Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 250 Happiness Is Different, But Tragedies Are Similar

Why are so many people reluctant to believe that the black cat is dead?

Because it didn't have any scars on it, and it didn't bleed.

Liu Jingyu deliberately avoided it at the last moment, but Baoyan didn't hit it.

What really stops the cat from moving is the icy cold.

It's just badly cold.

However, even the sign-in commissioner can be knocked down with one paw, so how could he be knocked down by the cold air?

It must have just fallen asleep...

The moment the black cat was resurrected, Feng Qing's prestige as the president of the student council finally swelled to the extreme.

"Feng Qing, you saved Mao Mao, right?"

"Who else is there besides him? The strongest in the country!"

"Yeah! Why didn't you tell us sooner? I'm so sad, I haven't eaten all day, and I'm starving now!"


In fact, I already had a premonition when I heard Feng Qing warn Yang Sheng.

With reverence, they began to strongly condemn this guy who secretly saved the cat and kept silent.

Feng Qing accepted it calmly, not guilty at all, and looked towards the coffee shop on the second floor at the same time.


Zhong Yuan is no longer there.

Feng Qing looked at the black cat again.

Damn, surrounded by a group of people.

These people's eyes are shining, and they are full of slavishness, as if rushing up to hug them at any time, and no one dares to take the lead.

The cat Zhong Yuan's tail stood up, and he yelled fiercely at them, "Meow!" Don't mess around! Come one and I'll make one!

He himself thinks I'm super fierce.

In the eyes of the cat slave, the cat made a super cute cry, maybe it was hungry.

Su Wanying's eyes were blurred with tears, she couldn't hide her excitement, she wanted to go up to hug the black cat, but hesitated again.

Got hit twice.

It's only three things, if she is beaten again, her heart will die...

Suddenly someone shouted loudly, "Come on! Su Wanying! What are you waiting for?"

"You are the one who likes cats the most among all of us! It must have sensed your intentions!"

"Don't startle it! Be gentle!"

"Don't hold it to your chest, you will suffocate it!"

The mourning hall was arranged by Su Wanying.

The flowers were spread by her own hands.

The elegiac couplet was written by her.

The condolence gift was purchased by her.

She edited the video and read the eulogy.

Doing everything in one hand is enough to prove Su Wanying's sincerity towards the black cat.

She is the one who is most qualified to be close to cats.

(Ah... I definitely don't want to see her being beaten by the black cat again!)

Countless encouragements flooded in, and Su Wanying broke down in tears and said, "Thank you! Thank you everyone!"

She finally mustered up her courage again and walked towards the black cat.

The cat Zhong Yuan took two steps back and said weakly, "Meow..." Don't come over!

The small mourning hall is exquisite.

Flowers are beautiful.

The video clips are wonderful.

Unfortunately, the eulogy was not heard in its entirety.

Su Wanying is only an auxiliary department, but she refuses to give up a single step, confronting Yang Sheng who came to find fault.

She is a bit vain and desperate for face. But this is just a small shortcoming, and there are more advantages in her.

The cat Zhong Yuan struggled for a moment, and finally squatted down without moving, letting those warm hands embrace him.

At this moment, Su Wanying seemed to have taken off the jewel in the crown, tears streaming down her face.

Faith will move mountains to open!

Finally, for the first time in my life, I managed to get a cat without the help of Zhong Yuan!

Su Wanying was so happy that she carried herself away. Seeing this cat up close is really fascinating.

Its body is so light! So soft! Fluffy and soft.

Holding it in my hand, my heart will melt...

Under the romantic candlelight, lovers finally get married (?), Su Wanying couldn't help pouting her red lips.

Feng Qing was full of black lines, and it was too late to stop him.

There is only a distance of less than one centimeter left, and they are about to touch their mouths.

The cat Zhong Yuan's scalp was numb, and he patted Su Wanying with one paw!


The happiness of cat slaves is different, but the tragedies that happen to them are similar.

Going forward, repeating the same old mistakes, and the tragedy reappeared.

Su Wanying spun around two and a half times on the spot, her eyes turned white, her cheeks were swollen, she fainted and fell to the ground.

"Hey, Su Wanying was beaten..."

"If you don't kiss, it should be fine, right?"

"She is too eager, cats are very cruel when they are hungry!"

"It's a pity, it's a pity! It almost succeeded, and Sister Su has to work harder!"

"Hehe, I will still be beaten to death next time."

The last sentence was said by Feng Qing.

Everyone is convinced.

Successfully predicted the resurrection of the black cat, President Feng is a real god!

And Yangsheng had been dragged away by those people from Zhongnan College.

After eating, they went out for a stroll and happened to come to the vicinity of the Blue Sky Hotel.

Thinking of people from Chengying College living here, someone proposed to come over to say hello.

After all, Zhong Yuan's strength is obvious to all.

The new regulations issued by the organizing committee prohibit all strategic-level capabilities, isn't it aimed at Zhong Yuan?

Back then, Jiang Buyou shocked everyone with his skills and dominated the college league. He had never seen the organizing committee do this.

The new regulations of the organizing committee are tantamount to admitting in disguise that Zhong Yuan is stronger than Jiang Buyou!

How can such a person not make friends?

The results of it?

It was agreed that he would just come over to say hello, but Yang Sheng pretended too much, and even suffered from a second-degree illness when he saw the beautiful woman. In the end, the person who was caught by the cat did not know.

This cat is too cruel...

Fortunately, Zhong Yuan was not here, otherwise he would definitely have left a bad impression on him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry to bother you, goodbye!"

The people from Zhongnan College ran away in desperation.

I was even ashamed to ask Feng Qing to help Yang Shengzhi.

There was no medical department among them, so they had to rush back to the hotel quickly to find someone to treat them.

In the end, the memory of the black cat will come to an end in a joyful atmosphere.

Zhong Yuan left halfway because he received an email.

He has always taken the matter of Fengfeng Mo asking him for help.

A few days ago, I asked someone to help me to check it.

However, he only knew one person in the South China Military Region.

Yan Tuo.

The master who challenged at Chengying Academy last time.

Zhong Yuan borrowed a lot from Yan Tuo's wind scythe in the technique of using air bombs.

The two did not know each other and exchanged contact information.

Therefore, the first thing Zhong Yuan thought of when he wanted to find out about Ye Zhen was to ask Yan Tuo for help.

Although it's a bit thick-skinned, but just check the battle records, it should be fine.

Zhong Yuan returned to the room, opened the email on his mobile phone, and looked at the information sent by Yan Tuo.

Very detailed.

From Ye Zhen's first battle to the last battle.

Zhong Yuan's eyes fixed on a record from several years ago.

In May 2038, a special dispatch was sent to the lighthouse country, Aocheng Xudong to suppress the battle.

Other battle records are very detailed, indicating what type and level it is.

Only this one, the record is vague.

something wrong.

It is very likely that Feng Yumo's big brother fell to the root of his illness in this battle.

The Aocheng Ruins Cave should be a nuclear cave!

Zhong Yuan returned the email to Yan Tuo with a gloomy expression, expressing his gratitude.

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