Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 137 Su Wanying's Dreamy Night

Zhong Yuan came a step first.

In fact, he had long been displeased with these cats.

It's not spring, autumn is hehehe.

Going to the warehouse near the warehouse every night to shout for joy seriously affected the efficiency of writing questions.

Take advantage of your ability to test, and sanction them by the way! (Take the throwing knife and sterilize the cat!)

There is a dedicated cat feeding section on the college forum, and some students list the top ten cat feeding places in the college.

The best place is near the incinerator.

However, ordinary students dare not come here.

There are too many cats. If you don’t bring a lot of cat food and just feed one cat alone, you may be besieged by other cats.

Zhong Yuan was empty-handed, and when he arrived, he found that the cats were vicious and vicious. Seeing that he hadn't brought any food, they formed a crowd and besieged him.

very good!

That's right!

I'm afraid you don't do anything.

Zhong Yuan didn't say anything to activate the ability.

Although wild cats are cute, can they compare to Zhong Yuan's cuteness?

Once the terrifying strategic level ability is activated, all the unruly wild cats surrender!

They are all kinds of naive, and they are very flattering around him.

This is what Su Wanying saw when she arrived.

Under the dim light, the boy in a black sweater looked noble and extraordinary under the arch of cats, and strangers were not allowed to enter.

Su Wanying has not yet recognized that this person is the junior who robbed her of the school flower throne.

I was extremely envious, and for fear of disturbing the cats, I deliberately lowered my voice, "Student, please ask me, how do you do it so that these cats can get close to you?"

This group of unfamiliar wild cats are simply goblins who grind people to death. She has been feeding them for three years, and she can only masturbate once in a while!

Zhong Yuan was exploring the mystery of being super cute, when he was suddenly interrupted, he felt displeased, and felt that the voice sounded familiar, so he turned around and looked at Su Wanying.

"It turned out to be you, we met in the Malatang shop."

Just one side of the relationship, the impression will not be very deep.

The biggest reason why Zhong Yuan still remembers Su Wanying is that Feng Qing mentioned her several times.

Basically describe her as a girl who loves vanity, likes to show off, and has a narrow mind.

However, Zhong Yuan will not be prejudiced against Su Wanying just because of Feng Qing's opinion. Although his personality is somewhat passive, he is generally a person with his own opinions.

The moment she saw Zhong Yuan, Su Wanying was also taken aback, feeling extremely complicated.

The kid slapped her in the face three times.

The first time was for the selection of the school team. He personally invited him, but he directly refused.

The second time was the school belle contest. I lost to Zhong Yuan's photo cheat, and my face was swollen.

Now, she asked Zhong Yuan stupidly, the correct posture for stroking a cat...

Her face was burning hot, Su Wanying wanted to leave, but she was reluctant to part with so many cute cats.

As long as you ask the secret, you can get a cat. What is a momentary embarrassment?

Thinking of this, Su Wanying cheekily greeted Zhong Yuan.

"Good evening, Zhong Yuan, what a coincidence, are you here to feed the cat too?"


Zhong Yuan spread his hands, saying that he didn't bring anything, and said, "These cats are screaming every day, I'll punish them."

Eh? !

Su Wanying was stunned, and frowned, "What do you mean? Sanctions?"

Zhong Yuan glanced at the cat food in her hand.

not good! She, the cat lover.

You can't speak ill of the cat in front of this kind of person, otherwise you will be sentenced to death every minute.

Therefore, Zhong Yuan immediately changed direction and said, "You want to get close to these cats, don't you? Unfortunately, the better you treat them, the more they will ignore you. Dogs are loyal to people. Cats only despise humans."

Su Wanying didn't hear his subtext, and she wanted to ask the secret, "How did you do it? Please, tell me!"

Zhong Yuan looked at her longing look and couldn't help being speechless.

I want to be a cat slave...


"Tell you yes, I have a condition."

The old rules, the first conditions.

Su Wanying was tangled in her heart, and asked, "What condition? Don't go too far, I can agree to you."

Zhong Yuan said lightly, "You can't tell others what you saw tonight."

For some reason, Su Wanying felt a little disappointed in her heart, and said, "If it's just like this, it's fine. Tell me quickly, why is the cat so attached to you?"

Zhong Yuan said seriously, "Because I'm cute. As long as you are cuter than these cats, they will get close to you."

Su Wanying was shocked, "That's it?"

Zhong Yuan took it for granted, "That's it."

As he spoke, he touched the three-flowered cat on his shoulder.

It immediately narrowed its eyes comfortably, and wagged its tail to express that it wanted more.


so cute!

So cute!

Soft little paws,

Golden eyes like Amber's,

soft fur,

It will also make a cute Mimi cry.

Su Wanying couldn't bear it anymore, she screamed softly, "Zhong Yuan! Let me touch it!"

Zhong Yuan took a step back subconsciously, and said cautiously, "Sister, are you trying to harass me?"

"Ah no!"

Wait, I harassed you, shouldn't you be happy?

Why do you look disgusted!

Su Wanying seemed to have been slapped on the face again, she quickly defended, "I just want to touch that cat on your shoulder!"

"That's it... wait, don't come here, I'm coming to your side."

Zhong Yuan walked towards Su Wanying.

The latter discovered that there was a pile of dead rats and pigeons where he was standing just now.

They are all food after being bitten to death by wild cats.

Influenced by being super cute, the wild cats love Zhong Yuan and offer him precious food.

Su Wanying felt nauseated when she saw her, and hurriedly retreated to a clean and open space.

Then, a large group of cats followed and surrounded them.

Super docile, super cute, easy to touch, neither scratching nor running away.

This night was the most dreamy night in Su Wanying's life.

After playing with so many cats for more than an hour, I successfully fed all the cat food and strips, and returned to the dormitory, still reminiscing about the joy and joy of petting the cats.

However, it is absolutely impossible for her to masturbate cats by herself.

Because, after Zhong Yuan left, Su Wanying went back secretly, trying to be cute to the wild cat.

Unexpectedly, they didn't buy it at all, and a dozen cats used the invincible meowing fist together, scratching her face in minutes!

Fortunately, he absorbed the medical ability not long ago, otherwise he would have to go to the infirmary.

Su Wanying didn't know at all that being cute was a kind of ability, not that she was giggling and making faces at cats.

"Zhong Yuan..."

Standing on the balcony of the dormitory and looking at the night sky, she felt very complicated.

Apart from being a bit direct and blunt in speaking, this person is quite easy to get along with.

Next time, can we play cats together?

She was thinking about the wonderful cat night, but Zhong Yuan received an emergency call.

Contact: An Guanfeng.

"I'm sorry, Zhong Yuan, to disturb your rest at such a late hour."

The commander's voice didn't sound right, as if something very serious had happened.

As soon as Zhong Yuan walked to the dormitory, he opened the door and said, "It's okay, what's the matter?"

At 11 o'clock in the middle of the night, the commander's office was brightly lit.

Several staff officers gathered around the desk, looking anxious, waiting for the result of the call.

An Guanfeng sighed heavily, and said, "Something happened in Jinling. Zhong Yuan, no! Xuan Ming, can you go for a walk?"

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