Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 32 Instructor's Expectations

Seeing Zhong Lan's proud appearance, Zhong Yuan knew that she must have succeeded in absorbing it.

The mood is getting more and more complicated.

It's not that the family has the joy of a young girl growing up.


Zhong Yuan seemed to see that Zhong Lan had gone back to the old path of crazily killing monsters.

Lin Dongliang has the grace to know her.

It was Lin Dongliang who changed her fate.

And at the end of her destiny, she fought to the death with the black claw in the ruins cave.

Zhong Yuan murmured, "I won't have the same tragedy happen again..."

"Brother! What are you talking about?" Zhong Lan pouted angrily, and said depressedly, "You don't even ask me what ability I have absorbed! You don't care about me anymore!"

Zhong Yuan collected his thoughts and asked quickly, "What ability?"

There is a reminder in his mind that he can absorb all the abilities in a ruin crystal, and it can be upgraded.

What about Zhong Lan?

They are brothers and sisters, does she also have such golden fingers?

At this time, Zhong Lan said triumphantly, "I have absorbed two abilities. Divine Speed ​​and Tianyuan."

In terms of cognition of alien races, Zhong Yuan is really a noob.

Divine speed, as the name suggests, should be the ability to accelerate.

Tian Yuan, what ability?

Seeing the confused look on the big brother's face, Zhong Lan couldn't help showing off.

The two walked along the boulevard towards the cafeteria.

There is a pure copper sculpture on the front lawn.

The image is of two people with outstretched arms towards the sky.

Zhong Lan walked quickly to the sculpture, and said with a smile, "Brother, look after you!"

As soon as the words fell, she turned around without warning.

The short legs threw out a violent leg whip, and slammed it on the pure copper sculpture.

The pleated skirt was lifted to reveal cute white safety pants.

The extremely hard sculpture couldn't bear the huge force, and it was kicked in half by this kick!

Metal shards scattered across the lawn.

The two bronze men who embraced the sun and embraced the future were instantly crushed by the little sister!

Zhong Lan landed on both feet, poured out a mouthful of foul air, and said proudly, "Tianyuan!"

Tian Yuan: Greatly increase its own attack power, and gather the power to release it with one click. The attack must hit! Red level lv3!

This is the hidden ability of the Fire Cloud Queen Bee that has never been discovered so far.

Not to mention how much attack can be improved, the attribute of being sure to hit is enough to defy the sky.

As long as Zhong Lan absorbs another powerful attack skill and cooperates with Tian Yuan to use it, he will definitely take off, enough to become one of the strongest.

Moreover, she is the first market energy user with the ability of Tianyuan. Her name will go down in the annals of the Ruins.

It's a pity that it failed to absorb the most powerful fire attribute attack ability of the queen bee.

However, she has already brought a huge surprise to everyone.

Zhong Lan still remembered how Uncle Lin wept with joy when he absorbed Tianyuan.

She was eager to see the big brother praise herself with surprise on his face.

However, the imagined situation did not happen.

big brother's reaction was a bit dull...

Her mood suddenly became depressed, and she whispered, "Brother, what's wrong with you? Why are you not happy at all?"

Of course Zhong Yuan couldn't be happy.

The younger sister has shown a tendency towards violent madness, without even thinking about it, she kicked the bronze statue and broke it.

When her strength gets stronger, won't the sky be turned upside down?

Zhong Yuan was so worried that his heart almost jumped again.

He said faintly, "Lan Lan, of course I am happy that you have absorbed such a powerful ability. But, have you ever thought that you will lose money if you kick the school's property?"

"Ah?" Zhong Lan opened her mouth, finally realized that she had gone too far, lowered her head in shame, and apologized, "I'm sorry, I was too excited, I never thought of such a thing."

Zhong Yuan rubbed her hair and said, "It is good to have power. But this power is not for you to abuse. Protecting what you think is worthwhile is the right way."

"Yeah! I understand!" Zhong Lan nodded, but she didn't think so.

If she doesn't show her strength, others will only look down on her.

Just like when Xu Jing was recruited that day, the instructor obviously gave up, and later stopped helping Qi Neng.

It was she who successfully absorbed Tianyuan by relying on her own ability.

Now, is she still afraid that the instructor won't help?

The instructor said that he is willing to help her get energy at any time!

What's the point of kicking down a bronze statue?

Zhong Yuan said gently, "After breakfast later, I will write the self-criticism, and then we will go to the instructor's office to surrender."

Zhong Lan said anxiously, "You won't punish me, right?"

Zhong Yuan smiled, "You are still young and ignorant. Even if you have to be punished, it is my responsibility. I did not value you."

Zhong Lan said loudly, "If the academy punishes you, then I will tell Uncle Lin to let them revoke your punishment!"

Zhong Yuan comforted, "At least he is a major, so don't treat him as a nanny."

Zhong Lan finished his breakfast amidst Zhong Lan's constant worries and self-blame.

Zhong Yuan hand-wrote a self-criticism, two or three pages in length. After polishing it, he felt that there was no problem, so he took his sister to the instructor's office.

Surveillance cameras are everywhere in the academy, as long as you investigate the records, you will know who broke the statue.

It's better to admit the mistake quickly and ask for leniency.

Zhong Yuan decided to take all the faults on himself, and was mentally prepared to remember the faults.

In the end, when Liu Wen heard about their intentions, she didn't express anything, but lightly reprimanded Zhong Lan.

"Kicked well, don't play again next time."


It's that simple?

No need to lose money?

It's too tolerant!

Since he is not responsible, Zhong Yuan will not take the initiative to ask for compensation.

"Instructor, if it's okay, my sister and I will leave first."

Just about to leave, Liu Wen hesitated for a moment, then said suddenly,

"Zhong Yuan, you have performed very well in this military training. Do you want to try to absorb Xu Jing to become a market energy user? I am free now, and I can activate energy for you."

Failing to notice that Zhong Yuan is an ordinary person, let him take risks and almost die in Fangjie. Liu Wen felt guilty and wanted to make amends.

Zhong Yuan was startled.

The instructor doesn't even know that I've become a Ruin Warrior?

Feng Qing didn't communicate with her?

Also a black-bellied guy!

He thought for a while and said, "Thank you instructor for your kindness, I don't think you need to help Qi Neng."

"Really..." Liu Wen was slightly disappointed.

Zhong Yuan didn't seem to be able to hit Xu Jing in the square boundary of Shemen Mountain.

That's right, his watch was robbed, and it was not easy to get out alive.

Liu Wen thought bitterly: What am I expecting?

My sister's talent is against the sky, but it doesn't mean his talent is also against the sky!

What's more, he has no interest in marketers, so he refuses my help immediately.

Alas, even if you don't need it now, you can try it again when you get the Ruin Crystal later. What are you doing if you talk to death?

Wait, that uniform belongs to the student union!

Liu Wen blinked.

What the hell is Feng Qing doing again, why did he let Zhong Yuan join the student union?

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