng Qing's team.

After winning Yan Tuo, Chengying Academy gave Zhong Yuan the precious individual spot. Coupled with the position on the leaderboard, Zhong Yuan is the top 20 seeded player in the college league this time.

Shangguan Yi didn't play individual competitions, but after receiving special training, his control over Blast Flame was greatly improved, and he even developed a new way to use it.

In order to verify the results of the special training, he also signed up for the individual competition.

When he heard that there were still seats in Feng Qing's team, Shangguan was greatly moved and said, "It's okay if you don't need Wanying! Take me, I'm very smart!"

Feng Qing said unceremoniously, "You are so clever! Every time you win with Su Wanying's support, you should form a team with her! My team only needs one thug, I don't need you!"

Shangguanyi was so depressed that he died, he said dryly, "Zhong Yuan, can you take me with you? Let's form a team and find two more clever teammates."

Feng Qing was furious, "You want to die, don't you! Digging my people in front of me?!"

Shangguanyi took a look at Zhong Yuan. As always, he was calm and indifferent... He was eating his sister's leftovers.

So, this guy was full of confidence, and he was not afraid of Feng Qing anymore, and said confidently, "Zhong Yuan is not yours alone, he has the right to choose."

Zhong Lan ate the big steamed bun and looked at the two people with great interest.

In order to compete for the big brother, they were red-faced.

This is quite fun!

Then, she said with a smile, "Brother, why don't we form a team!"

Feng Qing and Shangguan Yi were stunned at the same time.

It's over!

Zhong Lan is the ultimate boss!

Who can beat her?

Shangguan Yi hurriedly said, "Miss Lan, we are talking about team formation in the college league. You are too young to participate!"

Feng Qing quickly peeled another egg for her, removed the yolk, and said, "Even if you falsely report your age, you are too young, and you will be exposed immediately, and the whole team will be disqualified at that time."

Zhong Lan: I know, I just want to know your reaction, Kangkang.

At this time, Zhong Yuan said seriously, "Lan Lan, girls, don't think about fighting all day long."

Zhong Lan stuck out her tongue playfully, "Got it!"

Feng Qing rolled his eyes and asked, "Xiao Lanlan, who do you think is suitable for your brother to team up with?"

Shangguan Yi's eyes widened, feeling that the situation was not good.



Even let the little sister name it!

The boss definitely doesn't care who he forms a team with, but his sister controls him, he listens to his sister!

Zhong Lan glanced at Feng Qing, then at Shangguan Yi, thought for a few seconds, and said seriously, "Feng Qing big brother, you must protect my brother, don't let him get hurt!"

Often in special training together, she knows exactly how powerful someone's healing power is.

In comparison, Shangguan Yi cooks a lot, and has been tortured by her more than a dozen times. Although he seems to be getting better recently, it doesn't change the fact that he cooks.

Choose one of the two, without a doubt, choose Feng Qing.

Feng Qing showed a winner's smile on his face, and patted his chest to assure her, "Xiao Lanlan, don't worry, with me here, I will definitely not let your brother have trouble."

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