Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 21 I Think, You May Have Made A Mistake

Every time he upgrades, Ning Bing is the most powerful ability to upgrade.

At the green level lv6, the freezing range is still five meters, but the lethality has been greatly enhanced.

Zhong Yuan cast Freeze on a dead Frost Snow Snake.

In an instant, the corpse was frozen hard, and with a click, the snake corpse split like glass and scattered all over the ground.

Frost Snow Snake has its own freezing buff, which is considered a cold-resistant alien race. After death, the ability is discounted, so it won't be so unbearable.

After going back, take a thermometer to test how many degrees below zero the release ability can reach.

And the super perception continued to upgrade, and the range expanded again, which was a full 1 kilometer.

"Not bad! If you can't find a job in the future, go to the SWAT team and apply for a sniper."

Packing up his things, Zhong Yuan left the foggy forest.

This time, he ignored the Frost Snow Snake's body.

The icy fog that shrouded the forest gradually dissipated. Temperatures have picked up, restoring a spring-like climate.

A few hours later, Feng Yumo woke up from a coma.

As soon as the eyes were opened, the carp immediately stood up from the ground.

Looking at myself, except for a little pain in the face, the body has not suffered any harm.

Feng Yumo is incredible.

"I was knocked out by that kid?!"

The mobile phone fell to the ground, and there was an ID card beside it.

Touch your waist again...

The fanny pack is gone!

It contains life capsules and various special medicines.

If it's gone, it's gone, at least life is still there, and you don't need to renew your ID card and communication card when you go back!

Should I thank that kid for his kindness?

Feng Yumo laughed back angrily, and shook his head, "Hitting sparrows all the year round, one day, I was pecked in the eyes by sparrows!"

The lesson was painful and had a huge impact on his future behavior style.

In short, first confirm the time.

"It's been more than an hour, that kid must have run away... No, the gun is a relic left to me by my father, and I must get it back!"

If he wanted to find the person who knocked him out as soon as possible, he could only find someone from Chengying Academy to take the position.

Originally, Feng Fengmo didn't want to carry out the task, but now he has to go.

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

The moment the ghostly figure approached, Feng Qing tensed up and woke up from his doze.

Leaping up softly like a cheetah, he immediately assumed a fighting stance.

However, ten meters away, a ghost in a black T-shirt made a non-combat gesture.

I heard him say, "I was sent by the Fenglong team to help you rescue the students!"

? ? ?

Feng Qing was confused.

I have never heard of any students being rescued...

Feng Qing said dubiously, "Report your military registration number!"

Feng Yumo said sullenly, "I don't have military status."

"Wow, I've been tricked and tricked!" Feng Qing sneered, ready to fight.


Feng Qing's characteristics are obvious. He wears sunglasses all the year round. At the same time, he is also a master ranked 82 on the Huaguo Youth List. He is famous for his healing ability.

Feng Yumo didn't want to offend a rare healing system practitioner, so he hurriedly took a few steps back and reported his family name, "I, Feng Yumo!"

Eh? !

Feng Qing was stunned, and said in a low voice, "How dare you lie? Do you think I don't know Feng Fengmo? He is not black!"

Grass is a plant.

Feng Yumo clenched his fists, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said, "Take off your sunglasses!!!"

"Yo huh? If you tell me to take it off, I will take it off? Who do you think I am?"

Feng Qing moved his sunglasses down a little, and took another look at the ghostly black T-shirt man.

This face is really rainy and inky!

But...but...what's the matter with him hahaha!

"Fengfeng Mo, have you been pressed on the ground and slapped in the face? The opponent didn't break your defense on purpose, but just beat you into a pig's head. The damage is not big, but the insult is very strong! Hahaha! You have today!"

"Where's your long gun that never leaves your body? It won't be snatched away, right?"

Feng Qing laughed and rolled all over the floor.

Feng Yumo didn't feel insulted by Zhong Yuan, but rather admired him. After all, Zhong Yuan is a layman when it comes to fighting, even if he uses disgraceful means, it is really rare to be able to fight to this extent.

On the contrary, it was Feng Qing's sarcasm that made him angry.

Resisting the urge to slap this guy to death, Feng Yumo said coldly, "Feng Qing, do you want to fight?"

Feng Qing wiped the tears overflowing from the corners of his eyes, and said with a smile, "No, no, I don't bully the unarmed and weak!"

Feng Yumo said expressionlessly, "Even if I don't have a weapon, I will still hit you ten."

Feng Qing's face suddenly darkened, and he said coldly, "Really? Then today, your position on the ranking list will change with mine."

The eyes of the two intertwined, sparks sparked fiercely in the air.

When the fire was about to start, Liu Wen hurried over.

"Hello, hello! I'm the team leader of Chengying Academy. Are you the one sent by Chief Wan? Eh... What's wrong with your face? Feng Qing, what are you doing? Give him some treatment!"

"Tsk. Can I refuse?"

"Is it itchy again?"

"Okay, okay, can't it be cured..."

Once interrupted by Liu Wen, the fight stopped.

The wind of healing blew on Feng Yumo's body, and the bruises on his face disappeared immediately, revealing his originally resolute face.

Liu Wen covered her mouth in surprise, and said hesitantly, "Are you...the one from the Feng family?"

Feng Yumo denied it flatly, "Instructor, you have mistaken the person. I was sent by the Fenglong team to carry out the mission."

"Oh, Chief Wan has already contacted me about this matter."

Liu Wen no longer struggled with Feng Fengmo's identity.

She's almost overwhelmed.

Four students died and were scolded by the dean just now.

Ironically, as the class instructor, she was the last to know that the auditor named Zhong Yuan in the class was just an ordinary person!

What if you agreed to leave him alone and treat him like a normal student?

It actually alarmed the high-ranking officials of the military department, and asked the Fenglong team to rescue people!

And the Fenglong team actually sent Fengfeng Mo, who was the 68th on the youth ranking list.

The inside story must not be known to her, a small college teacher.

Liu Wen was distracted in various ways, so she collected herself and said to Feng Qing, "Send Zhong Yuan's location to this...cough, little soldier!"

"Oh." Feng Qing responded casually, then suddenly realized, and asked in surprise, "Why?"

Liu Wen said, "He came to study with his sister, he is just an ordinary person, and he doesn't need to participate in Fangjie military training."

Eh? ! ! !

Accompanying reading?

ordinary people?

iss Liu, are you so sure?

Feng Qing felt that he was losing his mind, and said, "I think, you may have made a mistake..."

Liu Wen said, "There is no mistake."

Feng Yumo said, "There is no mistake."

"Okay...well! You have the final say! Anyway, in your hearts, I'm not even a shrimp, at most it's just a shrimp..." Feng Qing stared at the two people who were singing together, and pulled out Zhong Yuan's watch s position.

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