Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 142 Zerg Will! Key Fifth Competency

Zhong Yuan spoke harshly to the chief of staff, but he gave face to these capable people.

He did not directly accuse the captain of providing false information.

In the face of doubts from the medical department, patiently explain and appease.

In order to protect the safety of the pilot, he did not hesitate to jump from a height of 4,000 meters.

His actions are often unexpected and make people sweat.

However, when you really see him, you will find that he is actually a stable horse.

Things that others can't do, which seem to be very difficult, are just basic operations for him.

Thirty warriors boarded the ancient chi sickle.

Soon, these bugs spread their wings and flew high into the sky.

Zhong Yuan didn't let them fly away.

When I came, I estimated the concentration of toxins in the air.

Since it is far away from the main battlefield, the toxin here is not too high, and it is safe to go up to a few hundred meters.

In this way, the headquarters clearly saw that the signals of all 30 people had gone to the sky.

What the hell!

what's the situation?

Everyone was stunned.

"Xuan Ming, please report the current situation!"

The chief of staff learned the previous lesson and asked in a low voice.

"Xuanming, Xuanming? Are you there?"

What about whispering?

The voice is so soft...

A captain couldn't stand it anymore, and replied loudly, "Chief of Staff! He thought you were noisy, so he turned off the communicator."

The others rolled their eyes together.

Is it really good to let the chief of staff take the blame?

That kid clearly thinks everyone is noisy!

Then, the headquarters discovered in astonishment that Xuanming's communication signal had really disappeared.

"He thinks I'm noisy...he thinks I'm noisy..."

The chief of staff's eyes were glazed, he was hit hard, and his whole body was not well.

The deputy commander was anxious, and said, "Commander, Xuanming is too messy. How can there be any reason to turn off the communication on the battlefield? If he does this, the headquarters will not be able to grasp the situation of the battle, and will not be able to give him any support."

Maybe, don't need our support at all?

An Guanfeng rubbed his temples and also felt a headache.

After thinking about it, he said in a deep voice, "He is a person who knows the importance, so he must have his own considerations. The battlefield is changing rapidly, and maybe he thinks that the group of us sitting in the office with remote control will only hinder him."

One person single-handed action, faster and more flexible.

By the time the tactical experts finished studying and judging the situation, the day lily was cold.

After being comforted by the commander, the chief of staff and the others finally felt better.

In fact, Zhong Yuan really just thought they were too noisy!

Turn off the communication, the world is much quieter.

Zhong Yuan took out the Ruin Crystal he picked up on the road from his pocket.

In order to retrieve this ruin crystal, it took a little time.

A reminder appeared in the mind.

"I found the Ruin Crystal of the Primordial Chi Lian, do you want to absorb it?"

"Primeval Chi Lian Ruin Crystal possesses the following abilities!"

"Super breeding, red rank, not upgradeable!"

"Sickle poison, green level, cannot be upgraded!"

"Death bite, yellow rank, can be upgraded!"

"Super excretion, red level, cannot be upgraded!"

"Zerg will, green level, cannot be upgraded!"

Know yourself and the enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles.

These days, there is no one who dares to absorb the ancient Chi Lian, of course they can't find out that these bugs don't have four abilities.

But five!

Skill description.

"The will of the Zerg: share thoughts through sickle poison. Required ability: sickle poison!"

This is the secret of Taikoo Chi Lian's ability to maintain an orderly formation and attack in groups when encountering an attack.

They release sickle poison by crawling and excreting.

A large amount of toxins spread into the air, interweaving into a huge information transmission network.

The two whiskers on the head are the organs for them to transmit and receive information.

Wherever there are enemies and where the enemies are moving, as long as the poisonous gas is still there, it can be quickly passed to the swarm.

If you want to break the will of the Zerg race, you must either dispel the sickle poison, or cut off the beard of the ancient chi sickle.

It's a pity that when the wormhole appeared twelve years ago, they were so anxious to wipe out all the ancient scythes and eggs that there was not a single live worm left.

In the end, all the insect corpses were harmlessly disposed of. Until now, the secrets of insect whiskers and sickle poison have not been discovered.

After getting the information, Zhong Yuan immediately threw away the Xu Jing in his hand.

Ghosts absorb this shit!

Looking at the big cockroach crawling quietly on the ground, he didn't rush to act, but fell into thinking.

There are so many big cockroaches in Fangjie, each one has different thoughts.

Chaotic information is intertwined, and a lot of it is messy and useless information.

How can the swarm quickly identify useful information?

Undoubtedly, some bugs acted as intelligence transfer stations.

It filters out invalid information, and then amplifies and spreads useful information.

It is not as low in IQ as the ordinary Taikoo Chi Lian, and it is easy to be controlled.

Its IQ must be extremely high!

That is, it discovered that the Ruin Warriors retreated to a safe area, and then sent a Zerg squad to fly over to encircle and suppress them.

Bug king?

Zhong Yuan guessed a little more boldly, perhaps, there is not only one insect king, but many!

Thinking of this, Zhong Yuan waved at a bug.

It immediately crawled forward and humbly prostrated itself on the ground.

Then the worm's belly contracted violently.


A large pile of feces landed in front of Zhong Yuan.

Taikoo Chi Lian is proud of excretion.

The things pulled out are precious food, the only gift they can contribute to the insect master.

However, this is not a gift that ordinary masters can accept, and if it is not done well, it will be directly poisoned.

Zhong Yuan has the ability of a poison eater, the stronger the poison, the higher the ability improvement.

Up to 148 can be raised!

But, who would absorb the disgusting sickle poison?

"I found the ancient sickle poison, did you absorb it?"

"Don't ask! Don't absorb!!!"

Zhong Yuan's face was dark, and he yelled at the bug, "If you pull any more, I'll kill you!" For the sake of its size, let it go first.

Sensing Zhong Yuan's anger, this ancient Chi Lian shook the whiskers on its head aggrievedly, and quickly sent an important message to its nearby companions.

"Master, I don't like them shitting!"

Then, Zhong Yuan jumped on its back and kicked its flank hard.

A pair of wings immediately unfolds from under the hard back membrane.

It flew up with Zhong Yuan and inspected the swarms in the safe zone.

Ability: super cute!

One after another, the Taigu Chisi were overturned by Zhong Yuanmeng, and they all lay on the ground and shut their mouths, motionless.

The people who stopped in mid-air could not notice the abnormality of the bugs.

They can only see someone flying around, and they don't know what he is doing.

One person couldn't help asking, "Captain, why is Xuan Ming still wandering around the safe zone?"

Another person worried, "The bugs outside are almost full, why don't you solve them?"

The captain who was questioned was sweating profusely, and gritted his teeth, "You ask me? Who should I ask?!"

Not necessarily, Xuanming can control hundreds of ancient Chisi at the same time, right?

Shocking, if you can!

And the people in the headquarters are dying.

The chief of staff blushed and shouted, "Squad Leng Feng, report the battle situation! What did Xuan Ming do?"

Zhong Yuan went off the assembly line, and his voice was fine again.

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