Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 234 Is He Super Handsome? What About Me?

Cui Qusheng laughed dumbfoundedly.

How can there be any hair ability!

However, he didn't dislike Cheng Yun's question, on the contrary, he thought she was very straightforward and cute.

Cui Qusheng explained with a smile, "There is no wind in Fangjie. Zhong Yuan's hair was blown by the wind."

"From this, it can be judged that he used the ability of the wind system, perhaps using airflow or air pressure to attack, in order to severely injure the opponent."

"In addition, Liu Jingyu lost a lot of bleeding after being injured, all of which were puncture wounds, which shows that Zhong Yuan's attack also has the ability to penetrate!"

"This ability is very lethal. I personally hope that Zhong Yuan will use it as little as possible in the league!"

Slow motion continues.

There is also a strange phenomenon that has not been explained.

That is, after Liu Jingyu flew into the air, he fell straight to the ground.

The explanation is almost done, there is no need to make trouble for yourself with extra problems.

Cheng Yun ignored the short suspicious video and said sincerely, "Thank you Director Cui for your wonderful analysis. Now, let us wait for the official judgment of the organizing committee."

Enter the ad!

call! I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Taking advantage of a few minutes of commercial break, Cheng Yun smiled bitterly and said to Cui Qusheng, "If the organizing committee can't judge Zhong Yuan's ability, we can only ask to see his file."

Cui Qusheng remained silent.

Looking at the archives?

Beauty, you think too much.

The gang in the East China Military Region had already raised Zhong Yuan's file to the highest level.

Everyone here, no one is qualified to watch!

When the advertisement was in the live broadcast room, the organizing committee was still deducing it nervously.

In the stands, the observers from the major military regions showed their abilities and contacted their bosses to report the battle situation.

Whoever judges Zhong Yuan's ability first will be the best!

After the two advertisements, it turned out that it was the senior executives of the 29 sets of Xu Neng Channel Group, who were the first to invite heavyweights to come to clarify the confusion.

The screen of the live broadcast room is back.

Cheng Yun showed joy and said, "Everyone! We are honored to be connected to Mr. Lu Jianlin, Chief of Staff of the East China Theater Command! Ask him to comment on the battle just now!"

That's right, the chief of staff who was disliked by someone for speaking too loudly.

Cui Qusheng secretly admired the strong network of the program group, even people like Lu Jianlin could be recruited.

No, maybe, he just came here to create a wave of momentum for his own military region...

The connection is successful.

Cheng Yun smiled like a flower, and said, "Chief Lu, thank you for accepting our connection request in your busy schedule! You should have watched the battle of Feng Qing's team just now! How do you evaluate their performance?"

"Normal performance, nothing to worry about." The chief of staff replied modestly.

There was a drop of sweat on Cheng Yun's forehead.

His speech was really impolite, and he trampled to death the country's No. 1 Shangjing University.

Cheng Yun continued to laugh, "Official experts have not been able to judge Zhong Yuan's ability so far! Excuse me, would you like to reveal it?"

The chief of staff, of course, watched Zhong Yuan's battle throughout.

Killing the Beijing University with one move is too embarrassing for Chengying College, even the military area.

It is conceivable that in the next quarter, the East China Military Region will usher in the peak period of talent introduction!

The chief of staff felt refreshed, and finally realized how Commander An felt back then.

Facing the radio interview, he slowly spit out three words.

"Strategic level."

Cheng Yun gasped on the spot, covered her mouth, and repeated in a low voice, "Strategic?"

Cui Qusheng was not surprised, thinking: No wonder Zhong Yuan's file level is so high, it really is a strategic level ability!

In this case, it is really not easy to make it public.

It's a pity that Zhong Yuan was in the arena and didn't watch the live broadcast, otherwise he would definitely sneer at them.

What nonsense?

It's obviously just a large air bomb, but the real strategic level ability has not been used at all!

At the same time, Gu Yan also received contact from the organizing committee.

They wanted Zhong Yuan to take the initiative to announce his ability to seriously injure opponents.

In particular, Beijing University has a strong desire to seek knowledge and has been putting pressure on the organizing committee.

Gu Yan didn't give in at all.

Shangjing University is a famous school in the country. Is my Chengying College a piece of rubbish?

Now, it's us who beat them!

We are stronger!

You go to hold the stinky feet of Beijing University and come over and step on us like crazy?

Is your brain trapped by the door?

What about the red card? !

This is what it means.

If you don't give in one step, the organizing committee can only let go.

The red card was indeed a mistake by the referee.

The referee has been banned for three years.

However, there is no precedent for revoked cards.

In the next match, Feng Qing is forbidden to play.

Hearing this news, Gu Yanqi's teeth itch.

On the contrary, it was Feng Qing, with a face full of indifference.

He never forgot what Jiang Tianshuo said back then.

Zhong Yuan has the ability to regenerate, so he doesn't need the medical department to guard him at all.

As long as Zhong Yuan does not fall, the opponent will fall!

The negotiations broke up badly.

In the end, Zhong Yuan's ability to defeat his opponent was still not exposed.

But everyone knows that he has an extremely powerful strategic level ability, even if he uses conduction, he still seriously injures the four people on the opposite side.

This is what the Chief of Staff of the East China Military Region personally admitted in an interview!

Therefore, the Organizing Committee of the College League issued a ruling opinion to Chengying College.

Zhong Yuan is prohibited from using that undisclosed strategic-level ability in this tournament.

The reason is that its lethality is too great, and it is easy to cause casualties!

Penetration capabilities are not prohibited!

In addition, they gave Zhong Yuan a yellow card.

Although Feng Qing rescued Liu Jingyu in time, the other three people who went to Peking University were also seriously injured, almost to the point of dying.

Zhong Yuan's behavior is an excessive use of ability, maliciously hurting the opponent!

This decision made him lose the title of VP for a single game. Once he accumulates two yellow cards, he will be suspended for one game.

The person who got the vp in the end was Chen Xu.

He initiated the conduction and indirectly saved Liu Jingyu.

Upon hearing the news, Chen Xu cursed angrily, "Quite mother's excessive use of ability! Zhong Yuan, the dog competition committee is clearly persecuting you! The vp should be yours!"

"They won't let you use your strongest ability, how can you still fight?"

Chen Xu was not happy at all when he got the best player in his life, and instead defended Zhong Yuan.

Zhong Yuan really doesn't plan to use air bombs anymore.

Sitting in the stands with nothing to do, I made a satellite phone call with my sister, and the content was as follows.

"Brother! Congratulations on winning the game. You didn't participate in the opening game, which made me so worried!"

"I'm sorry, Lanlan, something happened suddenly, and it has been resolved now."

"It's fine."

"Well, what do you think, how did we perform just now?"

"Feng Qing big brother bravely went deep into the enemy camp, super handsome!"

"Huh? He's super handsome? What about me?"

"Brother, why don't you just stand there without moving?"


Even the organizing committee couldn't see how Zhong Yuan did it, let alone Zhong Lan.

She has been looking forward to the handsome performance of big brother.

As a result, from beginning to end, he only moved his hair and it was done!

Moreover, she didn't listen to Cheng Yun and Cui Qusheng's commentary, and turned it off after finishing playing.

At this moment, Zhong Yuan felt a sense of loneliness in his heart.

Got it, no more air bombs!

The younger sister likes to watch the gorgeous battle process and the heroic charge, rather than killing the opponent instantly with a big move.

In the next game, try to move as much as possible and play a little more time...

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