"Amazing! This year's East China Military Region has a blowout of talent!"

"The surprise that Zhang Rui brought us is too great. I really don't know how she came up with the combination of poisonous mist and shadow protection!"

"Dig! You must dig here!"

In the stands, a group of observers were amazed again and again.

"Have you noticed that apart from Yangsheng from Zhongnan College, the little monsters that caught people's eyes this year seem to be from Chengying College?"

"It really is!"

Birds of a feather flock together and people are divided into groups, and of course geniuses also appear together.

However, no one knows that neither Zhang Rui's shadow nor Shangguanyi's rapid progress would be possible without Zhong Yuan's help.

At this time, he was feeling sorry for the high-end massage comb that was accidentally broken, and was trying to break the bent steel needle back.

Feng Qing really couldn't see it, and said helplessly, "I've told you, I'll pay you one!"

Zhong Yuan frowned and said, "I'll try to see if I can fix it."

Fix that!

Feng Qing snatched it away and threw it towards the trash can in the distance.

"Broken things should be thrown away!"


Did not enter.

The advanced massage comb fell on the ground and dropped a few needles.

The cat Zhong Yuan glared at the prodigal son angrily, walked to the comb in distress, and was about to pick it up when suddenly! Something on the ground caught his attention.

A black bug.

About the size of half a small fingernail.

It hid beside the trash can, and the pair of tentacles on its head were like antennae, straight!

Where did the bugs come from in the newly created square?

Besides, it is winter now, and insects are rare.

The cat Zhong Yuan's eyes were fixed, and he pounced on it and patted it with his paw.


Tough to the touch, the truth came apart after the strange bug fell apart.

It's a mini drone disguised as a bug!

Integrating video recording and data transmission, it can take off and escape at critical moments.

If it weren't for the cat form, it would be closer to the ground, and it would be impossible to find it at all.

Someone is secretly monitoring the college league games?

Can't you just watch the live broadcast?

Why use this way?

With a sullen face, the cat Zhong Yuan quietly put the fragments of the drone into his small backpack.

On the other hand, Shangguanyi's first individual match has also ended.

After Zhong Yuan's special training, he played against people from other colleges. He was pleasantly surprised to find that the opponent's movements were as slow as snails, so it shouldn't be too easy to fight.

Shangguanyi successfully advanced.

The situation in Chengying College is very good.

In complete contrast to them, Shangjing University looked gloomy, and the morale of the entire academy was low.

The first team suffered a disastrous defeat, Liu Jingyu was eliminated in the individual competition, repeated upsets, and the academy's reputation suffered a great blow.

When they returned to the hotel, it took them two full hours to replay all the battles.

Captain Su Zhe said in a deep voice, "I admit that I am responsible for losing the team competition on the first day! We can't continue to lose. Let's cheer up! We must win the team competition tomorrow!"

Liu Jingyu said helplessly, "As long as you don't meet Chengying College, you will be safe."

A girl said, "I watched Shangguanyi's individual competition today, and he was completely different. Last year, his explosive inflammation was just a pediatric problem, but this year, he is on par with Jingyu."

Zeng Lina, the control department of the Su Zhe team. In the previous battle, he was hit by Zhong Yuan's air bombs, and he vomited blood and fell down without using his abilities at all.

Su Zhe said, "It doesn't necessarily mean that we are making progress, but others are not making progress, right?"

Zeng Lina gritted her teeth and said, "I hope now that I will draw Chengying's first team tomorrow! Their first team has been abolished, but it is cheaper for the other teams!"

Su Zhe said lightly, "You can't say that. Zhang Rui and Xie Yihan are still tricky to match. Besides, they still have a substitute that hasn't been exposed."

However, the probability of drawing the same opponent in a row is very, very low. In comparison, the second Chengying team is more threatening and needs to be guarded against!

On the other side, Feng Qing's team held a small celebration for Zhang Rui's debut on the list.

Time and someone's movie viewing invitation perfectly overlapped.

A date turns into a party.

At the party, in front of Zhang Rui, Chen Xu mentioned the matter of the black cat going up to draw lots.

Thus, Xie Yihan's efforts to stop Feng Daoguigui Qing were also exposed.

It's a pity that the girl only noticed that someone was transferred to Zhong Yuan's lap, and she didn't express her feelings for Xie Yihan.

Hi, at 10:30 in the evening, Gu Yan appeared and ordered them all to go back to the room to rest, and ordered Feng Qing not to go out for a walk with the cat.

In this way, January 4th, the day of the second team competition.

"Hello, viewers! What you are watching now is the twenty-ninth program, Ruineng Channel, which will broadcast the 2043 Ruinengers College League for you!"

"This event is exclusively sponsored by the Zhong Yuan Fan Club!"

"I am Cheng Yun, the exclusive commentator of Xu Neng Channel. It is a great honor to invite Mr. Cui Qusheng, a senior commander of the South China Military Region, to the live broadcast room as a guest!"

"Hello, Cheng Yun! Audience friends, hello!"

Cheng Yun was in a good mood, as relaxed as when he was partnering with Lao Cui.

Cui Qusheng found strangely that the words Zhong Yuan Fan Club were printed on the mineral water bottle on the table.

What a terrible gold master father!

Who is standing behind Zhong Yuan?

Is it because you want to promote him as a star performer and create an idol effect?

Only by being undefeated can one become a legend of creation and set an example.

It's like Jiang Buyou back then, but now he has become the idol that all young people in the market yearn for!

Can Zhong Yuan do it?


Back then, the organizing committee didn't seem to have banned Jiang Buyou's strategic ability!

At this time, Cheng Yun's clear voice interrupted Cui Qusheng's thoughts.

"The lottery has begun, and Feng Qing's team is still the first."

"Because of the last game, Feng Qing suffered a wrong penalty and got a red card. He will not be able to play this game."

"Chengying Academy must appoint an acting captain to draw lots."

"Director Cui, who do you think will replace Feng Qing in directing this match?"

Cui Qusheng thought for a while and said, "Xie Yihan."

Cheng Yun smiled and said, "The hero sees the same thing. I think it's him too."

Inside, rest area.

With black lines all over his face, Gu Yan said to Zhong Yuan, "The organizing committee has already agreed. Let's not make an example."

Zhong Yuan said flatly, "The oolong they made, they didn't have any compensation, so it's unjustifiable. We just made reasonable demands."

He stretched out his hand to Feng Qing and said, "Here, captain's armband."

Feng Qing was sweating coldly, and handed over the armband with a trembling heart.

. . . . . .

Explain the live broadcast room.

Cheng Yun looked at the message on the prompt board and suddenly lost her ability to think.

After being stuck for two full seconds, a huge surprise appeared on her face, and she said in an exciting voice,

"Friends from the audience! Two minutes ago, the League Organizing Committee approved the emergency application of Chengying Academy, allowing the black cat player who has been permanently suspended to replace Feng Qing!"

"Chengying Academy submitted the list of combat personnel in advance!"

Black cat, interim captain, cute

Zhong Yuan, Attack Department

Chen Xu, Assistant Department

Xie Yihan, Control Department

"When Zhong Yuan's strategic ability is disabled, the player Chen Xu still uses the limiter function! The black cat player is the temporary captain, and we saw that its attribute is actually written as cute!"

"Is Chengying Academy serious? Have they given up on this game?"

"I'm going! The black cat player is really the acting captain. It took small steps and jumped onto the lottery table! Now, it is about to raise its noble little paw!!"

An unprecedented dramatic scene was staged in the draw of the second round of the team competition.

Cheng Yun's voice trembled because of the excitement.

"It's drawn! Chengying's first team's opponent this time is..."

"Shangjing University Affiliated Suzhe Squad!"

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