The hotel had no choice but to advise the team leader of the academy.

However, Gu Yan's cat Zhong Yuan is super cute.

Mao Mao died, and it seemed to be the same as usual, but in fact it was just pretending to be strong.

He acquiesced in the mourning activities organized by the students spontaneously, and the hotel could only obey with tears in his eyes.

The small mourning hall is set up, accepting condolences from guests during the day, and memorial service at night.

Those who came to express their condolences were given a small black cat's paw pin as a souvenir.

It was very formal and full of grief.

The organizer is not Feng Qing, but Su Wanying!

She was not worried about being beaten twice by the fat black cat.

Her love for the black cat is deeper than anyone else, and she cried the most sadly after learning the bad news.

Even Zhang Rui ran over to persuade her, and finally cheered up and began to prepare for the funeral.

seven in the morning.

There are not many people in the hotel restaurant.

Feng Qing knocked on Zhong Yuan's door early in the morning and dragged him downstairs for breakfast.

If you can't beat it, you must order boiled eggs.

The little sister is not here, so Feng Qing eats by himself.

Five eggs were peeled and four yolks were discarded.

A bit of a waste. (Egg yolks are too high in cholesterol, so don't eat too much.)

Zhong Yuan habitually reached out and took it away.

After eating and drinking enough, Feng Qing drank the juice in the glass and gave Zhong Yuan a thumbs up in admiration.

"Yuanyuan, you are still awesome! Su Wanying is like a widow, helping you with the funeral! Do you know how popular she was before you came?"

"During the first-year military training, the person who brought her water and supplies could pack three containers!"

Zhong Yuan said casually, "It's too exaggerated. Are you sure it's not three cars with supplies?"

Feng Qing said, "There are so many people! They all came here for the ultimate wish! Later, I couldn't dig it out, so I had to give up. She was so grand that year!"

Zhong Yuan raised his eyebrows, "Feng Qing, what exactly are you trying to say?"

Feng Qing said in a low voice, "Such an awesome girl, she personally helped you decorate the mourning hall, help you keep the mourning, and there are so many people mourning and remembering you! Zhong Yuan, is this your ideal funeral? If your sister Know, she will laugh at you to death!"

Zhong Yuan's heart sank.

It's a showdown, right?

Zhong Lan must not be allowed to know that her big brother is actually dead!

With a sullen face, Zhong Yuan said coldly, "Feng Qing, don't force me!"

"What did I force you to do?"

Feng Qing suddenly stood up, stretched out his hand and pulled Zhong Yuan out of the chair, and said angrily, "Then tell me, why do you not want to live anymore? Why do you want to die so hard?"

"Do you know how much they like you? Did you see them? Heartbroken Zhong Yuan! You can't play with human emotions like this, please be human!"

He was so loud that he attracted the attention of the students who were eating in the dining hall.

"in argument?"

"It's so rare that Feng Qing and Zhong Yuan got into an argument."

"It's hard for everyone when Mao Mao dies. Don't forget, it's just Feng Qing's cat!"

"I heard that Zhong Yuan didn't want to attend Mao Mao's memorial service."

"No wonder Feng Qing is angry!"

All kinds of whispers came.

Feng Qing suppressed his anger and roared at the group of people, "What are you looking at?"

Everyone was silent, hurriedly grabbed a few mouthfuls of food, finished eating and left in a hurry.

Finally, there were only two people left in the restaurant.

Feng Qing took off his sunglasses, and his purple eyes stared fiercely at Zhong Yuan, as if to see through his soul.

"Zhong Yuan, now you can speak freely. Tell me, why don't you want to live?"

He glimpsed the essence of Zhong Yuan from the death of the black cat.

Perhaps, the reason for Zhong Yuan's existence is only to complete a certain task.

Before the task is completed, you can still work hard to survive.

Once the task is completed, it will be like a black cat, without even saying goodbye, choosing to sleep forever without saying a word.

Zhong Lan didn't know anything about Zhong Yuan.

She is still young, thanks to the shadow of her big brother, she enjoys the best educational resources in the military region, and is in the developmental stage.

Count on her to save Zhong Yuan?

She saves a hammer and only knows to eat big steamed buns and strawberry cake!

Feng Qing was worried and couldn't sit idly by.

Seeing Zhong Yuan's indifference to the little mourning hall of the black cat, he finally lost his temper.

"Why don't you talk?! Zhong Yuan, what are your difficulties? Can you tell me? Can you come back alive?"

In the end, it gradually turned into a pleading, expressing everyone's aspirations.

Those people wept bitterly in front of the black cat's body, and even used their medical abilities.

There are not a few people who have used life sharing for black cats.

After directly removing half-life, he gave up completely and stumbled away.

Feng Qing saw it in his eyes, felt pain in his heart, and said sharply, "If you don't speak clearly, don't even think about walking out of the restaurant today!"

Zhong Yuan didn't know why he was so angry.

Isn't it just a dead cat?

He couldn't suddenly disappear in full view, so he had to wait for them to bury the cat Zhong Yuan, cancel the projection immediately, and disappear from the world.

Who knew Feng Qing's reaction was so great.

Wouldn't he become a cat slave too?

It doesn't look like it...

Zhong Yuan turned his head and said bitterly, "Yesterday morning..."

Feng Qing was aggressive and said quickly, "Yesterday you didn't come to have breakfast, you didn't participate in the tactical analysis, and you stayed in your room to sleep all the time! My sister is not here, and you are so devastated. Okay, is there anything else I don't know? ?Ok?"

Zhong Yuan was actually overwhelmed by his momentum, his eyelids twitched, and he beeped softly, "Yesterday morning, Director Gu came over with a knife and asked me if the cat had been sterilized? The little mother cat slipped into the hotel and messed around!"

"He's going too far! At that time, I thought... I might as well die!"

The truth always comes so unexpectedly.

Is this why you ditched your cat Zhong Yuan?

Feng Qing completely stopped thinking.

After a while, he broke down and said, "Look at you, you can solve a hundred things after thinking about a little thing?"

"Cats are not allowed to die, I will go and explain it to Gu Yan later, so that he will stop pointing fingers at you!"

The corners of Zhong Yuan's mouth twitched, and he said, "The mourning hall is all set up, and the video of the memorial service has been edited, so let me watch it."

Feng Qing said without hesitation, "Then wait until the memorial service is over before resurrecting and give them a surprise."

Are you a devil?

Who is not human?

Zhong Yuan had no choice but to agree.

He thought that no one would come to mourn the cat Zhong Yuan, but it turned out to be the complete opposite.

From morning to afternoon, the people who came to see us off never stopped.

The most surprising thing is that the first team of Shangjing University also came.

A group of people yelled at them, but they didn't scold them away.

In fact, Su Zhe has three cats at home and is a senior cat slave...

His grief almost caught up with Su Wanying's, weeping silently, and wanted to hold the cat Zhong Yuan's little paw, but was finally beaten out by Feng Qing.

Jiang Tianshuo also came, and brought a smart electronic pet (for Zhong Yuan), who was finally thrown out by Feng Qing.

Even the people from the TV station came.

A beautiful woman named Cheng Yun, with tears in her eyes, presented a bouquet of flowers to the black cat.

Many people came and left reluctantly.

Even the staff in the hotel were shocked, so many people came to offer their condolences to a mere cat!

Is that commemorative cat's paw pin from Tiffany or Hermès? Is it that rare?

So the hotel staff couldn't help but pay their respects to the remains of the black cat.

For the memorial meeting at night, the lights in the hotel lobby were turned off and all the candles were lit.

Candles illuminated everyone's faces.

Zhong Yuan and Feng Qing sat in the cafe on the second floor, watching the situation downstairs.

Su Wanying is reading the eulogy.

Feng Qing whispered to Zhong Yuan, "Did you see that? So many people are sad when the cat dies. If your deity died, there will be more sad people!"

Zhong Yuan was in a complicated mood and didn't say a word.

Then, I heard Feng Qing say again, "Be strong and live. You can do it!"

Zhong Yuan was about to say something when suddenly, a group of people broke in from outside.

The memorial service started at eight o'clock in the evening, and it has been going on for ten minutes now.

This group of people is definitely not here to offer condolences!

The hotel security couldn't stop it at all, and hurriedly followed behind and shouted, "Several! There is a funeral in the hotel, you can't go in!"

He thought he could use this kind of unlucky reason to drive away the other party, but unexpectedly the young man walking in the front showed a sarcasm on his face.

"It's funny, are you really holding a memorial service for that cat?"

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