Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 20 Enough To Brag About The Record Of A Lifetime

A young man in a black T-shirt appeared in front of him.

There is also a black spear on the back.

The gun made Zhong Yuan feel familiar.

Zhong Lan used similar weapons to fight against alien races.

Maybe not exactly the same, but Zhong Yuan can be sure that it is definitely a product from the same assembly line.

He was not wearing camouflage uniforms, nor was he wearing a backpack issued from his back.

This guy in the black t-shirt is a warrior who went hunting in the cube!

Zhong Yuan secretly stretched his hands to his lower back.

The pistol was loaded and stuck at his waist.

His small actions did not deceive the other party.

Feng Yumo said a word indifferently.


Taking advantage of the dark, the rookies in the academy are resting, so they can hit more market crystals.

As for the task?

How can private life be important! Hit enough Xu Jing first before saving people!

Feng Yumo was in a hurry, so he didn't have the time to talk nonsense.

However, Zhong Yuan was not afraid of him, and said seriously, "Brother, can you be reasonable? I came first, please go to another place."

There are still a few ruin crystals on the ground that are too late to put away.

Feng Yumo said calmly, "You can take away the crystals that have already been cast, and I will take over the other snakes!"

Zhong Yuan smiled instead of anger, "The Ruin Crystals on the ground originally belonged to me. I also discovered so many snakes. Why do you take over?"

Feng Yumo took off the long spear on his back, and said calmly, "Just because my spear is intact, and your knife is already blunt!"

As soon as the words fell, he jumped up and threw the spear.


The gun was so powerful that it turned into a gust of wind and passed by Zhong Yuan.

The sleeve of the camouflage uniform was torn a hole by the gunfire.

So fast!

Zhong Yuan was slightly startled, and turned his head to look.

I saw that the long spear was nailed firmly to the head of a Frost Snow Snake.

It twisted violently, struggling to activate the death save.

At this time, the tip of the spear trembled rapidly, breaking the snake's head into pieces.

Easily kills a snake with just one blow, without giving it a chance to revive at all.

The guy in the black t-shirt is a veteran snake killer.

He shattered the Frost Snow Snake with his long spear. It should be a late-fire technique, and he didn't use his ability.

Feng Yumo stepped forward, pulled out his spear, and said softly, "Do you understand? This is the gap between you and me. If I were you, I wouldn't draw out my weapon at will against the strong."

He could tell at a glance that Zhong Yuan was a layman who didn't know how to fight.

Want to shoot?

No chance!

Moreover, the knives issued by Cheng Ying College to the freshmen are very sophisticated, and they are also weapons produced by the Supervisory Bureau. Hacking and using indiscriminately, without knowing any force-generating skills, will make the knife useless so quickly.

"Your knife is crying. Knife, that's not what it's for!"

Feng Fengmo rarely said a few more words.

People from the Ruin Warrior family generally receive various trainings since childhood.

Close combat, cold weapons, mechanical control, proficient in everything. It is by no means comparable to laymen.

Feng Yumo's temper is not bad in the circle.

If it were the children of other aristocratic families, they would be even more arrogant and domineering, and they might strike at the first meeting.

Zhong Yuan was silent for two seconds, retracted his hand on his back, and asked humbly, "In that case, tell me, how to use the knife?"

ha? !

The corners of Feng Yumo's mouth twitched.

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't you feel ashamed and leave immediately?

Why humbly ask for advice?

Without blushing and heart beating, Zhong Yuan continued, "The academy only issued one knife, which is no longer usable. Do you have a knife? Lend me to use it first."

The harmless appearance of humans and animals made Feng Yunmo speechless.

How dare you ask to borrow a knife? His skin is thicker than a city wall!

Seeing that he didn't respond, Zhong Yuan frowned and said, "It's just a knife, you won't refuse to lend it to me, will you?"

The corner of Feng Yumo's mouth twitched, he untied the dagger tied to his leg and threw it over.

He used a gun, not a knife, and only carried a small one with him.

"Here, you can go!"

Zhong Yuan looked at him with mentally retarded eyes, and said speechlessly, "Brother, when did I say I was leaving? There are so many snow snakes on the ground, you want to swallow them all with a knife. Do you think I'm a fool?"


Feng Fengmo was almost pissed off by him.

If I had known I wouldn't be so wordy, I would have just knocked me out and knocked me down!

Just as he was about to start, Feng Yumo felt his hands and feet go cold.

The terrifying cold air spread rapidly from the core area of ​​the body. In less than a second, his muscles were stiff and he couldn't move his whole body. Even his eyelashes were covered with a thin layer of frost.

He wanted to raise his hand, but his movements were extremely slow and weak.

Being plotted against, this kid turned out to be a warrior!

Feng Yumo opened his mouth, and the white air he exhaled froze into ice mist. His lips trembled involuntarily, unable to make a sound.

A pale fist enlarged rapidly in front of his eyes.


bang bang bang!

Zhong Yuan didn't hold back, and started the crazy beating mode.

He didn't stop until the fist was about to rot and the bones were cracked.


Zhong Yuan activated his ability.

After a few seconds, the wound healed and nothing happened.

Looking at Feng Yumo again, his whole body was cold from the cold, his face was black and blue, and he passed out completely.

It looks miserable, but it is not.

Zhong Yuan sighed again and again, and said depressedly, "My fist has cracked his bones, and I haven't even scratched his skin. At most, I can hit him with a little bit of black and blue."

"Rough skin and thick flesh, super durable, I really don't know what ability he has!"

Zhong Yuan realized his weakness.

He really doesn't know anything about unarmed combat and cold weapons. The ability to stun Feng Yumo was all due to the fact that the opponent underestimated the enemy and had no ability to counter Ning Bing, so it was easy to succeed.

However, Feng Fengmo let Zhong Yuan go just now, so Zhong Yuan did not take his life.

The big brother in the black t-shirt is a bit arrogant at most, but his nature is not bad.

"Knowing that my knife is broken, I came here to give me a weapon. Although it's a bit pretending, I know you have good intentions."

"Not only helped me kill a snake, but also took the initiative to speak out and let me keep a low profile."

"I really don't know how to use a knife, I am willing to learn. Sigh! The power of the Ruin Warrior is too terrifying, I must hold onto it..."

Zhong Yuan's mood became urgent.

It is impossible to rely on Ning Bing to make a fresh move.

Occasionally, a sudden attack may be successful, but once the enemy knows his ability and deliberately keeps a distance, Ning Bing will be useless.

However, it is an indisputable fact that he defeated Feng Yumo with a new identity.

On the ranking list of capable youths in Huaguo, Feng Family's second successor, Feng Yumo, is ranked 68th.

At this time, Zhi Ting fainted and was slaughtered by others, and all the supplies on his body were taken away by Zhong Yuan.

This record is too brilliant, it is enough to brag about for a lifetime.

It stands to reason that he should immediately replace Feng Yumo's ranking and make his name on the list. It's a pity that there are no witnesses and witnesses, so it doesn't count.

Zhong Yuan pulled out a tactical pouch from Feng Fengmo's body.

There are some bottles and cans inside. After opening, there are capsules of various colors.

In addition, there are ID cards and mobile phones.

"It turns out that your name is Fengfengmo."

Zhong Yuan doesn't know the purpose of the capsules, but the collection is so good, it should be worth a lot.

Well, I accepted it.

As for things like ID cards and mobile phones, he threw them out.

In addition, the long gun must be taken away.

It is better to use it when climbing than to use branches!

Then, Zhong Yuan began to harvest the crystals with a single heart.

After chopping dozens of snakes in a row, the dagger blade given by Feng Yumo was still missing.

He couldn't help but praise, "The quality is really good, better than the knives issued by the academy!"

In this wave, nearly a hundred market crystals were made.

A reminder pops up in your mind.

"Frost Snow Snake Crystal found, whether to absorb it."


Whoosh whoosh!

The hill-like crystal light gathered together, cutting through the hazy ice fog.

If this scene is seen by others, it will definitely be extremely horrifying.

It is absolutely impossible for a normal energy user to absorb so many crystals at the same time. A large amount of energy will explode the body, which is a suicide act.

There are also some precious ruin crystals, which contain violent energy, and accidents are prone to occur when absorbing them, causing the ruin warriors to die suddenly.

Zhong Yuan didn't have any common sense, so he didn't know the danger.

After a few seconds, the ability upgrade is complete.

"Super perception, green level lv4!"

"Ning Bing, green level lv6!"

"Rebirth, yellow level lv4!"

"Death immunity, cannot be upgraded!"

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