Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 135 As Expected Of You, After All, You Are The One Who Committed The Biggest Crime

After the long vacation, Feng Qing finally got rid of the hell of shopping and returned to Chengying College.

In the cafeteria, the early team gathered again to tell new things about the holiday.

Shangguan Yi lost a lot of weight, ate glutinous rice chicken listlessly, and said, "A total of seven days, all of which were spent on blind dates. There are three blind dates a day, and breakfast and lunch are all included."

"Don't you have Jane Rou?"

Feng Qing always thought they were a couple, so why are they still on a blind date?

Zhong Lan wholeheartedly ate the steamed buns and didn't care about someone's blind date experience.

Shangguanyi said depressedly, "My family disagrees, and I think it's wrong to be inappropriate."

Feng Qing immediately nodded and said, "That's right. You are not worthy of Jianrou. She is virtuous and beautiful, has a good personality, is good at studying, and has a big butt. Standing with you is like a flower and a dog."

Zhong Lan couldn't help but said, "Feng Qing is a big brother, is a big butt an advantage?"

Zhong Yuan frowned and said, "Feng Qing, don't teach my sister badly."

Feng Qing said, "Of course it is an advantage. It is easier for women with big buttocks to have children."

"Feng! Qing!"

Ignoring Zhong Yuan's threat, Feng Qing continued, "We who are capable can encounter great terror at any time. What should we choose for a blind date? Three times a day, every day is full? Whose time are you wasting? Hurry up and choose one It's pleasing to the eye, you will have a baby immediately after you get married, and strive to make more contributions to the country! Right, Shangguan Yi?"

"Fuck you!"

Because of the blind date, Shangguan Yi was restless every day, and he was ridiculed and ridiculed. At this time, he was finally aroused.

Without saying a word, he punched Feng Qingkong!

Zhong Yuan helped him with special training every day a while ago, knowing that this move is powerful.

He hurriedly dragged his sister back to a place a few meters away, holding a steamer in his hand. Inside was the Xiaolongbao that Zhong Lan was eating.

Then, a violent explosion was heard, and a ball of flame appeared out of thin air, exploding towards Feng Qing head-on.


Ha ha ha ha!

While eating, Zhong Lan whispered, "Brother, Shangguanyi big brother ate the powder keg today."

Zhong Yuan remained silent.

It should be Feng Qing who ate the gunpowder keg, what is there to do to stimulate Shangguan's intentions?

All the students in the cafeteria were shocked.


"Is it someone from a special class using their abilities?!"

"What a powerful flame ability! It's Shangguanyi!!!"

At the center of the explosion, the dining table has been turned into coke.

Shangguan Yi looked stern and had already stood up, while Feng Qing, who was under attack, sat firmly and did not move.

I can't tell what expression is under the sunglasses, but I can only judge from the slightly raised corners of the mouth, which seems to be smiling.

"Very good! Shangguan Yi, how dare you attack me! It's time to let you know how big the gap is between 209 and 82!"

Half an hour later, the Academic Affairs Office.

After a crackling lecture, Gu Yan was called away by a phone call.

Zhong Yuan looked indifferently at the two guys who were fighting in the cafeteria, and said coldly, "Why do I even have to go to the Academic Affairs Office to be disciplined?"

Feng Qing has been beaten into a teddy roll, wearing sunglasses, and has the demeanor of a country singer.

"Yuanyuan, I didn't do it first. He hit me first."

Feng Qing didn't think he was at fault at all, and snorted coldly, "The principal's nephew is really amazing, he can hit someone if he wants to."

Needless to say, I have known Shangguan Yi for so long, and it was the first time I saw that his fists were not angry, but he was able to use the move of sparks in mid-air.

It's pretty awesome!

Is it a new ability?

Shangguan Yi was beaten on the ground by Feng Qing, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, like a pig's head.

After entering the Academic Affairs Office and being scolded, he still did not repent and continued to speak harshly.

"Feng Qing! Don't be crazy! During the league, I will blow you up!"

Feng Qing sneered, "Ditched my girlfriend on National Day, went out on a blind date, and returned to Versailles in front of me. Just say a few words about you and show off your might. I'm so scared."

"Me! Grass!!!"

Shangguan Yi's face turned red, and he ran out of the Academic Affairs Office without waiting for Gu Yan to come back.

Zhong Yuan checked with his super senses, and found that this fellow was rolling around in the green belt behind the teaching building.

Maybe it's his way of calming his mind...

Zhong Yuan asked, "Is Shangguan Yi on good terms with that Jian Rou?"

At that time, the student union held a meeting, and the girl who asked him to give up his seat was Jian Rou...

A pretty girl, but I always feel that she lacks a little personality and is too docile.

Feng Qing said melancholy, "Three years in the same class, I don't know much, I only heard that they grew up together as childhood sweethearts. Every time something happened to Shangguanyi, Jian Rou followed behind to help him deal with the aftermath."

"I thought that after graduation, they would definitely get married. I didn't expect Shangguan to be so cowardly. What's wrong with being in a family? Obviously he didn't dare to disobey the family's wishes and didn't want to fight for it."

Zhong Yuan remained silent.

As an outsider, it is not easy to interrupt.

At this time, Feng Qing suddenly asked again, "What happened to you that day in the museum? The curator told me that you opened the protective cover of the important exhibits, and then people disappeared."

Zhong Yuan's scalp tingled.

Oops, forgot about it.

Seeing that his expression was wrong, Feng Qing comforted, "It's actually not a big deal. The museum has no loss. It's just that they hope that next time you open the protective cover, don't forget to close it."

"You went to see that golden coffin?"

Zhong Yuan bit the bullet and nodded, struggling with how to explain, but Feng Qing began to reason on his own.

"Since you were locked in the confinement room last time, I have noticed that something is wrong with you."

Zhong Yuan was shocked.

"Zhong Yuan, are you claustrophobic?"

Feng Qing was confident and thoughtful, "When you stay in a dark and small space, you will feel particularly safe and comfortable!"

Zhong Yuan: What you said makes sense, but I can't refute you.

"The night you beat Jiang Tianshuo, you couldn't help but go to the confinement room again. The environment there is very stable for you, isn't it?"

Zhong Yuan subconsciously nodded.

Feng Qing looked at him with pity, and whispered, "Do you long to sleep in a closed, dark, rectangular box?"

Said very implicitly.

In fact, smart people can understand it as soon as they hear it, except for the word coffin.

Zhong Yuan asked in a low voice, "Can I buy that kind of bed?"

Certainly not.

The bad custom of burial has been abolished for many years, and the coffin shop has long since become history.

Feng Qing thought for a while and said, "I can customize it for you. How big do you want?"

Zhong Yuan said without hesitation, "It is 379 meters long, 0.89 meters wide, and 1 meter high."

"Oh, wait, let me remember. Length 379... width 089, 1 meter high, what material is it made of? Paulownia? Ebony? Golden nanmu?"

Zhong Yuan thought for a while and said, "Is gold okay?"

Feng Qing asked in surprise, "Do you want to copy that golden coffin?"

Zhong Yuan said in a low voice, "Forget it if you can't."

Feng Qing frowned and said, "It's okay. But gold is very soft and easy to be bumped and damaged. If you want to be strong, you can't make it pure gold."

"Just as long as it doesn't break easily. How much is it? I'll call you in a few days when I have money."

For killing two wanted criminals from the International Market Management Bureau, the total bonus is 48 million, which is worth 320 million when converted into Chinese currency!

It's no problem to hit a pure gold coffin!

Xiao Qin said that the bonus will be transferred to Zhong Yuan's account in a few days, so he is really not short of money now, and he is really a local tyrant.

After talking about the golden coffin, Gu Yan also came back.

Sweeping his eyes, he didn't see the beating guy, so he couldn't help frowning, "Where is Shangguan Yiren?"

Zhong Yuan said, "He went to the green belt to calm down. Director Gu, can we go?"

Gu Yan said with a serious face, "Feng Qing can go, but you have to stay."


I just took the Xiaolongbao and pulled my sister back to the side, why should I stay? !

Feng Qing blinked at Zhong Yuan.

The general meaning is: as expected of you, after all, you are the one who committed the biggest crime! Can't help, let's go first.

Therefore, Feng Qing sneaked away very shamelessly.

As soon as he left, Zhong Yuan immediately said depressedly, "Director, what else is there to leave me alone?"

Gu Yan's eyelids fluttered and he said, "Zhong Yuan, what happened, don't you have any idea?"

As always, the school printing factory came to confirm the printing of next year's enrollment brochure.

Because the kanban girl was changed, they hoped that the Office of Academic Affairs would provide a higher resolution photo.

It is best to take a few more photos for easy typesetting. In addition, the web page has to be re-done.

It was only then that Gu Yan discovered that the person who was selected as the school belle this year was not Su Wanying.

Taking a closer look, his eyeballs were protruding.

However, the culprit looked innocent and stood in front of him pretending to be stupid.

"Director Gu, I really don't know..."

Gu Yan broke his heart and said loudly, "Zhong Yuan, it's useless for you to be cute to me. I ask you to go to the studio next door and cooperate with the printing factory!"

Zhong Yuan:? ? ?

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