Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 163: Cheating With Offsite Guidance

In the backpack, the satellite phone is transmitting data.

Zhong Yuan used his mobile phone to set up a small communication base station to communicate with the staff in real time. For this reason, I also brought two charging treasures, and it will not be a problem to use it for three days.

The range of the encrypted signal is about ten meters. As long as Feng Qing is not too far away, he can also enter the channel and listen to the opinions of the off-site guidance.

In addition, all the watches they use have been specially treated.

It can only be positioned, but cannot be monitored.

All the conversations with Song Jianguo just now were sent to the General Staff.

The tactician checked his voice against his own voiceprint, and finally confirmed that it was Song Jianguo himself.

The refusal to reveal information about other colleges complied with the rules and was impeccable.

However, it was too coincidental that Zhong Yuan met this person again when he entered Fangjie this time.

The staff department has already decided to closely monitor Song Jianguo's movements.

Zhong Yuan doesn't need to worry about these things.

Moreover, he does not intend to inform the other two teammates of the extra task.

Especially for Xie Yihan, Zhangjiajie is extremely dangerous and under great psychological pressure. If you let him know that there might be someone eyeing the team, he might just quit.

This time, the Fangjie Hunting implements a continuous sitting system. If one person withdraws, the entire team must withdraw.

Zhang Rui, for the same reason, don't talk to her anymore.

Zhong Yuan thinks he can protect them even if they are in danger. Plus Feng Qing was there too, so there was no big problem.

The four of them carried hiking bags and headed towards the depths of Fangjie.

There are mainly three kinds of alien races in Zhangjiajie Fangjie.

Rosemary Rabbit, Moonlight Fox, Two-Headed Vulture.

Both are hard to kill, and are good at speed.

Among them, the moonlight fox is the rarest, living in dark caves.

The ability to ban comes from the Moonlight Fox Market Crystal.

Before coming, the staff provided a very detailed map of the distribution of alien races.

However, Zhong Yuan feels that this map may no longer be valid.

If you really want to do it, you must arrange it in the square in advance, drive the easy-to-kill aliens to a specific place, and set up a trap.

Then follow the map, and most of them will make a trip in vain.

The sky was gray and there was no sunlight, but it did not prevent Zhong Yuan from enjoying the beautiful scenery of Zhangjiajie.

In reality, Zhangjiajie itself is a Huaguo 5a-level scenic spot, with a large number of scenic viewing facilities.

It's a pity that there is no electricity in Fangjie, and all the cableways are out of service and cannot be used.

Walking on the stone steps in the safe zone, Xie Yihan couldn't help asking, "This place is too big, we have to set a target first, which kind of alien race to hunt?"

He thought it was Rosemary Rabbit.

The number of rabbits is large, and they run on the ground, and their attack power is not strong, so they are relatively easy to hunt.

As long as you follow the feces on the ground, you can find the habitat of the rosemary rabbit.

They usually appear in nests, and when they encounter enemies, they will fart collectively, forming a dizzy and vomiting fog.

With Feng Qing's rejuvenation, the team is not afraid of this ability at all.

Zhang Rui took the lead in saying, "I'll follow you."

In fact, Feng Qing also wanted to kill Rosemary Rabbit in his heart.

To lure the snake out of the hole, of course follow the opponent's train of thought first. Otherwise, the traps that people have worked so hard to set up are all in vain.

However, the team's strongest thug is Zhong Yuan. He said before that he wanted to climb a mountain, so we still have to ask his opinion.

"Yuanyuan, what do you think?"

Zhong Yuan thought for a while and said, "Choose the easiest one, and take the Xu Jing first."

Xie Yihan was overjoyed, "It really is Rosemary..."

Before he was happy for a second, he heard Zhong Yuan say, "Kill the double-headed eagle."


Xie Yihan was stunned.

Zhong Yuan, how did your brain circuit grow?

The double-headed eagle can fly and is the hardest to kill!

Even Feng Qing frowned and said, "Double-headed eagle? Are you sure?"

Zhong Yuan explained, "To find the Rosemary Rabbit, you have to follow its poop, and when you meet it, you have to eat farts. After killing it, Xu Jing is worthless. There are girls in the team, so I think we should take care of it properly. "

Rosemary Rabbit Crystal contains three abilities: Acceleration, Rosemary Spray, and Group Effect.

Among them, the acceleration is slightly useful.

Rosemary Spray relies on crazy farts to spit out stunned poisonous gas, and is feared like a tiger by many shamans.

The group effect ability is very subtle.

It is usually a group of rosemary rabbits who cast the rosemary spray together, and then stimulate the group effect to expand the range of the fog.

The abilities of human beings are varied, and it is too difficult to exert the power of group effect.

Zhong Yuan said that Rosemary Rabbit's market crystals are worthless, and he was actually right.

However, he finally added that the reason why he chose to kill the double-headed vulture in order to take care of the girls was too far-fetched.

Xie Yihan was unable to complain, and asked Zhang Rui bluntly, "Zhang Rui, do you think you need to be taken care of?"

It was the first time that Zhang Rui felt taken seriously by others, her face was a little red, and she said, "I, I listen to Zhong Yuan."

After observing for a long time, she found that the team seemed to be led by Feng Qing, but in fact, Feng Qing cared a lot about Zhong Yuan's thoughts and gave way to him everywhere.

So, what Zhong Yuan said was right.

Xie Yihan almost knelt down to Zhong Yuan.

The girl has turned against each other... The terrible little boy, kills both men and women!

Feng Qing thought for a few seconds, then suddenly his eyes lit up, and he said, "I see! The double-headed vulture is really good! It is the natural enemy of Rosemary Rabbit. As long as we find its lair, we will definitely find a lot of Rosemary Rabbit market crystals." !"

"Also, the double-headed vulture has obvious targets, flying in the sky, it is easy to see. The market crystal ability is also very good."

The double-headed vulture crystal has four abilities: dual-purpose, soaring, eagle eyes, and steel iron claws.

They are all useful abilities, unlike Rosemary Rabbit, who has three abilities and two useless abilities.

Zhong Yuan is indeed very interested in the ability to fly.

Flying has always been an unattainable dream for human beings.

If you can fly, it must be very cool, even if the level is not high, it doesn't matter.

Xie Yihan's face turned dark.

It's so simple to say.

Double-headed vultures inhabit high mountain peaks, and are often attacked by flocks of vultures before reaching their habitats.

Their iron claws are so powerful that they can crack mountains and rocks, and even steel can be crushed.

The chief of staff had nothing to do, listening to the team members discussing, couldn't help admiring in the public frequency.

"Not bad, cannibalism among different races, only devouring flesh and blood, not market crystals. Double-headed vultures eat rosemary rabbits as their staple food, and there may be a large number of ditto rabbit market crystals in their nests. Kill a nest of eagles, and get two kinds of market crystals. Get twice the result with half the effort."

"Actually, at the beginning of the establishment of the Zhangjiajie Fangjie, they really took a fancy to the characteristics of the double-headed eagle and the rosemary rabbit, so they were placed in the same square to achieve ecological balance."

"Otherwise, with the terrifying fecundity of rabbits and no biological restraint, hundreds of millions of rabbits will be born in one year, billions in two years, and billions in three years. By then, all the vegetation in the square will be eaten up by these rabbits." .No one will get well."

The off-site coach cheated. It stands to reason that it is impossible to give guidance to the team's hunting mission.

But who let Zhong Yuan enter Fangjie with a mission?

In order not to affect his passing the selection, it should be no problem to give him some advice.

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