What does it mean to be able to be saved?

Isn't there still life?

Feng Qing said speechlessly, "Aren't you hanging on to his life just to wait for me to save him?"

Wang Podi was frightened and trembled.

no no no! I never thought that Zhong Yuan would bring you here!

Seeing the other party's hesitation, Feng Qing asked again, "Do you want to treat him or not?"

Wang Podi hesitated, "Then, you try?"

Zhong Yuan's pupils shrank slightly, and he wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

Back to the sun! launch!

I saw that Peng Bu's status was refreshed immediately.

At the last moment, his chest was still bloody and bloody, which was horrible.

Now it is intact, strong and full.

His chest heaved up and down, his heartbeat and breathing resumed, and then he slowly opened his eyes.

"I, didn't I die? Did I survive again..."

Pember himself couldn't believe the fact that he was still alive.

Feng Qing said speechlessly, "I don't even look at who saved you. If I take action, you will definitely not die."

Peng Bu was shocked, feeling that his ability was still there, he couldn't help being shocked, and said in a broken voice, "You are the legendary Suri..."

Feng Qing said coldly, "You can speak Chinese well. However, it's useless to try to imitate me."

Peng Bu was in a complicated mood, and murmured, "Unexpectedly, in my lifetime, I will be able to pay homage to the owner of the retrograde sun!"

Hua Guo only regards Feng Qing's retrospective ability as a medical ability, but Iron Tower Kingdom believes that it is a precious time-based ability.

So far, there are only two time system abilities in the world.

Back to the sun.

Absolutely still.

If Feng Qing was from the Iron Tower Kingdom, his every move would be monitored, and no matter where he went, someone would watch him.

Hua Guo didn't seem to do such a thing to him.

He is free to do whatever he wants...

Peng Bu became a little envious.

Zhong Yuan felt something was wrong.

The power of life can at most allow Peng Bu to grow a heart, but it cannot allow him to recondense the alien crystals in his body.

Feng Qing's backtracking made Peng Bu possess the Ruin Crystal again, forcibly turning the only heterogeneous Ruin Crystal into two!

That's right, this was the reason for Wang's hesitation and fear before breaking the enemy.

Follow the above practice.

Kill Peng Bu again, take out the alien crystal, hang his life at the same time, and let Feng Qing heal him immediately. Isn't it unlimited access to death crystals?

Such an operation violates human relations and is evil! Must be banned!

However, the temptation to obtain precious heterogeneous market crystals indefinitely is too great...

For a while, Wang Podi had a hard time deciding whether to report this matter.

Seeing this, Zhong Yuan narrowed his eyes viciously, and said slowly, "Director Wang, Feng Qing is my best friend. Can you give me a face and help keep this matter secret?"

Wang Podi cannot be allowed to report Feng Qing's ability to restore the alien crystal, otherwise there will be no peace.

It seems to be a discussion, but it is actually a threat.

Wang Podi faced Zhong Yuan's gaze directly, and a terrifying chill rose from his back.

Zhong Yuan has such a keen mind!

What happens if I refuse?

Wang Podi hesitated for a moment, then said, "Everything we do is for the country."

Zhong Yuan exuded a faint murderous intent, and said softly, "The country is so big, it's no big deal if one or two people are missing."

When Wang Podi heard the words, his head was covered with cold sweat, and he said hastily, "Yuan Yuan, don't worry, our Market Management Bureau is the best at keeping secrets! I won't say anything!"

The corner of Zhong Yuan's mouth raised slightly, and he said, "With your words, I feel relieved."

At this time, Peng Bu suddenly said, "If I'm not mistaken, the ability to attack us should be the guillotine."

After all, he is a national treasure-level ability user of the Iron Tower Kingdom and knows many secrets.

Especially those abilities that foreign countries are unwilling to disclose, Hua Guo has no way of knowing, but Peng Bu has heard of them.

It was the first time Wang Podi heard about the ability of sacrifice to the guillotine, so he hurriedly asked, "What kind of ability is this?"

Pember said, "I don't know the specifics. It should be an attack at the cost of sacrificing other people's lives."

Wang Podi was startled, "The more people killed, the stronger the attack?"

"Not exactly." Peng Bu thought for a moment and said, "I remember that the number of sacrifices determines the number of times the ability can be activated, and it also has a certain locking effect!"

Zhong Yuan's complexion changed suddenly, and a strong uneasiness came to his heart, and he sternly shouted, "Get out!"

If what Peng Bu said was true, then the two dead beasts placed in the grass would make sense.

Sacrifice a wolf.

The first slash from the guillotine killed the driver of the pioneer car and forced the parking team.

Sacrifice a boar.

Send out the second slash, killing the three prisoners in the explosion-proof car.

Thus, there were four more sacrifices.

Then, proceed to sacrifice the person who has just died.

The third slash killed the two warriors in the pioneer car.

The fourth slash kills the two people inside the explosion-proof vehicle.

The fifth slash, the king of attack breaks the enemy!

The sixth slash, shoot down the helicopter!

Count the dead bodies.

Including wild beasts, there are eleven in total.

In other words, eleven guillotine attacks can be launched!

So far, there have only been six attacks.

There are five remaining pending!

At some point, everyone gathered around Peng Bu!

If the guillotine is smashed down five times at the same time, it will be killed indiscriminately, and the group will be wiped out immediately!

The moment Zhong Yuan issued a warning, five invisible guillotines fell from the sky!

Wang Podi reacted the fastest, and immediately activated Shadow Dungeon to enter the shadows.

As soon as Zhong Yuan sensed the crisis, he immediately activated the ability of the airspace master.

The huge invisible wings spread out in an instant, and he quickly flew backwards with Feng Qing, successfully avoiding the fatal blow of the guillotine.

Except for them, the situation of others is very bad.

Three of the six warriors were split in two by an invisible guillotine. They had no time to run, and their bodies were divided into two halves.

The other three people had better luck, only half of their bodies were cut off, so they would not die on the spot.

The most bizarre one is Pember.

He was still lying on the ground when the attack came.

Maybe it was Zhong Yuan who reminded him in time, or maybe it was the energy warriors around him who helped him stop the falling speed of the guillotine.

At the critical moment, Peng Bu turned over, put his head in his hands, bent his knees, curled up his body into a shrimp shape, narrowly escaped the siege of the two guillotines!

Don't forget, he is still restrained and unable to move freely.

This is the quality of the world's top killers.

I don't know how many hardships and crises he has experienced, but Peng Bu survived the inevitable situation...

And that helicopter pilot was lucky too. In order to avoid suspicion, I have been standing at a distance of 20 meters away, and I have not been affected at all.

Zhong Yuan carried Feng Qing and flew high above to look down.

"Since no one is around, how does the guillotine determine our location?"

"The problem lies with the shadow servant who is separated!"

"It hasn't left! It's been lurking in the shadows! It's a tip-off for the guillotine warriors!"

not good! Wang Podi uses shadow escape to avoid danger, and will be attacked by shadow servants!

However, the feared things did not happen.

A few seconds later, Wang Podi jumped out of the shadows intact. Seeing three more people died, his face was extremely ugly.


at the same time.

On a food street in Guangyuan City, a man and a woman lingered in front of various food stalls along with the bustling crowd.

The man looked twenty-five or six years old, wearing a peaked cap with the brim pressed down very low, and a black jacket.

The woman was less than twenty years old, with a straight nose, gray-blue eyes, and long, soft chestnut hair.

She was holding a paper cup full of fish ball powder in her hand, eating while walking, and said to the man in the peaked cap, "Ye Zhen, I heard that your country of Hua is the fastest in responding to emergencies in the world. Really?"

"it is true."

"However, they are really good food, but they are also stupid!"

"It's because you are so smart that no one else can compare."

"Hee hee, thank you for your praise. It's a pity that your shadow servant's time is up, and I can't see if you killed them in the last shot."

"It's all right. It's here."

"That's right! Congratulations! Now, you are the god of death!"

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