Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 175 Small Tricks Are Useless In The Face Of Absolute Power

The man with the beard is called Duan Yong.

He is only forty-five years old this year, but his hair has already shown the gray-white color of old people, and his right sleeve is half empty.

Duan Yong sighed and said, "There is no way, who told them to give too much. With money, can't you also treat your daughter?"

The skinny stick stopped talking.

He and Duan Yong are both capable warriors who retired from the Communist Party.

Duan Yong lost half of his hand, and Slim Gan has severe cirrhosis of the liver, so he is no longer suitable for fighting.

So, arrange them to do relatively easy clerical work.

It was good at the beginning, but after half a year, I found that the money was too little. Although I had no worries about food and clothing, it was completely incomparable with before.

No one is used to a life of high income and a sudden drop in income.

Duan Yong sent his son to the relatively safe Maple Leaf Country, which cost a lot every month.

Shoumagan is under great financial pressure because of his constant smoking and drinking, not to mention liver cirrhosis, two daughters all suffering from lung cancer, and one son gnawing on the elderly every day.

In the end, one retired early due to disability, and the other took sick leave, and they all ran out to become mercenaries.

There are many capable people like them in Huaguo. After they retired, they continued to use their abilities secretly to do things.

Some do it for the money, and some do it for play.

Later, I don't know who it is, through a foreign server, set up a secret website called Yanhuang Ruins Ability Association, which is dedicated to publishing information entrusted by rich people.

At the beginning, it was a small fight, and it was dedicated to solving some shitty things. Later, it became more and more famous in the circle of underground marketers, and it turned out to be a trend.

Duan Yong and Shou Ma Gan met in the federation's forum.

This time, a mysterious employer issued a mission.

The commission is as high as 20 million. It's not the Huaguo currency, but the lighthouse knife!

A total of eight people were recruited to kidnap a child from the Sorcerer Academy.

Such a big task does not happen once a year.

The deposit was 100,000 yuan, which was given very readily, and it was obvious that he was not short of money.

In the end, eight people were carefully selected, all of whom were seasoned masters.

The original plan was that four people would advance to Fangjie, pretend to be injured, and then enter four more people.

Eight people work together.

Unexpectedly, the four young men in the advanced world wanted to monopolize the commission, but they didn't wait for the people behind to join them, and kidnapped people after taking the position.

Now that we have completely lost contact, it is estimated that there is more than good luck.

It's just people who get together temporarily to perform tasks together, and they die when they die. But the number of people is reduced by half, and the absolute advantage is gone.

Although it is not enough to be afraid of a group of students who have not yet graduated from the academy, Duan Yong does not want to waste his money if he is so careful.

In the team, apart from Shou Ma Gan, who knew each other, Duan Yong didn't know the other two. He only knew that one of them was Lao Kai and the other was Sha Hu.

Both are in their early thirties, in the prime of life. I don't know where it came from, but the strength looks pretty good anyway.

Anyway, all used pseudonyms.

Because Duan Yong is the oldest and has the most combat experience, he vaguely assumed the responsibility of the captain.

He stared at the signal for a moment, and said to everyone, "These two signals are also bait, making us exhausted in Fangjie."

Lao Kai, who had been quiet all this time, said in a hoarse voice, "It's been too long to move, and the flying ability can't last that long. They tied the wristwatch to the double-headed vulture."

Duan Yong and Shou Ma Gan looked at each other and agreed with him.

Lao Kai continued, "Our actions may have been seen through, and the risk of commission failure is high. I think we should not continue to take risks in Fangjie."

"In addition, I suggest discarding the watch immediately. The other party is likely to use the positioning function of the watch to track us backwards!"

"Is it worth being so cautious?"

Shahu was a little anxious, and said, "Isn't it just to tie up a student who hasn't graduated yet? Isn't the four of us enough?"

Lao Kai said, "Although the rankings of Chengying College have declined in the past few years, it is still an old and prestigious school. Students who can get into it will not be so easy. Maybe they have a little background."

Sha Hu immediately retorted, "With the background, can you enter Zhangjiajie, this ghost world?"

However, the goal is worth 20 million!

There must be a big secret in him!

At this time, Shou Ma Gan gritted his teeth and said, "It's hard to sneak in, if you miss this opportunity, maybe there won't be a next time."

After being persuaded by Duan Yong, and thinking about the sky-high medical expenses, he decided to fight!

Duan Yong said in a deep voice, "That's right, small tricks are useless in the face of absolute power. Everyone take off your wristwatches, and I'll handle it."

Several people quickly took off their watches and handed them to him.

Duan Yong focused slightly, and several blue electric lights appeared out of thin air, hitting the four watches, and they were scrapped on the spot.

"Okay, now the whereabouts will not be revealed."

Duan Yong said confidently, "There is only one entrance to Fangjie, so it doesn't mean you can stay in it all the time and not come out. No matter how they fly around, as long as we stick to the door, we can always squat people."

Lao Kai and Sha Hu nodded, approving Duan Yong's approach.

Shoumagan himself is a swinger. Since everyone in the team agrees to squat at the door, he has no objection.

On the Bailong Tian ladder, Zhong Yuan withdrew his gaze into the distance.

At the same time, the mobile phone screen showed that the signals of the four people disappeared together.

"The four people who came in this time had their brains. Knowing that the signal might be monitored by us, they simply abandoned their watches."

Feng Qing said casually, "It's good to have a good relationship. When both parties have no signal, they want to find us 100%, so they have to wait at the door. It means that they have exposed their whereabouts."

It's okay, it's the way it is.

Zhong Yuan caught the location of these four people with eagle eyes, and after finding that they had destroyed their watches, he stayed on the only way out of Fangjie and waited. He couldn't help admiring Feng Qing's judgment.

In addition, the one-armed man among them is a rare power-type surrealist, so he needs special attention.

Feng Qing asked, "What are you going to do?"

Because his younger sister was about to fly a plane, Zhong Yuan was eager to return home, and said, "Take the initiative to attack and make a quick decision. That is, I have a very lethal ability. If the opponent is very powerful, it will be difficult to keep alive."

Feng Qing said disapprovingly, "It's not that you just keep your head."

Zhong Yuan asked curiously, "Is there anything special about it?"

"Does the Market Management Bureau know? It's an institution that specializes in interrogating us Ruins. The director, Wang Podi, has an ability called Xu Ying."

Feng Qing said, poking his head with his fingers, "Xuying can read people's memories. As long as the brain is not damaged and you die within 24 hours, you can still read it."

Zhong Yuan was taken aback, and said, "Is there such an ability?"

Feng Qing said, "Barely counted as a strategic level ability. However, Wang Podi has a special status and never favors others. It is not so easy to ask him for help."

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