Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 168 You Are The Uncrowned King Of This Sky

Zhong Yuan stepped forward quickly and dragged it out of the pile of rabbits.

This moonlight fox has silver-black fur and two tails, representing an adult. There is a crescent-shaped pattern on its forehead, which is the origin of its name.

It likes to live in damp and dark places, usually in caves, and rarely runs out to look for food.

The double-headed vulture never sees a moonlight fox all year round. I don't know what kind of unnatural luck I had today, I specially hunted for Meng Wang, and unexpectedly met one.

In the end, at the cost of the death of three vultures, the moonlight fox was killed by the claws.

Eagle King rubbed Zhong Yuan's arm flatteringly, hoping he would like the gift.

Zhong Yuan could only boast, "Good job."

He touched a crown feather on his head. The other head came down immediately and asked to be touched.

As a last resort, I touched it again.

The Eagle King was finally satisfied, and stepped back to the side, watching Zhong Yuan quietly with his eyes, expecting him to eat the fox.

However, how could it be possible to eat a foreign race raw?

Zhong Yuan thought for a while, then took out the Ruin Crystal from the Moonlight Fox, held it up, and showed it to the Eagle King.

Meaning: I want this, no meat.

At the same time, a reminder appeared in the brain.

"I found the Moonlight Fox Crystal, do you want to absorb it?"

"Moonlight Fox Crystal has the following abilities."

"Banned, yellow rank, can be upgraded!"

"Dark Night Shelter, red rank, cannot be upgraded!"

Ban: Marks the target and prohibits it from using abilities.

Number of seals: 1

Time: 5 minutes

Restrictions on use: If the target ability is higher than the banning ability level, the banning ability will be invalid!

Night Shelter: In the dark, all abilities are increased by 200

Zhong Yuan pondered.

Although the ban is good, there are too many restrictions.

Initially, it is a yellow-level ability, which must be upgraded to be useful. And the moonlight fox is rare, so it is difficult to promote the ability to upgrade.

As for the night shelter, it can only be used at night, it's tasteless.

"Not absorbed."

After making a judgment, Zhong Yuan threw Xu Jing to Feng Qing and said, "Moonlight Fox Xu Jing, you can figure it out."

"Good stuff!" Feng Qing's eyes lit up and he asked, "Don't you absorb it?"

Zhong Yuan said, "It's useless to me. You are the captain, you can arrange it."

"Okay! When Zhang Rui and Xie Yihan wake up, first ask them if they want to absorb it, or sell it if they don't."

Before An Guanfeng was still asking for a high price in the circle of friends, the price will definitely not be treated badly.

Poor Xie Yihan worked so hard to pack so many Ruin Crystals, the value is not as good as a Moonlight Fox Ruin Crystal.

Feng Qing put away Xu Jing, and couldn't help sighing, "Just now I was talking about killing them. According to me, you might as well accept them as your little brother. I think they listen to you very much."

Zhong Yuan pretended not to hear this, stretched out his hand and said, "Give me the watch."

Feng Qing took off the watch and handed it to him, and asked, "Why are you here?"

Zhong Yuan said calmly, "Do bad things."

Feng Qing suddenly understood what he wanted to do, and said with a hand on his forehead, "If you do this, you will die. Also! Why do you want to do something bad and still look innocent?"

Zhong Yuan replied nonchalantly, "Because I have a sense of proportion."

Holding two wrist watches, he jumped onto the back of the Eagle King, and it immediately spread its wings and flew high, away from the Bailong Tian ladder, and flew towards the depths of the square.

After flying for about ten minutes, Eagle King brought Zhong Yuan down on a cloud-shrouded peak.

There are countless unique peaks in Zhangjiajie, and it is impossible for each of them to have a name. This mountain belongs to the unnamed peak that is not in the sightseeing area.

What Zhong Yuan meant was to let the Eagle King take him to another habitat of a larger double-headed vulture.

However, when we got to the place, there was not a single eagle.

There are only bones everywhere, exposed to the air and weathered with time.

Some bones were not damaged. It can be clearly seen that they are huge bird skeletons with two heads and two necks.

Countless white bones have built the last stop for the double-headed vulture to thrive in the square.

"Is this the cemetery of the double-headed eagle?"

Zhong Yuan was slightly startled, and saw the corpses of three double-headed vultures thrown beside a pile of bones.

They just died not long ago.

There are a few deep scratches on his throat, which are the fatal wounds he received while fighting Moonlight Fox.

Then, the Eagle King flew to the bone, and pecked out an iron-gray crystal from the pile of bones.

It sensed Zhong Yuan's desire to want Xu Jing from Zhong Yuan's actions, and proudly believed that Xu Jing of the Vulture Clan was the best, so it brought him here.


A head made a fawning cry.

The other head pecked out another Ruin Crystal.

After the double-headed eagle dies, the body will be taken to the cemetery by its companions.

Some double-headed vultures that were about to die of old age also took off on this highest peak, flying all the way up, until they couldn't fly anymore and fell to their death on the top of the mountain.

Over the years, countless vultures have died here, and under the pile of bones are all crystals!

Zhong Yuan was in a complicated mood. He stepped forward and stroked Eagle King's feathers lightly, and said, "Thank you."

In this way, there is no need to hunt the double-headed vulture.



Received thanks, Eagle King was very excited.

It didn't have the heart of revering the dead, so it worked harder to pick up the pile of bones, looking for the crystals for Zhong Yuan.

After a while, the ruin crystals piled up like a hill.


No one has ever been able to obtain so many double-headed eagle market crystals. The inventory of the Central China Military Region is less than half of the amount here.

The Vulture King's two pairs of eyes watched Zhong Yuan quietly again, expecting him to eat this pile of things.

Zhong Yuan smiled wryly and said, "Okay, I accept your love."

Pressing his hand on the Xu Jing, a reminder appeared in his mind.

"I found the double-headed eagle market crystal, do you want to absorb it?"

"The Double-headed Eagle Market Crystal possesses the following abilities."

"Dual-purpose, red-level, non-upgradable!"

"Flying sky, yellow rank, can be upgraded!"

"Hawkeye, green level, can't be upgraded!"

"Reinforced iron claw, yellow level, can be upgraded!"

There are four abilities in total, two can be upgraded and two cannot.

Among them, the most wanted Xiangkong can actually be upgraded.

Zhong Yuan said without hesitation, "Absorb!"

The energy of the ruin crystal converged into a silver-gray light.

It wasn't sharp at all, but charged into Zhong Yuan's body with a mysterious metallic luster.

At the same time as the ability was absorbed, the upgrade also started.

"Reinforced iron claw, yellow-level lvax!"

"Reinforced Iron Claw, Blue Level lvax!"

"Your ability--reinforced iron claw has been improved!"

"You have gained a new ability: penetration, red level, non-upgradeable!"

"Penetrate, red-level lvax!"

Zhong Yuan was quite surprised.

After the upgrade of the reinforced steel claw, the top attack ability penetrates!

Although the upper limit is only red level, not even disaster level, but this ability is very easy to use and does not consume much.

When fighting, it is not always necessary to open it all the time. Penetration and fighting master can save a lot of effort.

Now, only Xiangkong is left. Like regeneration, it doesn't like upgrading.

Zhong Yuan secretly rejoiced that there were enough transistors in the market!

"Flying into the sky, yellow-level lvax!"

"Flying into the sky, blue-level lvax!"

"Your ability - flying in the sky has been improved!"

"You have gained a new ability: Rift!"

"Cracking Sky, Red Level lvax!"

"Your ability—the Rift has been improved!"

"You have obtained a new ability: Airspace Master, disaster level, non-upgradeable!"

"Master of the airspace: You are the uncrowned king of this sky! In front of you, all creatures are forbidden to fly!"

"Scope of use: unlimited!"

Too domineering!

Airspace Master is a dual-type ability of flight and control, which can make all flying creatures land on the ground!

At this time, the two-headed eagle king felt the terrifying aura coming from Zhong Yuan, and couldn't help but prostrate on the ground, expressing his surrender completely.

Facing the ruler of the airspace, it didn't even have the courage to spread its wings.

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