Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 187 You Call Him Jumping Up To The Twelfth Floor?

Two people waiting at the gate of the office building rushed to Zhong Yuan quickly,

One of them looked to be in his early forties, tall and thin, with bright eyes.

Involuntarily grabbing Zhong Yuan's hand, he said excitedly, "Comrade Xuanming, you just came back from Fangjie? You have worked hard!!"

The lottery-style handshake reappeared in the world, and Zhong Yuan was directly shaken by him.

Uncle, we don't seem to know each other...

Why did you come to comfort me so familiarly?

It took two seconds to search the memory, but still had no memory.

However, Zhong Yuan knew the other person.

The captain of the Leng Feng team, Liu Tianlie.

The gold medal commentator in the wormhole suppression battle of Niutoushan Mountain.

At this time, he was also standing on the side with a smile on his face, as if he was going to line up to shake hands.

Xiao Qin was about to park the car, saw Zhong Yuan being blocked, got out of the car quickly, and said loudly, "Hey, hey, hey! What are you two doing? Let him go! Didn't see Xuan Ming turned pale with fright Yet!"

The tall and thin man had no choice but to let go of his hand and grinned, "It's not that exaggerated, is it? We just came to say hello."

"Did you say hello like that?"

Xiao Qin scolded with a straight face, "I don't even look at the timing! Xuanming has just returned from a mission in Fangli, and now he has to report to work."


"We didn't intentionally want to hinder Xuan Ming's mission!"

The two immediately apologized, and the tall and thin man immediately let go.

At this time, Zhong Yuan realized that Xiao Qin seemed to have the right to speak. I thought he was just a character who poured water in the office...

Xiao Qin pointed at the thin and tall man and smiled, "Xuanming, let me introduce you. This is Li Shunyi, the gold medal instructor of the flight brigade of our military region. The other one, don't need to introduce, you know him, Liu Tianlie, the captain of the Lengfeng team .”

Zhong Yuan's heart skipped a beat.

The gold medal instructor of the flying brigade?

Could it be that you came here specially for Lan Lan's affairs?

Zhong Yuan was a little uneasy, and asked with a frown, "Excuse me, what can I do for you?"

Li Shunyi smiled and said, "That's right, I have a few words to tell you about your sister, Comrade Zhong Lan."

Comrade Zhong Lan?


An elder in his forties, calling you to a high school student?

The bad premonition in Zhong Yuan's heart became stronger, his body exploded with frustration, his whole body slumped to the extreme, and he said slowly, "Please tell me..."

Li Shunyi and Liu Tianlie were startled at the same time.

Damn it, what's his reaction?

Why did he suddenly lose his face? Is there something uncomfortable?

Li Shunyi stammered a bit, and said, "Yes... that's right. We did some tests on Comrade Zhong Lan, and found that her sense of speed is particularly good."

However, Zhong Yuan still looks like he has nothing to love.

Xiao Qin hurriedly said in fright, "Director Li, can you please make it simpler?"

"oh oh!"

Li Shunyi hurriedly said, "That is, we agree that Comrade Zhong Lan has the talent to fly a supersonic fighter."

"Supersonic speed?! How dangerous is that?" Zhong Yuan turned pale and raised his voice.

Li Shunyi's eyelids twitched wildly, thinking secretly: Xuanming seems to disagree with his sister being a pilot.

However, Zhong Lan's aptitude is really good, giving her weightless training is like playing, and she is not afraid at all.

Moreover, she has a strong ability to recover from fatigue, is highly receptive, has a strong curiosity about new things, and is willing to learn everything.


Thinking of this, Li Shunyi gritted her teeth and said solemnly, "Comrade Xuan Ming, we are here to inform you based on the principle of caring for talents and children!"

"Your younger sister, Comrade Zhong Lan, is still young and her body is not well developed. Taking training rashly will be harmful to her growth."

"We hope that she will receive formal flight training after she is eighteen years old. Before that, she will do some simple adaptive training. In normal times, please make sure to maintain her eyesight..."

It means that they want to settle people down first, and don't let Zhong Lan become short-sighted.

Vision is vital to pilots. Today's children are always using their mobile phones, and there are too few children who don't wear glasses.

Zhong Lan's eyesight is 20, which is too rare!

"So it's like this..." Zhong Yuan turned pale.

Think about it too, 12 years old, how could it be possible to drive a fighter jet!

Zhong Yuan said softly, "I respect my sister's choice, if she is willing to receive training in the future, I have no objection."

Li Shunyi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Great, agree!

However, the expression on his face just now was too frightening, it was really frightening.

Seeing this, Xiao Qin looked at Liu Tianlie and said, "What about you? What's the matter?"

Liu Tianlie rubbed his hands and said with a smile, "Of course I have something to ask Xuanming. I heard that he will come to the military region for a guidance class in a few days."

Zhong Yuan was stunned.

How come I don't know about this kind of thing?

Well, Commander An did mention it a few days ago.

It won't be arranged so soon, will it?

Liu Tianlie continued, "The guidance class is divided into three periods, arranged according to the team's merit points. Our Leng Feng team is in the first period, and the God of War team is also in the first period. I checked the get out of class schedule and they are in front of us."

"Zhan Hongdu is already the first place in this military competition. It is obvious that our team should have the class before them. Xuan Ming, what do you think?"

Xuan Ming is the person in charge of the class, so he must have the final say on which team to teach first.

Liu Tianlie thought he had some friendship with Xuanming. (Although not many, but there is always a little)

He did everything possible to inquire about the news, and saw Xiao Qin driving out alone, so he judged that he was coming to the military region.

So he seized the opportunity and came to beg with the cheek.

Zhong Yuan was stunned, not knowing what he was talking about.

It's fine to attend class, but there are still three periods?

Are the timetables arranged?


Liu Tianlie repeated in doubt, "Bo?"

Exploitation of child labor! ! !

Zhong Yuan is not well.

Master of the airspace, activate!

A pair of invisible huge wings spread out suddenly.

Immediately! The flat ground generates wind, and the air current surges!

Zhong Yuan rose from the ground, as if turning into a sharp arrow, and shot straight into the sky. Within three seconds, he flew to the top of the 12-story office building.

Then, he quickly kicked open the safety door on the top floor and entered the corridor.


I didn't hear that thing just now!

Downstairs, the three of them lost their voices and stared at the sky.

too fast!

If you can't react at all, the person disappears!

Sudden! Something happened to fall on top of Xiao Qin's head.

"What the hell?"

I reached out and grabbed it, only to find it was a sparrow.

This innocent little bird fell from the sky and almost died due to the ban on flying by the airspace rulers.

Liu Tianlie was startled, "Why would a sparrow fall down?"

Xiao Qin said speechlessly, "How do I know?"

As he spoke, he put the sparrow in the palm of his hand and patted it lightly a few times.

It quickly woke up from the dizziness, struggled to stand up, and then flew away with flapping wings.

At this time, Li Shunyi revealed a look of reproach, and said to Liu Tianlie, "Captain Liu, you scared Xuan Ming into jumping off the building."

Liu Tianlie was shocked and said, "You call him jumping up to the twelfth floor? I won't blame him!"

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