Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 164 The Double-Headed Vulture Can't Attack The King Meng

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Xie Yihan's objection was invalid and he decided to kill the double-headed vulture.

This means, to climb the mountain.

Follow the stone ladder all the way forward, walk for half an hour, and a huge mountain peak appears in front of you.

There are mountains all around, but this one is special.

A magnificent steel outer rail is erected vertically on its mountain wall, connecting the foot of the mountain and the top of the mountain.

This is the Bailong Tian Elevator, a landmark attraction in Zhangjiajie!

In reality, this high-speed elevator built on the cliff is still in service, providing tourists with a convenient and exciting climbing experience.

But in Fangjie, the Bailong Tian ladder was completely out of service.

The magnificent steel track was broken in many places, all of which were marks left by the two-headed eagle grinding its claws.

On the top of the mountain, the artificially developed tourist platform has become a paradise for double-headed vultures.

They occupy the elevator room, the doorway, the rest room, and use it directly as a nest.

Xie Yihan stood at the foot of the mountain, sweating profusely.

What do you mean?

Do you want to climb the steel rails of the Bailong Tian Ladder to the top of the mountain?

It's really nice to not have to freehand rock climbing, but! There are too many double-headed vultures here, circling in the air all the time, searching for prey.

The target standing at the foot of the mountain is not big, and they won't be able to find it for a while. It's hard to tell when climbing.

The vertical height of the ladder is more than 300 meters, and it is also a holy place for two-headed eagles to sharpen their claws, so they are easy to attack.

Xie Yihan stammered, "Well, I have a fear of heights..."

I know that if you don't want to climb mountains, you have a fear of heights!

Zhong Yuan looked at the ladder and felt that it should be quite strong because it has been standing for many years, so he said, "I'll climb up first and tie the safety rope. With the rope, I won't be afraid to miss it."

What a great idea!

Xie Yihan hesitated, "Zhong Yuan, can you do it? Don't try to be quick, it's better to be steady."

"Don't worry, I'm good at rock climbing."

"Then what if a double-headed eagle flies down to attack you?"

"we'll talk about it then."

Zhong Yuan looked at Zhang Rui and asked, "Can you climb up?"

Has been cared about twice.

He is really warm.

Zhang Rui was moved, and whispered, "I'm fine, I'll just follow you. Senior Xie is afraid of heights, he needs to be taken care of." The interaction between the junior and the senior is also very beautiful!

Zhong Yuan had no idea what this girl was thinking, but was a little surprised.

He looks out of place, but he's actually quite brave.

Feng Qing took the opportunity to tease Xie Yihan, "See? Girls are more capable than you!"

Xie Yihan covered his face and muttered softly, "It's not my fault I'm afraid of heights..."

Zhong Yuan said seriously, "Everyone has something they are not good at. Senior, do you need me to carry you?"

Xie Yihan took a step back in fright, and said in surprise, "Don't! Don't! I don't want to become a public enemy of the whole school!"

Zhong Yuan:? ? ?

The corridor leading to the sky ladder has long been turned into ruins.

The four of them walked through the ruins and came to the elevator shaft, only to find that a large piece of steel bar connecting the ground had broken.

The intact steel structure is at least ten meters above the ground.

The damage to the ladder was worse than imagined.

Zhong Yuan's expression remained the same, as if he didn't see the problem in front of him, and said calmly, "Okay, I'll go first. You guys wait here."

Xie Yihan couldn't help worrying, "Be careful."

Being able to fight does not mean that outdoor climbing is also awesome.

In particular, there are several breaks on the ladder, and the steel bars are rolled and stabbed outwards, which looks very thrilling.

"Don't worry! No problem."

"No! I'll give you a ride."


Then, Xie Yihan activated his ability.

Breath of the Wind: Blows a soft wind, increasing the speed of the target by 150

Zhong Yuan immediately felt a gentle wind supporting his body, as if he could jump into the sky with a light jump.

This assist ability is pretty good.

Zhong Yuan jumped up, and with the help of the wind, he jumped the ten-meter-high steel frame with ease.

Grabbing with both hands, the whole person hangs in the air.

Xie Yihan couldn't help but sweat.

Because, Zhong Yuan is also carrying a large backpack with a height of half a person, weighing about 20kg,

It contained various supplies, including food, sleeping bags, and an inflatable kayak.

Really! He should have taken his pack off and climbed!

After Zhong Yuan grabbed the steel bar, he immediately adjusted his posture.

Find a good support point for your feet, and then, like a cat, arch your back and bend your legs. The whole person is like a cat, climbing vertically on the ladder.

Climbing is too slow and strenuous.

He chose a more simple and rude way.

I jump!

Both legs exerted strength together and jumped upwards suddenly.

The power of the wind breath hadn't stopped yet, and he jumped up a full dozen meters with his body in his hands!

Hold the rebar firmly with both hands.

This time, there is no need to find the foothold, and the continuity of the jump is perfectly maintained.

I will dance again!

It was another leap, flying up more than ten meters.


Xie Yihan almost knelt down to him again.

Who can learn vertical jumping and climbing!

At this time, Feng Qing, who was standing by the side, smiled and said, "Interesting. I'll try it too."

Xie Yihan looked at him with crazy eyes.

crazy huh?

After Zhong Yuan climbed up, the safety rope was put on. Why are you competing at this time?

Suddenly, Zhang Rui frowned, pointed to a small black dot in the sky and said, "Look quickly, is there a double-headed eagle flying down?"

Feng Qing was startled.

The hair is so long, the eyes are blocked, and the eyesight is so good?

I really don't know where her vision comes from.

Feng Qing slightly pushed down the sunglasses, and then followed Zhang Rui's direction to look intently.

Worse, it really is a double-headed vulture.

One flew down and soon attracted a group!

Must be killed before it attracts companions.

Feng Qing immediately whispered in the public channel, "The double-headed eagle flew down! Kill it quickly!"

Zhong Yuan turned a deaf ear, and when he came to the height of 100 meters, he didn't even look at the surrounding situation, and continued to go up in one go.

Feng Qing's eyelids twitched, and he said again, "The double-headed vultures live in groups and will call their companions to attack you together! Really, have you read the information?"

"I've seen it." Zhong Yuan replied indifferently.

At this time, the two-headed vulture was less than thirty meters away from him.

The wings flapped, and a gust of wind with sand and gravel was rolled up, and it was very uncomfortable to blow on the face.

Zhong Yuan took a look.

What a big bird!

The whole body has black and gray hairs, the body length is about 3 meters, and the wings are fully spread, which is more than 10 meters!

It has two slender necks and two heads. There is also a pinch of emerald green feather crest on the top of the head, which is very bright in color.

The two-headed vulture found Zhong Yuan, and did not attack, it immediately flapped its wings and flew upwards, while raising its neck and screaming.



The two long howls were like a signal, and the double-headed vultures perched on the top of the mountain were immediately startled, and they flapped their wings and took off.

In less than five seconds, a large group of double-headed vultures surrounded Zhong Yuan.

"It's over..."

Xie Yihan was like falling into an ice cellar, and said to Feng Qing in horror, "There are so many alien races, Zhong Yuan will die!"

It's not enough to die...

Feng Qing quickly judged the situation.

However, the odds were against Zhong Yuan. In the climbing state, throwing knives and fighting skills are not feasible.

Are you going to use that trick?

However, just entering the square boundary has to turn over the cards, very passive...

Feng Qing frowned and asked Zhang Rui, "Can you release the poisonous mist to save him?"

Zhang Rui also panicked, and said anxiously, "No, it's too far away, I can't reach it!"

Xie Yihan asked nervously, "What if I add my wind breath?"

It may be possible to have wind breath assistance.

However, at this moment, Zhong Yuan, who was 100 meters high, suddenly let go without warning and fell downwards!

Xie Yihan has been paying attention to his movements, and couldn't help shouting in horror, "Zhong Yuan!!!"

I saw a large group of double-headed vultures scrambling towards him.

Among them, the biggest and strongest eagle came out on top and caught him with its back firmly!

Xie Yihan:? ? ?

Zhang Rui:! ! !

Feng Qing: ...

Zhong Yuan: (=w=)

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