Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 176 Lightning Strike! Unsolvable Ranged Attack

Feng Qing thought about it.

No, the chief of staff clearly said that it is ok to keep the brain, implying that Wang Podi will definitely make a move.

Thinking of the pile of messages in the circle of friends, Feng Qing suddenly realized.

"No wonder... If it was you, Wang Podi might make an exception."

Zhong Yuan said speechlessly, "What exception? I don't know the person you mentioned."

Feng Qing secretly thought: But if people know you, it doesn't mean that I have exposed my junior a few times, Wang Podi will know who Yuan Yuan is.

The purple eyes behind the sunglasses flickered, and Feng Qing urged in a low voice, "Anyway, as long as the whole body is left. Can you use that trick?"

Zhong Yuan asked suspiciously, "Where is that move?"

"It's the trick that killed me and Feng Fengmo." Feng Qing patted his chest and said, "I promise, I will carry you back afterwards."

Zhong Yuan said helplessly, "What's so interesting about the Eternal Ice Region? After using this trick, they will die. Even the memory is frozen to a frozen state, making it impossible to read."

After completely controlling the Eternal Ice Territory, the power has greatly increased, which cannot be compared with the forced improvement of the Ice-Blood Burst.

Feng Qing's eyes lit up, and he said in a low voice, "So that trick is called Eternal Ice Field... I'm in charge of it! I want to see it!"

This guy doesn't even need morals, but he's actually pretending to be cute.

Zhong Yuan scolded, "Do you think I will compromise after learning my sister's language? Don't think about it, I won't use the Eternal Ice Territory until the critical moment."

Eggs failed.

Feng Qing could only give up, and said bitterly, "Well, do whatever you want, I will use life sharing to link them together, you keep one alive, and the others can live."

"That's about the same."

Zhong Yuan beckoned him to jump onto the standby double-headed vulture, and said, "Let's go!"

All double-headed vultures have the ability of eagle eyes. As soon as Zhong Yuan commanded, it immediately found four people a few kilometers away.

Both heads were raised at the same time, and they were about to let out a long and high-spirited roar (it was finally my turn now).

Seeing that the situation was not good, Zhong Yuan hurriedly patted it.

"Don't bark! It's not good to alarm the enemy."

The double-headed vulture had no choice but to shrink its head aggrieved, not daring to make a sound.

Although its size is not as exaggerated as the Eagle King, it is also one of the strongest among the eagles, and its flying speed is very impressive.

It took less than a quarter of an hour to fly over a distance of more than ten kilometers.

Soon, even Feng Qing could see those four people with his naked eyes.

With crowns of woven branches on their heads and mud smeared on their faces, two were hiding in the woods and the other two were hiding in the bushes.

All pretense is futile.

Zhong Yuan has been staring at them, seeing clearly.

Point it out to Feng Qing, and he is also happy.

A group of idiots playing hide-and-seek like savages?

At least put on a super camouflage!

In fact, Duan Yong and others were not sure when Zhong Yuan would come, and the time limit for super-camouflage was limited, and they kept using too much physical strength, so they used unsophisticated methods.

These people never thought that Zhong Yuan and Feng Qing would come from the sky.

The thin hemp pole was hidden in the bushes, looking in all directions, and was the first to notice movement in the sky, and hurriedly said to Duan Yong beside him, "A double-headed vulture is flying over!"

Duan Yong said, "Don't worry about it. Although this thing has great eyesight, it usually doesn't notice the stationary creatures on the ground. As long as we don't move, it won't fly down!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was slapped in the face in minutes.

I saw the double-headed vulture gradually descending from a thousand-meter altitude, flying lower and lower, and seemed to have a tendency to land.

In the grove on the other side, Sha Hu and Lao Kai were equally nervous.

Before the goal arrives, try to preserve your strength as much as possible. No one wants to make troubles and fight with alien races.

Unfortunately, things backfired, and the double-headed eagle finally entered the 100-meter detection range of the thin hemp pole.

He immediately noticed two people on the eagle's back.

I thought I made a mistake, so I used my investigative ability to investigate more carefully!

What a mistake!

There are people!

Shou Ma Gan had never seen such absurd things before, and he was terrified in his heart, and said in a trembling voice, "Brother Yong, there are people on the bird! Two!"

Duan Yong was stunned for a moment, and said strangely, "There is someone on my bird? Why didn't I know?"

One bird and one person, who has the ability to have two people?

Duan Yong never thought that the foreign race would serve mankind and would be willing to become a mount.

Shou Ma Gan went crazy, and said, "There are two people standing on the double-headed vulture!"


Duan Yong gave a jolt, and then he came to his senses.

Looking up, he vaguely saw two figures standing on the double-headed vulture.

He was stunned and yelled at everyone, "Enemy attack!!!"

too late.

Zhong Yuan directed the double-headed eagle to descend to a height of 100 meters, and immediately stretched out his hands, flicking his fingers.

Air bomb!

The sub-level ability of this thermal explosion pressure is extremely wide, and it needs to guide the direction to carry out precise strikes.

With the flick of the fingers, the air is compressed into a fist-sized airflow bullet.

The size is just right, and the power is considerable. In order to increase the lethality, Zhong Yuan also specially activated the penetration ability.

There is a terrifying murderous intent in the seemingly relaxed and comfortable movements.

In just two or three seconds, more than a dozen air bombs rushed towards the four people hiding in the jungle!

Bang bang bang bang bang!

A series of crisp explosions sounded.

The penetrating ability attached to the air bomb is activated at the same time!

The burst of airflow seemed to turn into countless sharp needles in an instant, piercing through all targets within the explosion range indiscriminately.

Large swathes of bushes and trees were smashed to pieces.

Sawdust, leaves flying all over the sky.

The people hiding inside were caught off guard and were beaten into blood in minutes!

Lightning strike!

Fast and accurate!

It directly stunned Duan Yong and the others.

They never expected that someone could launch a physical attack from a distance of 100 meters.

This, what ability? !

Duan Yong's body was in pain like needle pricks, and Duan Yong was bleeding all over. He suddenly came to his senses and shouted, "It's penetration!"

Can't fight hard, the defense is invalid!

Especially the defensive ability of crystal wall, copper skin and iron bone, penetration is their nemesis.

Twenty million yuan is really not that easy to earn.

The first time he was attacked, Duan Yong quickly found some unbroken bushes as cover, and at the same time lay down to protect the vital points, and shouted, "Hold on! Such a fierce attack won't last long!"

Zhong Yuan judged that this person should be the captain, so he focused on taking care of him and snapped his fingers at Duan Yong.

Being disabled, but still choosing to come to Fangjie to make troubles, it shows that he is not worthy of sympathy at all.

In the next second, Duan Yong's scalp tingled and he realized that all the invisible and strange attacks were greeting him.

He has abilities: Vigorous Strength, Qilin Arm, Strong Electricity, Electromagnetic Explosion

Because half of his right arm was missing on the battlefield, the Meng Jin and Qilin arms were equivalent to abolished, so he was disheartened and chose to retire.

But even if his strength is greatly reduced, Duan Yong can still deal with most of the commissions calmly relying on his discharge ability.

It's a pity that long-range air bombs are too incomprehensible, and strong electricity and electromagnetic explosions are tyrannical, and they can't hit Zhong Yuan's location.

"Fucking shit!"

Duan Yong cursed angrily, and his body was riddled with holes.

Except for the battle in the ruins where he lost his arm, this was the first time he was so aggrieved that he was pressed and beaten.

If you continue like this, you will be beaten to death!

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