Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 283: Naturally Different Cultivation Experience

When subjected to a lethal attack, a Ruiner may overreact.

The same goes for aiming at deadly parts.

Even if you don't really make a shot, you have to be punished heavily.

None of the referees came.

Tactical experts also have the power to judge, but they basically don't use it.

There is no way to take back the cards that are punished, and the penalty will be enforced even if the penalty is wrong.

Nobody wants to make mistakes.

It's fine not to.

However, not punishing when it should be punished, and punishing blindly when it should not be punished. Is this still a fair and strict college league?

If there is a problem, it is necessary to shoot!

Seeing what happened in court No. 4, the cat Zhong Yuan decisively showed a red card.

At the same time, Jiang Buyou was also watching the live broadcast in the office.

Of course, his focus is not on the players he is fighting against, but on...

Did the Zhai Zhai Le cat litter, which was customized overnight, attract the cat Zhong Yuan?

If he doesn't buy a house worth 30 million yuan, then build a luxurious cat litter!

how about it?


Are you lying on your stomach and don't want to leave?

Jiang Buyou sat in the office with two devil horns on his head, smiling.

Especially when he saw that the players on court No. 4 were sent off by off-court referees for violating the rules, he became even more certain that the cat's nest battle plan had succeeded.

Ordinary referees would not be so bold as to send someone off.

Only Zhong Yuan, who has been treated unfairly, knows the true meaning of this red card.

Sure enough, in the No. 4 field, the person who was sent off was full of remorse, did not appeal, and left the field in shame.

Guan Tiecheng is a local player, playing at home. This red card is suspected of covering up, but since it was shown, it means that this penalty standard will be followed in the upcoming matches.

Once you express your intention to attack lethally, you will be given a red card immediately!

The webcast received rave reviews.

"Punishment well! Don't let Yang Sheng's arrow ruin the atmosphere of the league!"

"You should teach those who use their brains hard!"

"It's not too late for the organizing committee to wake up now! I give this card a five-star rating!"

The organizing committee's wind assessment continues to recover.

In the live broadcast room, Cheng Yun said in surprise, "The battle in No. 4 venue is over. Guan Tiecheng won easily because his opponent received a red card!"

One sentence overshadowed the sensitive issue of penalties, and Cheng Yun added, "The battle on the No. 1 venue has also ended, and this year's individual competition has a big upset. The defending champion Su Zhe was eliminated by Feng Qing!"

"His two attacks came back without success. If it was just one, it might be explained by bad luck. Su Zhe's defeat for two consecutive times was not accidental, but inevitable."

"Old Cui, did you foresee this ending a long time ago?"

Cheng Yun blushed, full of admiration for Cui Qusheng.

It was said before the game that Su Zhe might be in trouble, it was true! Old Cui's vision is good enough!

Cui Qusheng smiled slightly, but secretly sweated.

I thought Feng Qing would play tricks and get beaten on purpose, relying on the sun to recover, and then fight back.

Unexpectedly, a retrospective is useless!

That's weird, what ability did you use?

If you can’t explain it, it still depends on the research and judgment of the organizing committee, they are more authoritative.

The so-called authority can only make wild guesses based on hearsay.

After a while, the judgment came out.

Cheng Yun said excitedly, "It turns out that Feng Qing can also predict attacks, no wonder he defeated Su Zhe's Shadow Escape! What a miraculous ability, how did he cultivate it?"

Cui Qusheng was also speechless, and said in a deep voice, "No one in other military regions has the ability to predict. Only the East China Military Region has such talents appearing again and again. I think they may have mastered the method of cultivating the ability to predict!"

Cheng Yun immediately said, "That's true, will it be promoted nationwide?"

Cui Qusheng frowned slightly, but did not answer.

Beauty, I am very embarrassed when you ask this question.

Before the horoscope has been written, it is not known whether they are willing to hand over the training method.

If you directly talk about promotion, you are clearly putting people on fire...

On the other side, Feng Qing returned to the rest area and received warm applause like a triumphant hero.

Zhang Rui turned into a little girl, staring eyes said, "Captain, you are too strong! The last champion was eliminated by you! It was so easy to win... I don't even know who is better, you or Zhong Yuan!"

"It's okay, the opponent is vulnerable. I'm not as good as Yuan Yuan."

Zhang Rui secretly thought: I think so too.

Shangguanyi snorted coldly, "Feng Qing, don't think that if you win Su Zhe, you are number one in the country! I will beat you in this competition!"

He finally stopped talking about blowing up, obviously acknowledging Feng Qing's ability to fight alone.

Xie Yihan smiled, "Why don't we celebrate today..."

Before saying how to celebrate, Gu Yan came over with a phone.

After a few compliments, he asked, "Feng Qing, the organizing committee wants you to confirm whether you have the ability to predict."


Feng Qing was stunned.

I didn't even know I had this ability, so you put it on me?

If I can predict, will I not be able to escape Zhong Yuan's eternal ice?

Well, it seems that there is no way to escape.

In any case, the secret of the purple eyes can't be leaked out, just let them think about it.

Feng Qing grinned, acquiescing to Gu Yan's statement.

"I knew it was like that."

Gu Yan smiled gratifiedly, and then his expression became serious.

"Feng Qing, you are a leader in the medical department. The predictive ability you cultivated the day after tomorrow is of great significance. It can allow the medical department to avoid many unknown risks. Would you like to share your cultivation experience?"

Feng Qing's head grew bigger.

What cultivation experience?

Cultivation experience born with a different kind: eat and sleep, sleep and eat.

As you grow older, your strength will naturally increase and your ability will become stronger. Maybe new abilities will be awakened. In fact, it is no different from other races, it is accumulated over time.

Tell you the truth and you'll be pissed off...

Feng Qing hesitated for a moment, leaned into Gu Yan's ear, and whispered, "Ask Zhong Yuan, I practiced with him."

Dear friend, help me block it, anyway, you are more amazing than me!

Then, Zhong Yuan felt a scorching gaze fall on him. Almost piercing through his projected body.

The last time I met such a stare was when Director Gu proposed to cut chickens for the cat Zhong Yuan...

Zhong Yuan was taken aback and said in surprise, "Director Gu, what do you think I am doing?"

"Nothing, nothing! You play the game first!"

Gu Yan chuckled and walked away.

Zhong Yuan: ...

On the referee's seat, the tactician solved the problem of Feng Qing's ability and began to discuss another more difficult problem.

"What should I do? The black cat randomly pressed the referee device and issued a red card!"

"No one has come to complain until now, should it be all right?"

"It's definitely not going to be all right, maybe the team contacted the military area and came to protest!"

"This cat can't be allowed to mess around! It will affect the justice of the competition!"

Here comes the problem.

Who is going to drive it away?

Several people glanced at the black cat carefully, and no one was willing to take the responsibility of chasing the cat.

After a moment of silence, someone finally had an idea and said, "Don't drive it out of the cat's nest, move it with the cat and the cat's nest!"

"good idea!"

"Find a player with the ability of shadow servant, and carry the tentacles!"

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