Four people, with four sleeping bags.

In the end, all of them were donated to Xie Yihan's Clothing Market Crystal.

He didn't even bother to eat dinner.

It took a full two hours for Xu Jing to pack everything up, and the four sleeping bags were filled to the brim, leaning against the corner of the Eagle King's lair.

After doing these things, Xie Yihan was so tired that he was about to collapse.

Zhong Yuan had a hint of admiration for him.

Be diligent, not afraid of hardship, not afraid of tiredness, do so much, and don't need help.

It's just a model worker!

Feng Qing said speechlessly, "Xie Yihan, I can't tell, your physical strength is so good!"

Xie Yihan lay on the pile of bamboo leaves, he didn't even have the strength to open a can, he hummed, "I'm almost exhausted. Come, someone, help me open a can!"

Feng Qing didn't intend to help at all, he chuckled, "I see that you are very happy picking up Xu Jing."

"I picked it up for nothing! Of course I'm happy!" Xie Yihan said excitedly, "This time it's definitely a record! No. 1 in the country is no dream! Even if you don't make it to the top five finals, with the results of this selection, you can still add it to your file." One sum!"

His goal is not to go to the battlefield to kill aliens, but to prefer civilian jobs.

Usually, civil servants give priority to recruiting those who have retired from the battlefield and are no longer able to fight.

Graduates cannot compete with them. However, if there is a particularly good record on file, you can get extra points.

It is understandable that Xie Yihan worked so hard.

Feng Qing spat, "Promise! What do you mean by not being in the top five! Our goal is to be the champion!"

Xie Yihan thought to himself: Just relying on your luck, Feng Daoguigui Qing, if you get to a strong team, you won't be able to pass the top ten preliminaries.

At this time, Zhang Rui opened a can for him and handed it over silently.

Xie Yihan was overjoyed, he didn't go to pick it up, he pushed his nose up and said, "Can you feed me?"

Zhang Rui thought for a while and handed the can to Feng Qing.

Xie Yihan was so frightened that he got up and said, "Forget it! I'll do it myself!"

Feng Qing was furious, "What do you mean? Look down on me, don't you? Do you think I'll call the can in your face?"

"Isn't it? Help Zhong Yuan! Feng Qing is going to murder my dinner!"

Zhong Yuan looked at them and couldn't help showing a smile.

Working in a small group is much more fun than working alone.

There is no night in the cube.

Feng Qing was an experienced man who noticed that it was late, and said, "Xie Yihan, Zhang Rui, you two should rest first, and Zhong Yuan and I will stay in the middle of the night, and we will change shifts in four hours. Is there any problem?"

The two said in unison, "No problem."

From 11 o'clock in the evening to 3 o'clock in the morning, it is the time for the human body to sleep deeply.

As long as you sleep well during this time, even if you sleep a little less, it's not a big problem.

Conversely, if you miss the best time for deep sleep, your sleep quality will be greatly reduced, and you will be very lethargic during the day.

Feng Qing deliberately left them the sleep time in the first half of the night, in fact, he took care of them.

Zhong Yuan thought for a while and said, "Feng Qing, you also go to rest. I can just watch the night alone. This is the habitat of the double-headed vulture, and there will be no danger."

"No. It's better to take turns at the vigil."

Feng Qing rejected Zhong Yuan's proposal.

No matter how powerful a person is, he can't do everything on him.

In a team effort, everyone contributes.

Getting to the top of the mountain, finding Xu Jing, and having a safe place to rest are all thanks to Zhong Yuan.

If other people do nothing, they will develop a bad habit of dependence, which is not conducive to the cooperation and unity of the team.

Feng Qing put on the captain's authority and said, "That's the decision."

None of the team members had any objections, and Zhong Yuan didn't insist anymore.

Xie Yihan was paralyzed from exhaustion, ran to the side of the sleeping bag filled with Xu Jing, and snored continuously within three minutes after lying down.

Zhang Rui was lying on the ground on the other side. Suffering from noise harassment, after half an hour, still did not fall asleep.

Finally, she couldn't bear it anymore, rushed to Xie Yihan's side, quickly took off his shoes and took off his socks.

Then, with a snap, the sock was stuffed into Xie Yihan's mouth!


The world is quiet...

Zhong Yuan watched this scene quietly, and couldn't imagine the sourness in Xie Yihan's mouth.

Don't sleep anymore, let's stay overnight!

Feng Qing was sweating profusely, and said embarrassingly, "Zhang Rui, if I snore later... please be merciful!"

Seeing that the corners of Zhang Rui's lips curled up, she seemed to smile shyly, and then she lay back in her old place and put on the blindfold.

After a while, she let out a soft snort.

Fell asleep……

Feng Qing was concerned, and said to Zhong Yuan in a low voice, "Young girl is quite tough!"

Zhong Yuan said with a blank face, "I won't sleep. Don't worry, I won't let you be murdered."

Feng Qing was very moved, "Yuan Yuan, you are really my best friend! Tell me, what ability do you use to command these double-headed vultures?"

Zhong Yuan pondered, "It's hard to say for now, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. It's still in the process of figuring it out."

Feng Qing heard the words, stopped asking, and changed the subject, "Don't you want the two-headed vulture market crystal? What should we do now, so many vultures listen to you, are you willing to do it?"

Zhong Yuan simply replied, "It's time to kill."

Feng Qing felt relieved immediately, and said, "That's good. I'm afraid you'll get mixed up and go to the alien camp."

Zhong Yuan frowned and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? How could I run to the camp of alien races. People who are not of my race must have different hearts. Alien races kill people, and I will definitely not let them go!"

The two chatted quietly, and Xiao Qin's voice suddenly came from the communicator that had been quiet for a long time.

"Call Xuanming! Can you hear me? You won't be able to sleep, will you?"

(Xiao Qin prefers to refer to Zhong Yuan by his code name.)

Zhong Yuan immediately said, "Please tell me when you receive it."

Xiao Qin said, "Another academy team has entered the Zhangjiajie area. I'll pass the information on to you right away."

In less than five seconds, the mobile phone received the transmitted data.

The team that entered Fangjie came from Hanlin Academy, which belongs to Jing'an City in the South China Military Region.

The local folk customs are tough, and they like to use hands more than words, which makes Hanlin Academy a famous problem school.

The ability absorbed by the students may not be top-notch, but the fighting level and fighting awareness are extremely high.

Typical fights are fierce, and actual combat is king.

Zhong Yuan quickly read the information and said, "Is there something wrong with these people?"

Xiao Qin said ambiguously, "There is no hard and fast rule on which area to go to for the internal selection of the college. It is reasonable to send a team to Zhangjiajie, which is the most difficult."

Feng Qing interjected angrily, "Isn't our Chengying College a fair draw?"

Xiao Qin smiled, "You're lucky."

"Sarcasm me?"

"No, no! You are really lucky!"

Feng Qing and Xiao Qin seemed to be acquaintances, and they were not polite at all.

Zhong Yuan's heart moved, and he said, "Can you monitor the movements of these people?"

Xiao Qin said, "Yes. It's easy to do."

Zhong Yuan said, "As soon as you enter Fangjie, monitor them immediately, I want to know their location."

"no problem!"

After chatting with Xiao Qin, the Eagle King flew back with dozens of double-headed eagles.

It turned out that they went hunting.

After landing, prey is piled in clearings on top of hills.

Each vulture brought back at least two rosemary rabbits, and the pile was very spectacular.

The Eagle King put down his prey, came to Zhong Yuan, touched his body lightly, and looked at the spoils on the ground, indicating that they were all dedicated to him.

They behave just like the feral cats in the academy. Even the eagle king saw Zhong Yuan's servants eating, but he didn't eat anything himself, so he called his men to go hunting.

"Called me specifically?"

Zhong Yuan couldn't laugh or cry, and was surprised to find that there was a big prey among the pile of fat rosemary rabbits!

A moonlight fox!

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