A studio was temporarily set up next to the Academic Affairs Office.

Gu Yan personally pulled Zhong Yuan over and asked him to cooperate with the photographer.

It's actually very simple, just stand still, smile, and pose for a photo.

Something similar has been done by Zhong Yuan before.

After all, he used to be a gold medal commentator on the fifth floor of the Shangdong Museum, but he almost became the king of cultural and creative stores. Some girls came to take a photo with him, and they couldn't push him away.

Then, Gu Yan was shocked to find out that Zhong Yuan would do it.

He is very good at being a model and knows how to pose!

The photographer took hundreds of photos, and almost none of them were trash.

In this way, the practice of Chengying Academy for many years was finally broken!

In the past, pictures of beautiful girls were used in admissions brochures to attract students.

From next year, it will become a picture of a boy hero.

When asked by Zhong Yuan, why do you want to cooperate in such a work?

Gu Yan spoke plausibly.

"You have won two medals, and you will be promoted to major soon. If you don't use you as a signboard, who will you take?"

The good school belle election was called the recruitment ambassador election by Gu Yan.

In fact, it is true.

After all, this world is a world that worships heroes and admires the strong.

Only sixteen years old, one first-class merit, one second-class merit, one first-level Enlightenment Medal, one third-level Enlightenment Medal, the youngest major in the Eastern Theater Command!

Such a brilliant record is rare in the whole country.

In addition, Zhong Yuan is about to participate in the college league, so as long as he selectively discloses some of his records, there will definitely be a lot of students who will come to sign up.

The Office of Academic Affairs has finally announced who the admissions ambassador for next year will be, and at the same time, it is equivalent to revealing the identity of the mysterious black, long straight girl.

The first grade of the special class, Zhong Yuan!

For a while, there was a storm outside the classroom, and after each class, the corridor was surrounded by people.

They all came to see Zhong Yuan.

A group of people in the fan club were shaky and couldn't believe their eyes.

We chose the school belle!

Not school grass!

Which bastard put the boy's picture up there?

Obviously this is a complete oolong election!

However, Zhong Yuan got 1.8 million votes!

In the history of Chengying Academy, no one has ever received such a high number of votes.

If it is invalidated, it is equivalent to burying his legendary story!

The boys mostly remained silent.

Although some people were outraged at being cheated out of their feelings and wanted to ask Zhong Yuan for an explanation.

But when they rushed outside the classroom and saw him in person, they left silently.

Whether it is the ability to be cute is at work, Zhong Yuan himself does not know.

During the period of special training for Shangguanyi, he felt something in his heart.

No matter what ability you have, you have to think about it yourself.

The role of super cute is unknown, and it cannot be used on humans casually, then...

Let's use it on animals!

There are many wild cats in Chengying Academy.

There are yellow-striped cats, black-and-white piebald cats, pure black cats, and snow-white cats. Most of them are Chinese pastoral cats, which divide the campus into several territories.

Many students voluntarily bought cat food to feed wild cats.

In the green belt, clear water in plastic boxes can be seen everywhere.

The janitors also do not take the boxes away as rubbish. If there is no water, some will be added instead.

With the joint efforts of all teachers and students, Chengying College is simply a paradise for wild cats.

Later, the janitor even dewormed and injected them regularly.

In the dead of night.

It is the time when cats come and go in groups.

Su Wanying and Jiang Siyuan held hands and walked on the road.

In the past few days, Su Wanying has been in a very bad mood.

What a joke!

She won the school belle for three consecutive years, but lost to a first-year boy!

After swiping 35,000, it was so ugly to lose in the end, a crushing defeat!

Who made the prank, put Zhong Yuan's photo on the photo wall of the school flower election! And helped him get so many votes!

Su Wanying met Zhong Yuan and decided that he was not a sensationalist.

Therefore, it is basically certain that someone wants to see her jokes behind her back, and does not want her to be elected as the school belle!

Several temporary attendants suggested reporting Zhong Yuan to the Academic Affairs Office for cheating.

But, by doing so, doesn't it show that she cares about the school flower throne?

It doesn't fit the usual personality!

After all, Su Wanying is synonymous with dignity and generosity in front of people, and she doesn't care about the ridiculous title of school beauty.

Only when she is with her best friend, Su Wanying will show her true nature a little bit.

"Damn... don't let me find you!"

Along the way, Jiang Siyuan didn't know how many times he heard this sentence from his best friend.

Unfortunately, on a whim, I left out a photo that I sold to my brother, and I got into a catastrophe.

If I knew this would happen, I wouldn't post the photo...

Jiang Siyuan was so guilty that he wanted to die.

In fact, she also wanted to help Su Wanying, so she checked the IP of the address that voted for Zhong Yuan, and found that it was not a swipe!

Moreover, many of them are students of Hualing College.

what does that mean?

I don't know where I got the news, and mobilized the entire Hualing College to canvass for Zhong Yuan!

It's no wonder Su Wanying can match her!

Seeing that the best friend has been struggling to calm down,

Jiang Siyuan faltered and said, "Wanying, don't be too sad, the Academic Affairs Office has already clarified that this is the recruitment ambassador election. Wait until the New Year's Day at the end of the year, and choose the school beauty again!"

"That won't work either! You don't know how many people make fun of me behind my back! I can't compare to a boy after swiping the ticket..."

Su Wanying said angrily, "I must find the mastermind behind the scenes!"

Jiang Siyuan was startled and said, "Calm down. What if it's just a joke?"

Su Wanying was furious, "There should be a limit to joking!"

Good guy, once found out, the boat of friendship will capsize.

There are still a bunch of good photos in the computer.

The more Jiang Siyuan thought about it, the more wrong it became, he handed the cat food and strips in his hand to his best friend, and said, "Wanying, I have something else to do, I'll go back first."

"Huh? Don't you feed the cat?"

"Recently I have rhinitis, so I won't feed it!"

"Okay... I'll feed myself."

The two women parted ways at a fork in the road.

Su Wanying continued to walk towards the cat gathering place.

I have been feeding cats for many years, and I have gained experience in feeding them.

After nine o'clock in the evening, the cutest three-colored cats in the college like to gather near the incinerator, where it is warmer and clean.

It's just that these cats are too popular, they are fed up with by the people in the academy, and they have a bad temper.

Give them cat food, and they won't let you touch it after eating.

Unless you use high-priced cat strips for them, with luck, a kitten or two will be willing to cuddle with you.

However, when Su Wanying came near the incinerator, she found that there was not a single cat.

"Strange, where's the cat?"

Talking to herself, she slowed down so as not to disturb the nearby cats, while looking around.


Su Wanying's beautiful eyes widened, and she saw the most incredible scene in the world.

There are more than a dozen cats, all of which are circling around a boy!

They were very cute, with their tails dangling back and forth, allowing him to touch them at will, and a few boldly jumped onto his shoulders, calling out to please him.

Su Wanying was completely shocked.

Who is this guy?

To make so many wild cats surrender!

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