Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 133 Saving You Is Just Incidentally

North China theater.

"Commander, I have never fought this man named Xuan Ming. Why can he run on top of me?"

In the office, a young woman in military uniform asked her boss with doubts and unwillingness.

This woman is the second in the original ranking list, the number one expert in the North China Military Region, Bai Wuyan.

"Don't worry, I'll ask for you."

After a while, I got a reply from the leaderboard organizing committee.

"He was directly reported to the organizing committee by the East China Military Region. After carefully analyzing his ability, he was transferred to the ranking."

"That's only in theory. In practice, he may not necessarily win against me!"

"Although I didn't really fight against you, this ranking has at least been concluded after thousands of simulated battles. It's not as simple as you think."

"Anyway... I don't accept it! How do you know that I'm not as good as him if you haven't fought once! I don't even dare to report my real name, I'm just a coward who hides his head and shows his tail!"

"The strength is so strong, it can't be hidden. The East China Military Region will send him out sooner or later. Maybe you will be able to meet him in the military competition next year, and then you can compete with him."

South China Military Region.

"Young commander! Bai Wuyan's ranking has been pushed down!"

"Oh? Hao Dong finally figured it out, and ran to challenge her?"

"No! It's someone named Xuan Ming. I checked, and the one who was originally ranked sixty-eight seems to have taken the top spot without having fought Bai Wuyan."

"Hehe, those who rely on simulated battles to get to the top must be the key cultivation targets of a certain military region. Check it out for me, I want to know all the information about him."

Guangyuan City, Fengjia.

"Yu Mo, now that your brother has passed away, you have to take on the important task of revitalizing the family. Your ranking has dropped to 69th. You must first win over the person who defeated you."

"If I get back the ranking, can I let them return my brother's body? My brother died for the country, and he can't end up with no ashes in the tomb!"

"Hey, we can't decide this matter! Unless you make it to the top ten on the list. Where is the guy who beat you? I'll help you arrange it."


"Yu Mo, what's wrong with you?"

"He's in second place..."

Reactions were mixed.

As for Zhong Yuan, who has become a leader of the younger generation, he is not conscious at all at this time.

On the way back to the academy, Xiao Qin was asked to stop for a while.

A quarter of an hour later, Zhong Yuan boarded the car again, and Zhong Yuan had an extra box of cakes in his hand.

Three strawberry, one chocolate, and one lemon.

Fortunately, with a 20% discount, I bought two more yuan.

Xiao Qin couldn't help asking, "Bring it to my sister?"

"En." Zhong Yuan nodded slightly.

Xiao Qin immediately said, "Don't worry, she will get better. As she grows older and her mind matures, her stress response will most likely disappear on its own."

"By the way, the commander has applied for a satellite phone for your brother and sister. It will be delivered to you tomorrow. In case of any emergency in the future, you can contact me. I am on standby 24 hours a day."

Zhong Yuan smiled and said, "Thank you."

Zhong Lan broke a finger and sent it to the infirmary, where it was cured within minutes.

However, after she used her ability, she was controlled by the black widow.

This incident left a serious psychological shadow, causing her subconsciously to doubt her own ability, and she couldn't even display one-tenth of her usual strength.

Being tied up and being taken as a hostage is not serious.

On the surface, Zhong Lan looks like a normal child.

Can eat and sleep, cry and laugh. It doesn't look like a mental disorder at all. But I just can't make good use of my ability.

The military region arranged the best psychiatrist for her, and after a few counseling sessions, nothing happened.

The mental state of the savages is inherently unstable.

The battle between the Ruins can be extremely dangerous, and normal people can't understand it.

Experts suggested that Zhong Lan should receive psychological counseling every day.

Meaning, do you have to make her recall the horrible experience every day?

Zhong Yuan categorically rejected the over-treatment proposal.

He believed that his younger sister would definitely come out of the shadows, and she would not easily give up the ability she had bought with her 20-year lifespan.

God was chatted to death.

Xiao Qin had no choice but to secretly write down the color of the cake.

Strawberry flavor is the most, and little girls really like fruit flavors.

After driving to the school gate, Zhong Yuan got off with the cake box.

When passing by the electronic screen, it happened to show the final result of the school belle election.

Su Wanying: 35,000 votes

Mysterious Little Miss: 1.8 million votes (another increase of 600,000)

Jane Rou: 50 votes

Others: zero votes

Zhong Yuan didn't take it seriously and didn't even glance at it.

He never expected that the photo of the mysterious little beauty turned out to be him.

Zhong Lan's phone was broken, so she had to call her room.

A few minutes later, the siblings met downstairs in the dormitory.

As soon as Zhong Lan left the dormitory building, he immediately saw a delicate cardboard box in Big Brother's hand.

The words Weichaomei Bakery are printed on the side of the box. This chain store, which focuses on high-end pastries, has blossomed everywhere in Shangdong City, and there can be two in three intersections.

"Brother, you bought a cake!" Zhong Lan was overjoyed and reached out to take it.

Zhong Yuan quickly lifted the box above his head and said, "There are snacks for visiting patients in it, let's eat together later."

"I'm 8! I want to eat first!" Zhong Lan jumped to catch it, but unfortunately he was too short to catch it.

If she uses her ability, she can get there in no time.

Zhong Yuan sighed inwardly.

Still have to take it slow.

It's not easy to recover so quickly.

The siblings walked towards the infirmary.

As a boarding school, Chengying College originally had a school hospital.

Later, a team of medical practitioners was hired, and the school hospital was reduced to an infirmary.

In fact, there are 20 beds inside, and all living facilities are available, so there is no problem for permanent residence.

Jiang Tianshuo and Qiu Ren have lived there for two days.

After the injury was cured, even if he lingered on, no one chased him away.

It's just... a good National Day, what a waste of time!


Qiu Ren lay idly on the bed and looked at his phone for a while. He was so bored that he couldn't help but said, "President, it's time for us to go back, right?"

Jiang Tianshuo was also looking at his phone, but he never tired of watching it.

Hearing this question from my friend, I thought about it, and said in a deep voice, "My father taught me since I was a child. After a long time, it will be mine."

Uncle taught well, but the current situation is not about inheriting the inheritance...

I'm afraid to wait for a long time, nothing!

Qiu Ren couldn't bear to say this, and began to think about how to persuade his president to leave.

Suddenly, the door of the infirmary opened.

The brothers and sisters of the Zhong family walked in one after the other.

Seeing them coming, Qiu Ren opened his mouth in shock.


Really waited?

After Zhong Yuan entered, he casually put the cake box on the table, and said coldly, "Jiang Tianshuo, you have been staying here all this time, just waiting for me to come to visit you?"

Jiang Tianshuo guessed that Zhong Yuan would come.

Quickly turned off the phone screen, looked carefully at Zhong Yuan's face, and said, "I just want to thank you in person, thank you for saving me."

"Don't get me wrong." Zhong Yuan said with a blank face, "I saved you just by the way, mainly to save my sister."

Jiang Tianshuo was not annoyed at all, and said in a voice that only he could hear, "You just said what you meant. At that time, you dragged me to the infirmary in a hurry, and you fell down..."

With a glance, he saw the little sister wandering around the cake box after entering the door.

Hey, the taste is super delicious?

Isn't this an industry under the name of my Jiang Group?

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