Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 260 Young Marshal Jiang Buyou Is Also A Very Troubled Day Today

Of course, the organizing committee has no reason to refuse.

However, after checking the camera records, everyone was speechless and found out that Yang Sheng was all filmed!

Go crazy!

Which idiot has set up face recognition, aerial camera, ground camera, locked camera, and no one will be missed!

Fortunately, there were many shots of him being beaten after he landed, and he even shot Zhong Yuan together, so there was finally an explanation!

In this case, if Zhong Yuan is not given vp, there will be no chance of holding a college league in South China in the future!

At the same time, the South China Military Region garrison, the commander's office.

On the big screen, the battle video has finished playing.

The final scene was fixed at the scene where Zhong Yuan was crazily squeezed by three teammates.

It looks very warm, very happy, or a group of big children.

No matter who it is, they can feel their joy through the picture.

A young man in military uniform stood in front of the screen with an angry face, coldly questioning the adjutant beside him.

"Who asked you to suppress Zhong Yuan? Did you deliberately create conflicts between me and Zhong Yuan?"

"You know, what people in other military regions think of me now?"

The adjutant panicked and dared not say anything.

Because the person who questioned him was none other than Jiang Buyou, the youngest major general in the history of China, the commander of the South China Military Region.

Under his leadership, South China is as solid as gold, and the people live and work in peace and contentment, and no ruins are opened for more than an hour.

He has many titles.

What young army gods, super geniuses who meet once in ten thousand years, the future giants of Huaguo, the light of Yanhuang glory, all kinds of things, there are countless praises.

More people still like to use that title to honor him.

Young commander Jiang is not worried.

With him, any problem can be easily solved.

With him here, there is no need to be afraid of any ruins.

He has created countless miracles and reversed countless crises.

He is a legend.

And when Zhong Yuan used the Eternal Ice Region in the league, Jiang Buyou already knew who Xuan Ming was second only to him in the rankings.

No matter how young you are, it's no surprise.

Because, Jiang Buyou emerged in his youth, and became famous all over the world at the age of seventeen. Now he is only twenty-five years old.

Before sending someone to investigate Xuan Ming's identity, of course it was out of pity, not because he was afraid that Xuan Ming would take away the number one throne.

The higher the status, the more important the problem is.

How could a Zhong Yuan threaten his status?

If he really has such ability, Jiang Buyou is willing to let Xian go without saying a word.

The real enemy is the ruins that are opened more and more frequently, as well as the interference and destruction of external forces, rather than internal struggles and power struggles!

The results of it?

A group of people misunderstood what he meant, and not only manipulated the lottery in secret, but also imposed various unfair penalties.

Jiang Buyou took the remote control and turned the screen upside down.

The video goes back to the moment when Zhong Yuan was shot and killed by Yang Sheng.

"It's amazing! Feng Qing was treating someone, and the referee gave him a red card. Yang Sheng's arrow wanted Zhong Yuan's life, but the referee hesitated for two seconds, and just showed him a yellow card..."


Jiang Buyou couldn't contain his anger, so he slapped the desk and shouted, "How courageous! Even the judgment of the college league is so biased!!!"

The adjutant trembled with fear.

This year's league was organized by the South China Military Region, and the organizing committee had arranged for several people from here.

He was just blowing the air a little bit.

I didn't expect to do so excessively, which made the young marshal fly into a rage.

Jiang Buyou got angry, calmed down quickly, and said coldly, "You use my name to warn the organizing committee, and if you dare to deal with Zhong Yuan, all go back to your hometown to receive your pension!"

"In addition, the referee who gave Yang Sheng a yellow card will be banned permanently."


The adjutant shuddered and ran out immediately.

Jiang Buyou frowned, staring at Zhong Yuan whose face was pinched on the screen for a few seconds, and finally turned off the player.

The sooner the misunderstanding is clarified, the better.

Huge feuds that are difficult to reconcile often develop from a small misunderstanding.

Jiang Buyou thinks that he has nothing against Zhong Yuan.

On the contrary, he admired Zhong Yuan's unflappable character.

He obviously has the identity of Xuanming, but he is not Zhang Yang at all.

It is said that there is a flying genius in Central China.

Compared with Zhong Yuan, Yang Sheng is like a child in crotch pants.

Relying on his father's relationship, he obtained the top-grade market crystal, and the strongest Qi Neng teacher in Huaguo increased his success rate. If you can't absorb the ability any more, just kill yourself with a piece of tofu!

Moreover, even if Yang Sheng is suspected of possessing the heaven-defying ability of immortality, it is only the ability to fight alone!

In large-scale operations, it does not play a decisive role and cannot be classified as strategic.

Not as good as Zhong Yuan, not as capable as Zhong Yuan, and not as valuable as Zhong Yuan!

Yangsheng is a dou who can't afford it, give up!

Jiang Buyou kept pacing in the office.

Perhaps, I should make a trip in person to resolve the misunderstanding with Zhong Yuan.

Would it be too abrupt to go directly to express your apology?

Perhaps Zhong Yuan felt that he came to say hello for the sake of his strategic ability.

So, let the adjutant go and apologize on his behalf?


Not sincere and not formal enough!

I still hope to make friends in person!


I am 25 and he is 16!

With a 9-year difference, will there be a generation gap? !

When I meet him, what is the best topic to talk about?

It is said that children of Zhong Yuan's age are popular to dance awkwardly on the stairs!

In case he invites me to dance together, should I agree?

Uh, why are you jumping?

No matter, let's meet up first!

Everyone said that Jiang Buyou was synonymous with perfection.

In fact, he was super tangled!

Before taking action, you must first deduce the possibility a hundred or eighty times in your mind, and finally choose the best plan.

Sometimes, I struggled with a small matter for a long time, and finally decided to give up.

Just when Jiang Buyou was struggling with how to meet Zhong Yuan, a shocking news broke out in the college league.

Zhongnan College's Yangsheng team, withdrew!

They only lost one battle, and the ranking is still high.

If Feng Qing's team loses in the following games, they can still compete for the championship.

However, retire!

Yangsheng was mentally abnormal and was admitted to the hospital for emergency treatment, so he was unable to continue to compete.

The defense system of his team was even worse. Persecuted delusional disorder, crying all the time, and was given tranquilizers to calm down.

At this moment, everyone began to think that there might be a big problem with Zhongnan College's education method.

The first team is selected, and it is unbearable to lose only one game.

With their psychological quality, can they go to the battlefield?

You have to cry the moment you see a foreign race rushing out of the cave!

This is actually true.

Several squares in the Central China Military Region are too dangerous, and Zhongnan College implements a rationing system for Ruin Crystals, so students don't need to enter the squares to hunt for Ruin Crystals.

Therefore, many of the warriors over there chose to focus on the defense system, which lacked a bit of momentum.

The college league is first selected in the college, and Zhongnan College directly takes Yang Sheng as the core, and forms a team based on his ability.

Going to Fangjie to hunt is also the easiest place to enter.

Why was there no team in Central China willing to track down the poachers in Shennongjia, but the God of War team in East China was allowed to go out instead?

Here's why!

All failures start with educational failures!

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