After talking in detail, the distance between each other was shortened and a relationship of trust was established.

What made An Guanfeng feel guilty was that despite all precautions, something went wrong.

The external forces are cunning and cunning, and they have placed capable people in the country early.

They pretend to be ordinary people every day, and perform key tasks at critical moments.

Fortunately, after these people are removed, they can act as a deterrent. In a short period of time, external forces should no longer stir up trouble.

As for the few warriors who were killed by Zhong Yuan, they were actually internationally renowned ruthless characters.

Fujiki Naoya

Code Name: Shadow Walker

Sakura Countryman

Abilities: Shadow Escape, Penetration

A leading assassin who has successfully assassinated dignitaries from many countries and committed numerous crimes. He is currently wanted by the International Market Management Bureau with a bounty of 30 million.

Shaquille Zakri

Code Name: Black Widow


Abilities: Qiansi, Mental Pollution, Douhua, Super Camouflage, Simulation, Diving

A master of mind manipulation with a cruel personality. Likes to kill children. He once used his ability to sneak into the battlefield and slaughter innocent civilians.

It is worth mentioning that the black widow looks like a woman, but the information provided by the Siamese government to the International Market Management Bureau shows that he is actually a man. He was also wanted, with a bounty of 18 million.

Li Mingzhi

Code Name: Super Warrior

Simi people

Ability: Magnetic Force

There is very little information about this person. According to the clues given by Zhong Yuan, only the name can be found.

Ruan Kai

Code Name: Chameleon

Dual citizenship of Benin State and Lighthouse State

Abilities: ban, super camouflage, incitement

He used to be the leader of the able-bodied warriors in Benan Kingdom, but for some reason he suddenly defected to the Lighthouse Kingdom. According to external analysis, it is for money.

Ruan Kai has an extremely rare banning ability, is good at layout and command, and is a good captain-level talent. Since he has no bad deeds, the International Market Management Bureau has not wanted him.

It's a pity that people were frozen by Zhong Yuan. If it is used to negotiate with Benan Guo, a good result can be negotiated.

Now, the Academy of Sciences has taken Ruan Kai away, and seems to want to try to revive him after thawing.

An Guanfeng can't control this matter. If they can be rescued, they are very capable.

Black Widow isn't dead either. It is said that the dean of science took it away in person, saying that he would conduct very important research.

The most difficult and terrifying opponent is the Black Widow.

He has the ability simulation unique to Simi Kingdom, and has six abilities.

In other words, Black Widow can simulate 6 abilities of the opponent at the same time, and will not suffer a backlash like Cui Shengshi.

Unfortunately, his luck is too bad.

Zhong Yuan used the shadow walker who was killed with a flying knife.

The black widow couldn't imitate the acquired tricks, so she had to use mental pollution and dove poison, and was restrained in the end.

In this case, who would blame Zhong Yuan for being ruthless?

He is just a child, with his younger sister being taken hostage, he is fighting against four old-fashioned warriors independently. If you were any one of your peers, you couldn't do better.

Asking him to stay alive is simply impossible.

Moreover, after the bitter battle, Zhong Yuan immediately took the seriously injured Jiang Tianshuo and his sister to the infirmary for treatment.

It was he who saved Jiang Tianshuo's life.

Needless to say, Jiang Tianshuo's value.

Plus, there's a huge surprise.

Since Ruan Kai's team was completely wiped out, the Fangjie anchor point erected on the periphery of the academy was not taken back and was properly confiscated.

This is the first time Huaguo has seized the anchor technology of the Lighthouse country.

At the moment when foreign races are constantly invading, anchor technology is the core force of national defense, and it has been blocked by some big countries.

The Beacon Country certainly didn't expect that Ruan Kai and the others would fail in their mission, leading to the outflow of technology.

Although what was seized was not the latest model, this set of tools has great research value for deciphering the boundary of the lighthouse country.

After getting the news, the Construction Supervision Bureau was ecstatic, and promised that as long as An Guanfeng handed over the anchor point to the Construction Supervision Bureau, starting next month, the proportion of materials allocated to the East China Military Region would increase by 10%.


This is a great thing that benefits the entire military region and the country.

An Guanfeng felt that he had lost money by applying for second-class merit for Zhong Yuan.

But if the harm of the incident is exaggerated too much and you apply for first-class merit, there will be a lot of bad luck for the following people.

After weighing it, a second-class merit, plus a third-level Enlightenment Medal, it's almost the same.

An Guanfeng couldn't help sighing.

How long has it been? I just sent Zhong Yuan the first-level Enlightenment Medal, and it’s still warming up, and the second medal is here again!

As a reserve soldier, it was not a solution for him to keep receiving medals.

Well, let's get promoted again.

Reserve to regular officer.

Then rank...

An Guanfeng couldn't make up his mind. I ran to the staff, discussed it with a group of people, and finally decided, major.

nothing wrong.

Jiang Buyou, the number one in the youth rankings, is known as a young marshal. He is only 25 years old, and he is already a major general.

A 25-year-old general can have it, so why not a 16-year-old major?

Zhong Yuan will be appointed after the National Day.

After these things are settled, it is time to investigate the source of the information leak.

Someone deliberately leaked the situation of Shennongjia Fangjie World War I to the Lighthouse Kingdom.

Although there are not many people who know that Zhong Yuan will face Robus in the end, it is easy to make a judgment as long as you carefully analyze the battle situation at that time.

The medical team that entered Shennongjia's border at the first time, as well as the members of the Tianqin team, were all suspects.

Trouble is, there is no evidence.

It is very difficult for the Central China Military Region to cooperate with the investigation.

They will not admit that there is a traitor in their team, they will only use this incident as an excellent excuse to talk about things during meetings.

An Guanfeng rubbed his temples depressedly, and suddenly thought of something again, so he made an intercom call.

"Let Lin Dongliang come and see me."

On the other side, the God of War team office.

After two weeks of treatment, Xiong Youba and Zhanhong finally recovered before the National Day.

The military region gave them a vacation, plus the Golden Week, a total of three weeks off, their bones are lazy, and they are doing independent training in the camp at the moment.

Suddenly, Wu Jun excitedly held his mobile phone and said to everyone, "Look quickly!"

Xiong Youba put down the barbell in a very face-saving manner, and leaned over to take a look, his face was shocked, and he made a chest-thumping movement suddenly.

"I'll fuck it, I'll go! Awesome!"

Zhan Hong was throwing darts, and said half-jokingly, "What's so powerful? Has our national football team finally broken out of Asia?!"

Mao Wei had noticed that the leaderboard had changed a long time ago, and said with a smile, "It's little brother Xuanming! He has risen to second place on the youth leaderboard!"


Zhan Hong was startled, his hands shook, the dart missed the target, and then he rushed to Wu Jun to look at the list.

The next moment, he covered his face in excitement, and jumped twice with both feet.

"Oh my God! Xuanming is the second! The second! He even taught me how to play a flying saucer back then!"

The God of War team was jubilant, more like a festival than a festival.

In their hearts, Xuan Ming is not only a teammate, but also a brother who is close to life and death!

"It's a pity that the captain went to the capital for a meeting. When she comes back, I must tell her the good news!"

At the same time, the top ten changes in the rankings have attracted the attention of all parties.

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