Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 186 Sister, Don't Forget Our Agreement

There is definitely no chance to enter Zhangjiajie Fangjie again in a short time.

Zhong Yuan scoured the cemetery for all the crystals and put them all in his backpack.

Excluding those consumed by the upgrade, there were only two or three hundred pieces left.

The amount is quite considerable, and if they are handed over to the military region, they must be crazy about it.

Now, let's divide the spoils within the team first.

Feng Qing had no interest in Xu Jing at all, and said lazily, "I don't need it, I don't want it."

Zhang Rui hesitated for a moment, then said, "I don't want it either."

She has already absorbed the ability of Moonlight Fox Market Crystal, it would be too greedy to take it again.

Xie Yihan was a little confused.

His physique is leaning towards wind and spirit, so flying in the sky is very attractive to him. And there is also the ability to use one mind at a time. When you go back, you can find the instructor to activate it, and the probability of absorbing it is also very high.

Here comes the problem.

They are all planning to take the clerical route, there is no need to absorb new abilities with great fanfare.

This time I was able to join Feng Qing's team because a group of scumbags didn't pass the test with 85 points!

Xie Yihan has self-knowledge.

Since it's not that piece of material, you shouldn't reach for it.

He made a difficult decision, and murmured, "...I don't want it either."

"Really? Neither?"

With a sullen face, Zhong Yuan opened his backpack and began to take out the Xu Jing.

One, two, three...

Just put it on the folding table in front of him.

Damn, why hasn't he finished digging out yet!

Didn't you say you only picked up a few pieces?

Xie Yihan's eyes widened, his heart was beating wildly, and he couldn't help counting along with Zhong Yuan's movements.

Zhong Yuan didn't stop until he took out ten double-headed eagle crystals, and said, "Senior Xie, these are for you."


Xie Yihan thought that these were taken out by the whole team.

After hearing it all to him, his mind went blank.

After a while, he stammered, "For... mine? Why! The double-headed eagle market crystal is very precious! I, I really don't need it!"


Zhong Yuan said calmly, "The world we live in is constantly becoming more dangerous. Don't give up any chance to become stronger."

"Senior Xie, your physique should be very suitable for absorbing the double-headed eagle market crystal. Take it! In the future, you will be grateful for your choice today!"

Xie Yihan was stunned, never thought that Zhong Yuan would say such a thing.

In his consciousness, the sky is falling and there is a tall man holding it up, anyway, he just needs to stay behind and pray for shelter.

However, Zhong Yuan's words were like a slap in the face, not only made him feel ashamed, but also made him feel a sense of crisis for no reason.

No wonder Zhong Yuan is so strong.

He must try his best to become stronger.

And me, I just want to enjoy the various preferential treatment conditions of the Ruins, and then just goof around...

Xie Yihan's expression gradually became firmer, and he picked out seven Ruin Crystals and returned them to Zhong Yuan, leaving only three for himself.

"Zhong Yuan, I am ashamed of having so many crystals. Just treat it as if I borrowed it from you! You are right! I shouldn't give up the chance to become stronger!"

"Three Ruin Crystals are enough. If I still can't absorb them, it means that I have nothing to do with the Double-headed Eagle Ruin Crystals. It would be a waste to absorb more."

Zhong Yuan looked at him strangely, and said, "What are you borrowing or not? Isn't it normal for us in a small team to divide things up? I'll give you ten, and use the rest, won't you sell them for money?"

Xie Yihan's heart trembled slightly, and his eyes were a little blurred.


Is it really okay to give me so much?

I did nothing!

Xie Yihan felt as if something was choked in his throat, for a while, he couldn't say anything.

Zhong Yuan pretended not to see his red eyes, and reached into the backpack, continuing to dig in and out.

One ruin crystal, two ruin crystals, three ruin crystals...

Another ten double-headed eagle market crystals were taken out.

Xie Yihan's eyes were blurred and he was dumbfounded.


Zhong Yuan, is your backpack a Tinker Bell pocket?

There are so many crystals, when did you fight them?

It's not necessarily an order, those two-headed eagles will collectively sacrifice themselves and dedicate the crystals, right?

Zhong Yuan handed ten Ruin Crystals to Zhang Rui and said, "This is for you. Even if you don't accept it, you can exchange it for other Ruin Crystals, or sell them for money."

Zhang Rui blushed, and asked in a low voice, "Aren't you going to be Senior Feng Qing?"

Zhong Yuan said, "If he said he didn't need it, he wouldn't give it."

Feng Qing waved his hand and said domineeringly, "That's right. Anyway, Zhong Yuan and I will form a team." With Yuan Yuan here, we can have everything we need.

"Then...then I'm not welcome! Thank you!"

Zhang Rui accepted Zhong Yuan's kindness frankly.

However, her voice trembled a little, as if suppressing joy and excitement.

But Xie Yihan knew that the girl must have imagined something weird and strange, maybe she was on the fast lane again.

Zhong Yuan looked at the girl's front bangs and said in a low voice, "Sister, don't forget our agreement."


Zhang Rui was stunned for a moment, then suddenly understood, and said shyly, "I know, let's eat in the cafeteria."


I agreed to change my hairstyle after absorbing Moonlight Fox's ability!

Zhong Yuan hesitated to speak, a look of helplessness appeared on his face.

Forget it, it's not her who, it's very impolite to always stare at other people's hairstyles.

Then, the special plane landed smoothly on the apron of Chengying College.

Only Feng Qing's team has this privilege.

The other teams landed at the military airport and came back by car.

After getting off the plane, a jeep picked up Zhong Yuan.

The driver got out of the car and opened the door for him.

Xie Yihan ate the dust raised when the car started, and couldn't help sighing, "Zhong Yuan is really busy. He must be a big shot in the future."

Feng Qing secretly thought: what future? It's a big shot now. The person who opened the door for him was An Guanfeng's confidant!

Moreover, Zhong Yuan's backpack must be full of double-headed eagle market crystals.

Later, he flew out to act alone, and most of them went to cemeteries and other places to make a fortune.

This time the East China Military Region really won...

After thinking about it, Feng Qing also felt relieved.

The greater the contribution of Zhong Yuan, the higher the status, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Okay, okay!" Feng Qing clapped his hands and said loudly, "Bring Xu Jing, we will report back to the Academic Affairs Office!"

They are the first squad to return.

After entering Fangjie for two days, to be precise, he came out after only one and a half days.

When Gu Yan saw Feng Qing and the others, his face turned dark.

"Feng Qing! The hand of the gods has drawn Zhangjiajie, and you have led the team to make a mess of it, right? You can't trick Zhong Yuan even if you trick others!"

Ever since he fought with Shangguanyi in the cafeteria and was scolded, Feng Qing felt that the dean of teaching had prejudiced him.

Pointing to the four big sleeping bags leaning against the door of the Academic Affairs Office, he said, "Xu Jing beat too many, there's no need to beat any more, I'll come out first."

"Are you still... ah? What did you say?"

Gu Yan rushed to the door and took a look, he took a deep breath and said in a trembling voice, "The bag is full of crystals?"


Being scolded for no reason, Feng Qing couldn't help opening his poisonous tongue, and said with a smile, "Rosemary Rabbit Market Crystal, Director, do you want to try to absorb it? With your physique, you can absorb the power of Rosemary Spray 100%."

Rosemary Spray: Rely on crazy farts to spray stun gas.

Potential lines: You talk like fart, I'm dizzy listening to it!

However, Gu Yan didn't react immediately, and asked suspiciously, "Why can my physique absorb rosemary spray?"

He looked at the four big sacks and felt worried.

Are they all Rosemary Rabbit Crystals?

This doesn't work...

Are there no other market crystals?

If you can't beat the Moonlight Fox, at least one or two double-headed vultures.

With Zhong Yuan's ability, he should be able to do it... Work hard, and it won't be a problem to hit ten.

Wait, rosemary spray seems like a fart ability?

Gu Yan finally came to his senses, and couldn't help being furious, shouting, "Feng Qing! Give me... eh? Where are you?!"

People ran away early.

Xie Yihan knew that Gu Yan would be angry, so he hurriedly put wind on everyone and slipped away.

At the same time, Zhong Yuan arrived at the military station in Xiaoqin's special car.

The car stopped at the entrance of the office building, and there were already two people waiting there.

Seeing Zhong Yuan coming down with a bag on his back, he greeted him warmly immediately.

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