Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 134 The So-Called Friendship Between Life And Death Is To Fight The Bad Guys Together And Sh

Qiu Ren didn't pay attention to the cake.

After waiting for so long, almost half of the golden week was wasted. It would be too miserable if I returned empty-handed.

He quickly sent a message on his mobile phone to remind Jiang Tianshuo.

Capture Yuan first capture sister!

The screen lights up.

Jiang Tianshuo looked down, quickly understood, and said to Zhong Lan, "Zhong Lan, that cake..."

Zhong Lan had already swallowed a puddle of saliva.

Anyway, he is a friend of the big brother and a companion who has fought together, so he is not afraid of life at all.

He lifted the box directly to Jiang Tianshuo's bed, and said with a desperate expression, "My brother bought it for you. If you don't eat it, the strawberry cake will be ruined!"

Crazy hint: You must not rob me!

Jiang Tianshuo was amused by her, and his heart was full of joy. He looked at Zhong Yuan and asked in a low voice, "You bought it for me?"

Zhong Yuan emphasized his tone, and said, "I bought it for my sister, you just dropped by."

Jiang Tianshuo continued to treat him as duplicity.

He happily opened the box, took out a strawberry cake and handed it to Zhong Lan.

"Let's eat."

Zhong Lan said happily, "Thank you cake big brother! You still owe me 10,000 cakes, you should forget about it."

"Don't worry, I won't forget it. I will give you one every week. What flavor do you want?"

Zhong Lan said without hesitation, "Just bring what you brought that day!"

Jiang Tianshuo hesitated, "Do you want all strawberry flavor?" Ten thousand of them, won't you get tired of eating them?

Zhong Lan said excitedly, "Yes! I will always love strawberry cake!"

Jiang Tianshuo was startled, and tried to save the reputation of other cakes.

"Actually, other flavors are also delicious."

He was familiar with the treasures, and introduced it more professionally than a salesman who tasted it, "Lemon cake, using lemon pulp imported from the Iron Tower country, paired with yogurt cheese, has a delicate taste and a long aftertaste."

"The chocolate cake uses cocoa beans imported from Belgium, which is guaranteed to contain no cocoa butter substitute. It has a strong bitter taste and is silky and delicious."

Zhong Lan said firmly, "Except for strawberries, everything else is evil!"

evil ways?

Jiang Tianshuo was stunned.

Zhong Yuan's younger sister has a strange eating habit.

Shouldn't she try all the flavors as a child?

Zhong Yuan frowned and said, "Lan Lan, don't just take gifts from others."

Zhong Lan ate the cake happily, and said casually, "But, the cake big brother and I are partners who beat up bad guys together! What's the deal?"

Qiu Ren interjected, "Friends of life and death!"

"Yes!" Zhong Lan said triumphantly, "Brother! I am also a life-and-death friend!"

Zhong Yuan was startled, and frowned, "Do you know what this word means?"

"Of course I know! I graduated from the sixth grade!"

Zhong Lan crossed the cake and said eloquently, "The friendship between life and death is to beat the bad guys together and share the cake together!"

Zhong Yuan: ...

At this time, Jiang Tianshuo blamed himself and said, "I'm sorry, you trusted me so much, but I failed you, causing you to be controlled by the enemy..."

Zhong Lan paused while eating the cake, pretending to be nonchalant and said, "It's nothing, I was accidentally tricked."

Jiang Tianshuo hastily made a swear gesture and said, "I assure you, it won't be like this next time!"

Zhong Yuan raised his voice, "Next time? You still want a next time?"

Jiang Tianshuo said seriously, "Zhong Lan and I are comrades-in-arms who live and die together, isn't it normal to form a team?"

Zhong Lan immediately agreed with him, "That's right! Brother, are you coming together?"

Although he often trained with Feng Qing, Feng Qing never said that he wanted to form a team with her.

Only Jiang Tianshuo expressed his strong will, so he readily agreed.

She suddenly remembered what was said in the cafeteria that day, and said again, "Oh, I remembered, my brother has agreed to form a team with Feng Qing big brother."

"What? Has it been decided?"

Jiang Tianshuo thought there was a joke, but he fell from heaven to hell all of a sudden, he couldn't help shaking twice, and almost collapsed on the hospital bed.

Zhong Yuan said speechlessly, "It's just to participate in the college league."

"College league? That's okay, just form a temporary team and don't count."

Jiang Tianshuo breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled at Zhong Lan, "We must let your brother join our team in the future."

"Alright! Bring Feng Qing's big brother with you!"

Zhong Yuan's eyelids twitched wildly.


Did you ask me for my opinion?

Unexpectedly, Lan Lan and Jiang Tianshuo suddenly became good friends.

No wonder.

At that time, Jiang Tianshuo could have ignored it and ran away by himself. In this way, Ruan Kai's team is very likely to take Lanlan away, making the incident even more difficult.

Zhong Yuan did not forget the blood splattered on the ground, the crushed mobile phone, and Jiang Tianshuo, who was dying beside the mobile phone.

Without him, Zhong Lan could not be saved.

To be a man, one must repay his kindness, and stick to the mistakes he made before, it would be petty.

Jiang Tianshuo was in a good mood after talking about team formation, picked up the chocolate cake and handed it to Qiu Ren who was on the bed next to him.

Cake, it's fun to eat it together.

However, Qiu Ren didn't answer. Instead, he stared directly at Jiang Tianshuo's back and stammered, "I will... President!"

"Why?" Jiang Tianshuo asked strangely, "Why don't you take the cake?"

Qiu Ren said excitedly, "Behind you, behind you!"


When Jiang Tianshuo turned his head, he was dazed to see that Zhong Yuan had come to the bedside, and he took the initiative to extend his right hand to him.

There is a kind smile on his face that has been frozen all year round, which is more real than any photo he has collected.


The chocolate cake fell to the floor.

"Cake big brother, you're wasting it!" Zhong Lan shouted eagerly upon seeing this. Although it wasn't a strawberry cake, it was bought by her brother!

Zhong Yuan took the initiative to shake hands with someone for the first time. He was a little embarrassed, turned his head, and said reluctantly, "Thank you for saving my sister. I'm sorry, I almost killed you last time."

At this moment, Jiang Tianshuo almost burst into tears.

Finally got an understanding!

His heart was beating like thunder, as if he was in a dream, and he held that hand extremely quickly, and said, "My family! You are welcome!"

Zhong Yuan raised his eyebrows, feeling something was wrong, "What do you mean?"

Oops, said the wrong thing.

Jiang Tianshuo woke up in an instant, and made amends righteously, "The fifty-six ethnic groups in Huaguo are united as one, we are all one family!"

The corner of Zhong Yuan's mouth twitched and said, "As expected of the student council president of Hualing College, the awareness is high."

After speaking, he quickly took his hand away.

Jiang Tianshuo was embarrassed, and tentatively asked, "Can you leave a contact information?"

Zhong Yuan flatly refused, "Poaching? Don't even think about it. I won't leave Chengying Academy."

"No, no, no poaching!" Jiang Tianshuo hastily denied, his thoughts changed sharply.

How to do?


Why did you ask him for his phone number?

How about going roundabout and asking for Zhong Lan's cell phone number?


It is easy to be misunderstood and will be beaten to death.

However, if you miss this time, you may really have no chance!

Zhong Lan had already finished eating a piece of cake, and she wanted to eat more eagerly.

Jiang Tianshuo quickly gave her another piece.

Suddenly, I saw a 20% discount on the receipt.

Jiang Tianshuo had an idea, and said to Zhong Yuan, "Actually, I often get electronic coupons from Weichaomei Bakery on v-mail, and the strawberry cake is 10% off! I don't buy much, so I can pass it on to you."

Zhong Yuan was startled on the spot, and lost his voice, "One discount? Don't lie to me! How much do you trust? Add me!"

In this life, in the previous life, I have never seen Wei Chaomei with a discount coupon!

His family specializes in the high-end route, and the 20% discount depends on the face. (Looking at the face means that the cashier sister saw Zhong Yuan's good-looking face, so she specially gave him an internal price.)

However, Jiang Tianshuo, as a young director, sent an electronic coupon with only a few words.

Then, as a matter of course, I added the V letter.

By the way, Qiu Ren's V letter was also added.

Qiu Ren yelled in his heart: President is awesome! Chairman wise! One person gets chicken and dog to ascend to heaven!

Zhong Yuan took his sister and left.

While they were chatting, the little girl ate two pieces of strawberry cake, and her belly was so full that she couldn't let her eat the third piece, otherwise she wouldn't be able to eat for dinner.

Anyway, after greeting Jiang Tianshuo, we can withdraw.

In the infirmary, someone was holding a mobile phone, looking at the names in the v letter address book and giggling.

The bleeding was not in vain, the beating was not in vain, and the infirmary was not in vain!

Finally, I got my wish!

Although it is not a mobile phone number, you can also call and contact Zhong Yuan through V letter, and you can also watch Zhong Yuan's circle of friends to learn about his developments.

Jiang Tianshuo couldn't help thinking about it.

"Jiang Tianshuo, how to do this problem? Can you write down the process of solving the problem for me?"

"Okay, I'll write to you right away."

"Well, you are so amazing, you solved it so quickly!"

"After all, I am the president of the student council, Xiaoyi."

"Teach me next time, okay?"

"No problem, leave it to me!"

The above is a delusion in the brain.

Set a small goal first: meet Zhong Yuan in the name of delivering a cake, and then do the quiz together!

Later, Shangguanyi found out inexplicably that Jiang Tianshuo regarded him as an enemy for life.

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