The cold front team is the team that Qi Mu is in.

Among all the six teams participating in the battle, the strength is the highest, and the combat effectiveness is the most intact.

Captain Liu Tianlie is a command-level talent with a stable personality and good at judging the direction of the battle. He has led the team to participate in several large-scale suppression operations in the market cave.

At this time, he assumed the responsibility of live broadcast commentary and reported to the headquarters,

"Xuan Ming seems to have used some kind of mind control ability to make a large number of ancient Chi Lian follow his instructions."

"Now we are all standing on the back of the ancient Chi Lian, flying at an altitude of about 600 meters!"

The chief of staff suddenly realized, "No wonder the signals are all in the air!"

However, although the spiritual ability is very strong, usually the amount of control is not too much.

The most powerful psychic power user in the world is recognized as Maria Chen from the Lighthouse Kingdom.

Her highest record is to control 35 targets at the same time.

Huaguoxu's ability to control the ability of the spiritual system is slightly weaker. The highest record is to control 26 targets at the same time.

Moreover, it has been a long time since Huaguo had a powerful spirit-type warrior.

The highest record has been maintained for nearly ten years and has not been broken by younger generations.

Hearing Liu Tianlie's report, the chief of staff showed joy and said excitedly, "That is to say, Xuan Ming has controlled at least thirty ancient chi sickles?"

Liu Tianlie affirmed, "The one under his feet is thirty-one in total!"

The chief of staff slapped his thigh and said loudly, "Good job! Control thirty-one ancient Chisi! He broke the record in China!"

Having one more is an advantage, and it is likely to become a record that latecomers cannot break.

Moreover, the number of controls exceeds thirty, which is enough to squeeze into the world's top level.

But this is just an outstanding personal ability, not reaching the height of the strategic level...

In the entire military region, only a few people have seen Zhong Yuan's file.

Although the staff has analyzed Zhong Yuan's abilities, they have no right to know about the existence of super cute.

I don't say it, the commander doesn't say it, I can only guess.

The chief of staff couldn't guess for a while, so he continued to ask about the battle situation, "What is Xuan Ming doing?"

Liu Tianlie hesitated, "A lot of bugs just flew over and surrounded us. After he let us go into the air, he flew around those bugs himself."

The chief of staff was surprised, "Has the safe zone been taken over by bugs?"

"Uh... I don't know if it counts as capturing the safe zone."

The bug has been lying on the ground, not moving.

To be precise, occupying but not attacking is a great opportunity to eliminate them!

There are a few marketers who are eager to fight, eager to rush down and fight.

It's a pity that they couldn't command the ancient Chi Lian, and couldn't land on the ground.

Everyone looked at the low-flying young man, not knowing what he wanted to do.

Don't do it yet?

What are you waiting for?


The insect swarm below moved.

One by one, the white ancient Chisi spread their wings and quickly lifted off into the sky!

They reached a height of two hundred meters, and thirty insects flew in a row, forming a neat square formation in the air.

Flying at the forefront is still the tall and straight boy in camouflage uniform.

I don't know what he did, the neat formation was broken in less than half a minute.

Taikoo Chi Lian began to fly around inexplicably, and finally formed a strange formation.

All the warriors were dumbfounded.

For a while, various strange breathing sounds, such as panting like a cow and sucking in cold air, continued to be heard on the public channel.

Command was at a loss.

What happened to them! Under attack?

The chief of staff said eagerly, "Liu Tianlie! Report the battle situation!"

Liu Tianlie opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

It was still reporting just now that Xuan Ming controlled thirty-one ancient chi sickles.

Now, hundreds of bugs all listened to him, flew off, and then...

"Liu Tianlie!"

The chief of staff was drenched in sweat and roared loudly, "What happened? Report it!"

Liu Tianlie said in a daze, "All the bugs flew up."

The chief of staff turned pale with shock, "Are they going to attack? Where is Xuanming? Where is he!"

Liu Tianlie said in a hoarse voice, "He is here, he has been flying at the forefront..."

The chief of staff roared, "Is he in combat mode?"

The noise in the public frequency is extremely small, and even the sound of inhalation can be heard.

In this case, there is really no need to speak very loudly.

Liu Tianlie felt that the Chief of Staff's growl sounded a bit loud, and stammered, "I...I don't know! Probably, I used some kind of ability!"

After many years of fighting and rich experience, at this moment, he was unable to judge what Xuanming wanted to do.

Because, those Taikoo Chisi who flew around randomly arranged three crooked Chinese characters in the air - overtime pay!

Even the exclamation point was formed by flying together several bugs.

Who did it?

How did you do it? !

Is this a distortion of human nature, or a loss of morality?

(Several ancient Chisi were forced to fly upright in order to gather together!)

The smarter street warrior has already taken out his mobile phone and took a picture of this appalling scene.

They fly higher and can see very clearly.

It's really three Chinese characters!

How could Taikoo Chi Lian be literate?

Someone must be controlling them.

This person, apart from Xuan Ming, doesn't do what he thinks!

Soon, the photos were sent back to the headquarters via satellite mobile phone.

The moment they saw the three big characters, the jaws of all the staff in the headquarters dropped.

The two tactical experts seemed to be living in hell, and almost wanted to tell the commander to let them go home.

In the end, all eyes were on An Guanfeng.

An Guanfeng said with an unnatural expression, "Ahem! What are you doing looking at me?"

The chief of staff said dully, "Commander, can he control so many bugs at the same time?"

Can he control more bugs! ! !

The chief of staff roared in his heart.

An Guanfeng's eyelids twitched slightly, and he continued to put on a confident look with his wisdom in his hands, and said flatly, "Strategic!"

The chief of staff instantly showed an expression that I understood.

It can't be top secret, can it?

"Hehe, as expected of a strategic class!"

"Yes! It's amazing!"

"Youth is promising!"

"It's the Commander's discerning eye!"

damn it! Which strategic level capability is it?

And An Guanfeng was also wondering,

I'm not sure if Zhong Yuan used his cuteness ability.

In his impression, being cute is just to eliminate the hostility of the target, and it is impossible to precisely control the target's actions.

The original intention is to make Zhong Yuan start super cute, so that Taikoo Chi Lian loses his fighting consciousness.

As long as they don't attack, they can throw incendiary bombs and wipe them out completely.

As a result, Zhong Yuan paid overtime pay...

Fang Jie can hold on for a while longer. The rocket artillery and armored forces have also assembled on the periphery of the square.

It's better to wait and see what happens. If it doesn't work, call again.

An Guanfeng thought secretly.

How much overtime pay is appropriate?

The overtime pay was just a whim experiment by Zhong Yuan.

He just wanted to see if he could command a small swarm squad by commanding a single Primordial Chilian.

As it turns out, it works!

Give the three worms separate commands, and tell them how to arrange the three words, overtime, shift, and fee.

As a result, the information is transmitted to other bugs through the weak sickle poison in the air.

The three worms who got the information turned into little leaders, leading their companions, and perfectly fulfilling the master's wish!

"Sure enough, I can control those cute bugs and let them transmit their thoughts in the poisonous gas, thereby affecting the actions of other bugs."

After thinking about solving the wormhole dilemma, Zhong Yuan rushed to the main battlefield with hundreds of ancient Chisi.

The only instruction he gave to the worm was: return to the cave!

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